Trans rights protester removed after disrupting Kathleen Stock's Oxford Union talk

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A talk at the Oxford Union was disrupted by a trans rights protester staged a sit-in demonstration.

The protester was campaigning against the speaker, Kathleen Stock, whose views on transgender issues have been controversial.

Police and security removed the protester after some time and the talk continued.

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So brave... protesting the scary lesbian who speaks up about biological women's safety and rights.


I'd like to know when women have the right to say they don't want biological men in their sports. The woke agenda clearly doesn't support women's rights.


Tolerance is one thing, but I have REAL problem with grown men being allowed into women's toilets and girls changing rooms..


*_The purpose of progressive propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform — but to humiliate; and so the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is eroded._*
*_A society of emasculated liars is easier to control._*

- *Theodore Dalrymple*


Oxford students who don't know how to argue, how to debate, how to listen to and read other people's arguments. Paints a pretty sad picture.


When you can't debate your ideas, throw your toys out the pram...


Fascists certainly look different nowadays, can you imagine saying 30 years ago that this is what fascists would look like in 2023…


I have watched a lot of videos of these rich kids and can sum up the arguments made by every single one of them- which are:

1. Don’t pathologise trans identity. However, you must offer treatment for gender dysphoria with medication and surgery.
2. Only refer to people by language they want. However, it is fine for us to label you “cis”.
3. The real self is fundamentally separate from the material body. However, transforming one’s body can be crucial for personal wholeness.
4. Gender identity is a social construct. However, authentic identity may be attached to stereotypical male and female dispositions.
5. People should be free to believe in what they want. However, you must see the world through our ideological lens.
6. The trans community (1% of the population) must be listened to. However, the experiences of detransitioners (1% of trans community) should be ignored.
7. Children should not be able to smoke, drink alcohol, vote or get a tattoo. However, they should be able to consent to potentially irreversible medication.
8. You must understand us. However, you can never understand us because you haven’t had our lived experience.
9. If the media report a crime and specify it was committed by a trans person, this is transphobia. However, reporting an accolade and failing to mention that the person is trans is erasure.
10. Be kind. However, it’s okay for us to throw slurs at those we disagree with.

To summarize- we are silly, little privileged suburban brats who have no experience of life and the real world, or the everyday struggles normal men and women face.


I don't think gender politics will be universally accepted, this craziness will not fly
I, as a gay man do not support this modern gender - you can be whatever you imagine yourself to be and others need to do what I want - ideology and I wish LGB would split from T, we have nothing in common


If people had just told Riz she was a smashing, lovely "tom-boy" and that that was perfectly okay, instead of filling her head with unscientific shite about bodily transmogrification and mystical dualistic mumbo-jumbo about being "trapped in the wrong body", she might have developed into a relatively sane individual instead of an obnoxious, ego-centric petty tyrant.


I don't care about your motives. Protest outside or be arrested. I have no idea who Kathleen is.


This past the Independents editorial process..


Should be Pretendy rights, not trans rights. The word trans is a lie if cource.
And I believe every Pretendy is under the same human rights as the nonpretenders.


where's the actual talk from Kathleen.


arrest the totalitarian with the glue on her fingers, unscrew the floorboards if you have to. Totalitarianism will not win!


I was wondering what stunt these people were going to do.


obviously the Oxford Union has a large following and gets a lot of attention but why would you protest for Trans rights in an institution that is in a very progressive state at the moment, the Union fully support all the LGBTQ+ and our rights. I just don't understand. (Edit: this is coming from an Oxford Union member)


🥱🥱🥱 is anyone else bored with this constant obsession with LGBT folk.
