Why Does Social Security Deny so Many Deserving Claims

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Besides complaints about the long delays in disability claim evaluation, the next most common issue people have with Social Security has to do with denials. #SSDI

State agency adjudicators - the folks who make decisions on your #applicationfordisabilitybenefits and your #reconsiderationappeal - deny approximately 70% of claims submitted, yet over 40% of those #adjudicator denials are eventually approved by judges 2 years later. Why can’t the adjudicators get it right and save you the stress and financial suffering.

Similarly, hearing judges turn down over 50% of claims they hear - why is the number that high and does Social Security have any “target” number for the percentage of cases that should be approved.

As I discuss in this video there are many reasons that deserving claims are denied. Often the problem can be as simple as lack of evidence, and sometimes the problem arises from the built in arbitrary nature of disability evaluation.

We can’t control how adjudicators and judges think but we can make sure that all relevant evidence is part of your record, and we can provide evidence that has proven successful in other cases.

What do you think? Why does SSA deny claims that should clearly be approved? #socialsecuritydisability #socialsecuritydisabilityjudges #disabilityhearings

===============FREE SURVIVAL KIT====================
Don’t know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at

==============FREE CASE EVALUATION=================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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I was denied disability the first time. I watched this mans videos. When I applied again and did what he suggested I was approved in 3 weeks. Ginsberg saved my life and he didn't even represent me. Thank you


That's so sad that a judge would loose their job over approving people


May 30th 19 will be 5 years for me applying and getting denied. Being educated is not a good thing when it comes to disability. ughh.


This system is messed up. I have a family member who got approved at initial application stage and they were working and had only seen one specialist and had one x-ray. Yes they need hip surgery but they were still working and have not had surgery. It makes no sense to me.


Thank you, sir everything you said is absolutely true. Until you yourself feel pain you can't believe or describe it properly to someone else.


Thanks to great information from you, it made the Journey much more tolerable, you helped tremendously, Thank you for your timely, concise information, Thank you Counselor, Thank you


Could you do a full video update on 3 and 5 year medical reviews on how to succeed when the time comes Mr. G?


It seems you have to be dying to get it


I've been dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD and OCD for my entire adult life. I'm 48 yo and I've been struggling going back and forth between trying to work and be on my own AND applying for SSI. I keep getting denied. I'm at my wit's end because it seems like they think you have to be uneducated in order to be disabled.


If you can, go yourself and get your medical records and make a copy to keep for yourself. Keep a copy with you when you go to appointments.


The judge that I saw had a reputation for being nasty and disapproving people. All attorneys are familiar with her bad attitude. I was unlucky and was assigned her for my case. I am at the appeals stage.


Why did I get denied twice and have to go to a hearing in April if i meet a listing?


What kind of job lets employees deny most people, emotionally and financially damage those same people, and be WRONG - and yet THEY get pay with benefits - SOCIAL SECURITY!


Got ssi in 6 months first try no lawyer spinal stenosis , 3 herniated disc by mri panic disorder etc got bk pay in 30days..Illinois resident functional compacity forms filled out at beginning of application by doctor and psychiatrist and podiatrist and 4 months after applying these forms matter..also pain clinic and physical therapy records help..I'm also 33 I turned in all my records myself ..I mean all I didnt wait for ssa.i called and made sure my caseworker got them I stayed on them..you have to keep in touch with your dds caseworker I also was still sent to ssi doctors..just go...that's why 2 sets of functional compacity forms was filled out my disabilities got worse during process get those forms done asap and most my disabilities met a listing which my docs noted on forms I watched these videos and became my own lawyer ty for all the advice


Johnathan Ginsburg thank you for answering my questions follow him he is spot on


I just got approved thanks to an appeals counsel who completely overruled and disagreed with everything the judge said.
The judge mistreated me and my witness horribly, and trashed on my attourney, and he didnt even look at the medical evidence. He went over the list and denied everything and threw out the opinions of the adjudicator immediately, and wrote that the adjudicator was wrong and unqualified.
He said that about multiple doctors including several of the government SSI doctors that evaluated me specifically for the SSI case.

I cannot believe how absolutely inappropriate my judge was with handling my case.
I can't believe how insulting and rude he was to everyone involved.
How can a judge like this still be on the bench?

This is so unfair and humiliating, not just for me but my attourney, and my witness as well.


You need to document everything the scare the crap out of everybody.


Because they are evil as f....that's why my mom was totally paralyzed from a car accident that left her totally paralyzed from head to toe was denied 2 times when she did got approved she died same dam year


Always very informative videos Thank you


I am now waiting to see the ALJ judge after my initial and reconsideration both resulted in denials. It's a struggle to keep my head above water. I never thought I'd say I miss working but once you can't do it you really do miss it. It's hard to not get discouraged, and the waiting is brutal.
