Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon, the New Book by Author David Whelan.

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Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon, the New Book by Author David Whelan.
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Thank you both for this. I'm almost 65 and grew up real time with Lennon. The whole world mourned this soul! A great loss to his family and all of us.


I've been waiting for someone to put together that the CIA killed Lennon since the day he was shot. It is important to know John was killed for a reason by the dark forces he opposed than rather by an insane killer for no reason. A senseless murder is far more painful for me than Lennon dying for a noble cause: 'just give me the truth'-as Lennon once wrote and sang...


Glad I took the time to listen to this. Very good. But, I listen to all your interviews. Cheers William! And Merry Christmas 🎄


Thank you for doing this one. This is vital information.


The Freemason In The Rye is an interesting theory. There’s a podcast on it. Thank you for this guest!


I love your work William. What do you think about Jimi Hendrix's death?
A lot of strange circumstances. His girlfriend was gone for an oddly long time taking a trip to the store to just get cigarettes. They found a tremendous amount of alcohol in his body akin to a drowning. Michael Jeffries had already staged a kidnapping of Jimi apparently with the mob prior to his death according to the Aleem twins, Jimi's long time friends. I believe Michael Jeffries, Jimi's manager was most likely behind it.


I read Who Killed John Lennon?
by Fenton Bresler years ago and it was scary and mind opening.


Celebrities are either controlled or dead.


Superb show. Methinks that they murdered John for truncating the era of anti-US-empire war protest before Raygun & Poppy Bush executed their counterrevolutionary burial of that preceding Sturm und Drung era against the US empire's wars. This stamping of the end of the anti-war protest era was intentionally reinforced by the invasion of Grenada, while utterly ludicrous as a military event, it nevertheless was used to declare that "America was back" on the imperial offensive, and moreover, that the Grenada invasion was the evidence that it had overcome the "Vietnam Syndrome" of Lennon's anti-war music helped grow. While we had not too many years later, many musicians calling out South African apartheid as repped by the "Don't Play Sun City", we haven't seen the same happening yet develop in the musical world any significant assemblage of musicians to call on the world to rise up against the US/Israeli apartheid and genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestine. John Lennon surely would have raised his voice against this heinous slaughter as did the great journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger who just passed away.


I believe this was another political hit, but Nixon had already resigned. The Viet Nam war was long since over. The implications are disturbing, depending on who you think ordered the killing and why.


Didn the first shot spin john round would that explain the frontal shots? I think the distances seem strange it's not that large a gateway and not far from sidewalk to the vestibule! I do think he was assasinted ! I always thought he walked into the lobby said im shot and fell down, he was carrying tape player and tapes. The do it do it do it do it, john sang in bring on the lucie! Also john had death threats77 to 78 apparently ! There certainly are more questions than answers, that levy guy threatened to have john shot during the copyright litigation that resulted in the rock n roll lp! Sean bellieves his father was assasinated and hes likely to know more than a lot of people about tha night ! I think yoko heard first shot and crouche down in the darkness and went in behind john im not totaly sure, but the door man telling chaman to run is strange? Didnt yoko say to the police she wanted to see chapman before she got in the car to follow john to hospital, apparently she took a look at him?


Lee Harvey Oswald, Chapman both have links to Fort Worth, Texas.


Heard the doorman had on his wrist a watch belonging to Che gavara


So how would they have timed this for this night considering Mark had been hanging around the Dakota on and off since October (if I'm not mistaken)?


i regret not writing my book idea into reality. i believe Yoko either organised it or got others to organise it.Chapman was obsessed with Jon being a phony and said it alot and gave it as one of the other reason for killing him using the exact word phony. Yoko had a song on her and Johns final album which came out within a couple weeks of his murder and these songs were to each other specifically.Theres interviews with both of them saying that her songs were to him as replies to his songs and his were replies to her songs.The song was called im moving on and she repeatedly sings IM MOVING ON MOVING ON YOURE GETTING PHONY.Lots of talk about how they really didnt wanna be with each other any more but they felt trapped by the perfect couple personas they had created.Yoko had another man before John was killed and within a couple weeks shes seen walking round new york with him and hes wearing Johns clothes


How can we be sure he didn't fake his death using a decoy?
