9 Things to Remember Before Seeing Gladiator II

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Are you ready to return to ancient Rome? Before you witness the next chapter in the Gladiator saga, join us as we recap the essential plot points from the original film. From epic battles to political intrigue, we'll refresh your memory on the key moments that set the stage for the highly anticipated sequel. Our breakdown includes Maximus' rise and fall, Commodus' treachery, the gladiatorial games, and the final confrontation that shaped the fate of Rome. Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the series, this recap will ensure you're fully prepared for the next installment in this epic tale of revenge and redemption.

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Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the series, this recap will ensure you're fully prepared for the next installment in this epic tale of revenge and redemption.


My favorite statement is…
“My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next”

And how shook the “emperor” was during/afterwards.


Joaquin Phoenix played the role of Commodus so convincingly that I still don't like him till this day! :-)


Gladiator: A perfect forever masterpiece.


Russell did an amazing job in portraying Maximus I especially like the scene when he was hanging out with the gladiators and eating and was worried about being poisoned.


Gladiator did not need a sequel. It was an excellent stand alone movie.


I watched “Gladiator” in my 11th grade year of high back in 2004 & it stills has a longing effect on my life! I still remember the feeling I had at the end of the movie wow nothing like it! I still quote lines from the film & is #2 on my fav movie list of all time after “The Godfather Part II”. I love Maximus opening speech in the battle field “in 3 weeks I will be harvesting my crops, imagine what you will be doing, and it will be so”..omgg I still get chills from that speech & Maximus speech to Commodus at the end is *chef’s kiss* PERFECT! This movie is a masterpiece I swear as a black woman I don’t cry over just anything but if I put on “Gladiator” I am crying like a full cry lol I watch it every month because it’s mandatory so many lessons are in that movie!


Fun fact for those who don’t realize this. Marcus Aurelius is played by Richard Harris who was the original Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies in the first two movies before he died. I remember talking in school who could play dumbledore after he died and I mentioned the old guy from gladiator and that’s how I found out they were the same person. Also it’s probably been at least 15-20 years since I’ve seen this movie and it’s crazy how different Joaquin phoenix looked


I remember that this was a fantastic stand alone film that didn't need a sequel and Hollywood has completely run out of creativity so they're just doing reboots, remakes and sequels.


Never knew that “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED” quote came from gladiator..I really don’t watch movies like this but since it’s gotten so many good reviews I took it upon myself to get hip on game about all this old mythology stuff ..


"Are you being entertained" at my long term tragedy & injustice. is my favorite line.


My favorite part of the first film was probably the first battle in the Colosseum. I reminder seeing it with my brother on TV and we were so hooked, especially with how they were able to beat the gladiators with chariots. I seriously doubt the sequel will have anything that epic!


Fantastic movie. One of my favourites. The scene where Lucilla tells the senators what her brothers does to those who speak out against him and what happens to the grain reserve is in the unedited version. The edited cut released in cinemas and shown on television networks doesnt have it. Dont know why it was cut. This scene was crucial in connecting events.


When both gladiators dusted their hands in dry soil. My tears roll up in big gigantic balls & fell! Thank you Ripley Scott! Amazing!


I was maybe 15, when I saw the Original masterpiece.

As I was so into the movie, from the beginning, and I don’t just watch just any movie like that, even though I am a cinematic freak, I remember I thought this would be another movie about Kings, His subjects, conquests and all.

I was so so wrong. The first scene that shook me and till this day is troubling for me to watch is how the king’s soldiers came marching on and trampled Maximus’s son so brutally without even a second thought, then the camera focuses on their dead bodies hanging, and from the bare legs of the female, I can understand she too wasn’t shown an ounce of mercy. My Goodness! I cried and cried. I was so shocked and in tears that I did not realise my Mother asked me what is wrong!!

Second scene to watch that still gives me shivers is when is finally laid to rest, and he imagines those fields and sees his family at a distance… I could not stop my tears and just bawled very very hard. And when in the end, one of the prisoners who was freed, says to ground where Maximus fell “untill we meet again my friend, but not so soon”, and the canera slowly pans to the dusk and beautiful night sky.

There will never be another Gladiator for me❤


Maximus' uncanny fighting abilities come from the earth, as in every battle starts with him feeling the ground between his hands before he unleashes hell.


My favorite part of the movie is when they left Commodus and carried Maximus out of the arena.


Are you not entertained?!?


ALSO Lucius is played by the boy who played Bruce Willis’ son in Unbreakable and Glass


Gladiator had to be one of Joaquin Phoenix's greatest contribution to cinema. I loathed his character and had a healthy dose of terror regarding him.
