difference between dead works and good works

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Romans 1-4 - Justification in Heaven and Earth
Romans 5-8 - Christ in You as Life
Important Distinctions between the New Testament and the New Covenant
3 Messages on God's Eternal Purpose and Economy

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Amen! The joy of Christ in us outweighs the wage of the flesh! It's really beautiful once you see and understand the burden is gone and we can just enjoy Christ and rest in his promises by faith in the blood! Nothing more nothing less we are complete in Christ! PG!😁💜


I was in dead works for soooo long! I knew that something wasn’t right...., until I finally understood the Gospel.


David this is 100% for me! I struggle so much with this. The way I show love to others is by acts of service I’ve been that way my whole life when I love somebody I do things for them serve them to show love and to get love. I really have this mental block I keep wanting to be good do good so Jesus will love me and I can show him my love but the problem is I sin I mess up and then I beat myself up so bad I don’t need anybody else to beat me up! The two things I’m struggling with the most is I heard someone say on YouTube when you stand before the Lord what are you gonna be able to show him . who did you bring to the Lord who did you witness to and I Panic and get into fear because I’m by myself most of the time I’m a housewife I’m never around other people and it freaks me out. Second thing I struggle with is the whole rapture saying I’ve heard so many people say it’s a reward and so I have that in my mind all the time so I’m always trying trying trying to be good so I’ll get rapture but I can’t be good enough to be rapture. I just heard someone the other day say pray that you will be counted worthy get everything in order be ready so there I go again trying to do do do! You have helped me so much understand so much but it’s a strong hold and I’m trying to retrain my mind and to understand it’s Jesus not me. Blessings I hope the sleep machine helps you and you get plenty of sleep you have helped all of us so much.


I loved thinking about that testimony. Sanctification is definitely all Jesus, the spirit of God is the one that changes our desires to do good and let go of bad. The desire God placed in him to make an orphanage was God sanctifying him and the testimony it produced was the glorification! Hallelujah!!! Thanks for feeding us today David! Trust in God to soften, cleanse, and convict our hearts brothers!


Very timely. My hubs and I were having this conversation the other day. Imma send this to him.


The mask helped my hubby so much once he got use to it, he got a refurbished one it was cheaper works great, praying for your sleep brother, I’m 54 when I don’t get my sleep I honestly can’t function, this teaching was such a blessing to me I really had a false view of what works are, understanding now taking care of my autistic son with love and faith knowing he’s a gift from GOD is a good work, thank you this blew me away 💖🥲


There’s a lot of rest in knowing that God chooses WHEN to convict our hearts of new things, we don’t have to try to.


Thank you David, a very good word on these very important distinctions!! 🙌


This was so wonderful! Thank you for expounding on the differences between good and dead works! God bless your sleep tonight!


Alright cruising with Brother David great video, great points !!! Thanks David


Beautiful well said brother David in Christ for this edifying encouraging message. Praying for you that machineworks I don't know much about this but all they know people I don't sleep well but I know people that like snore and it they don't they have a hard time breathing they have a sleep apnea machine that I'm sure that God works all things out for good and I love this message I love this Fellowship because it's the body of Christ we are the body crazy is our head and he is in our hearts and was so beautiful because of everyday every moment just thanking them our heavenly father being thankful for all things towards Christ that lives in our hearts and it's so beautiful I'm just soaking in that and just staying focused on his word and his promise not in the time.hope everyone has a wonderfully Blessed great day! Slalom God bless agape love too everyone ♡


I'm excited for you! I pray this helps you a LOT, David. Sleep deprivation is really so awful. ❤🙏


Hey man idk if you remeber me commenting a while back but I was under deep deep condemnation and just living completely in the mind of the flesh. Not really understanding that i am no longer that man but the new man in Christ Jesus. I was the guy who said everytime i picked up the bible it was just full of burdens to the point that i would just want to throw the bible down and walk away from it because i couldnt take it 😆. But guess what. I get it now. Im finally really coming to an understanding. Its beem about a year journey since God really started working this understanding into my life and its been crazy haha really though it has. But finally im starting to get it. Id been listening to your playlist on sanctification and how i am already justified and sanctified but am just experiencing that sanctification in this life though in my spirit i am already everything i would need to be through Christ. So. Id been going through the armour of God in ephesians chapter 6 because id been having some trouble just saying the gospel to myself. I guess my flesh just really hates it. Haha really fights it. So dumb hahaha 😆. But anyway i took a note on this "Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love."
Ephesians 6:24. And the note i wrote to myself that i always ust to read as like dang i cant love God. I guess its my faith in him was love or i needed to muster up good works. Cause i wasnt pleasing i just didnt really get it and thought i needed to do something. But i read it and prayed with thankfulness like you said in one of your videos. But it went like this. " Thank you Father that through your Son Jesus i do love you perfectly because I am in the new man. And in Christ Jesus. Through my old flesh i could never love you but you have blessed me with this love for you in my inner man. Thank You Father that i love you with an incorruptible love because my love for you is the new man which is righteous amd holy in you. The old man could never achieve this kind of love because it is not Christ it is evil. Void of God and only God can love because he is love therefore having been born again into a new creation i love the Father in this new creation. Thank you Father. Just wanted to share because your channel has been a blessing and God has used it greatly in my life. God is good brother. Thank you.


I still find my Self in trying to satisfy my conscience apart from God. It’s so difficult for me to just be still and recieve what he has already done for me. I mean I know that I am saved by grace and that the sacrifice of Jesus was enough to save me for ever from Gods wrath. But it’s still very Hard for me to see myself in the position of a son that is loved my god instead of a slave. I am still kinda living under the law which keeps me under bondage and condemnation. It gets better from day to day but it takes time 😅


Thanks Brother, Your efforts have been a blessing to me.... as well as many others.


This topic was on my mind today to but as "good deeds" which is the same thing as what religion calls "goods works".

Psalm 127 speaks of how the builder is God, the labouring is God, the city is kept because of God.

I went to that psalm just because it spoke of how children are a heritage of the Lord and ended up seeing other things 😁

Amen to this video bro. As the others said, its nice ti see the human face behind the voice from time to time


Thanks David this video helped me understand better after the one on 1 John 1-9.
God Bless


Great video I could easily share will people new to the Word. Many of your videos use those phrases that, we who listen all the time, know what they mean but I think would confuse new people. Touched on and explained a lot here!


Thanks for another joy-in-Christ-filled teaching. You got me interested in Hudson Taylor, but you were actually talking about George Muller who was a mentor of Taylor. Anyway, thanks, it’s all interesting.


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Jesis is our high priest ✝️ amen
