Proof Egyptians Didn't Build The Pyramids?

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Its crazy how fast new evidences bit by bit are proving we still don't know anything


It’s because of researchers like you that the world will soon learn the truth of our past. Thank you so much and keep up the good work.


Keeping the sphinx free from sand would be a nightmare So as long has there has been a desert the sphinx would have be buried. Protected from erosion. Simple logic so the erosion would predate a desert..


It's amazing that we still have no idea how those scoop marks were made


The thing that bugs me is that the inhabitants that claim these sights as their own, around the world, also claim that the making and transporting of stonework is a lost and/or forgotten technology. How does a whole civilization, forget something as incredible as that. If these inhabitants had this technology long ago, why would they stop using it, around the world, because that kind of technology is not something that is not passed on. Recipes can be lost or forgotten, but not work like this, they would still be using it today. With all the records carved in the walls of Egypt, they didn't include this knowledge, at all, cuz they forgot. Academia has got to do better than that. Seriously.


Archaeologists and Egyptologists need to throw their theories out and start over on many things on the origins of the Pyramids.


How did Ancient people have access to such extremely accurate Mathematical Equations that Modern Architects and Engineers can barely replicate with the aid of Calculators and Computer CAD Programs. The Builders saw the finished Projects in their mind, down to the smallest degree. That is a feat we can’t replicate today. G.


You skip around too much - I wanted to see how it's proven that pyramids were not built be Egyptians (only).


I have no problem in stating the Great Pyramid and the other Megalith structures found round the World, were not built by the Egyptians, or any other group of people populating the Earth today. And I am not a Fan of these amazing structures getting built by Aliens or any other beings from other Galixy's or Planets.

I do notice many of these incredibly precision Blocks of Stone still have a very smooth surface, amazingly smooth. So when it is suggested that these Blocks of Stone were carved out and moved around some 36, 000 years ago, I would think there should be signs of a lot more erosion, from Wind, Rain, Sleet, Snow, and blowing Sand. And since there is not much in the way of erosion, perhaps these Stones are older than the Egyptian dynasties, but younger than the suggested 36, 000 years.

I tend to figure these structures date back to a time before the Biblical Flood, and yet, I am not sure how these structures survived such a catastrophic flood. And no, I do not believe this Flood was only Regional.

It was mentioned the Sphinx had signs of Water erosion, and I have read else where this erosion is vertical, as if it was water falling from a higher source. Does anyone know what type of Stone makes up the Sphinx? Sandstone would be softer than Granite and Basalt stone, and would suffer greater erosion than these harder types of stone.

However, it does appear, that at some point in Earth's ancient History, there was a population that shared the technology to cut and build these structures, and then they were suddenly gone.

I find this subject to be quite intriguing, and I fail to understand why Academia would continue to claim these structures were built by Egyptians using copper tools, and with the Help of Thousands of workers etc. especially when these massive stones are examined with magnification, and there are tool marks as if they were carved, or cut with a machine. And the precision rules out Egyptian hands pounding upon Copper Chisels.

Are the Academic's trying to hide a truth which they are uncomfortable to acknowledge?


_" must first wade through a quagmire of well financed fallacy infested with many a false prophet"_ - what a fantastically true sentence !


I bought my house in 2012. But it was built in 1975. I pour a little cement and put my hands in that and by doing that imply that I built it. Egyptians moved into the area. Chipped off writings on stone or covered the writings up then tried to say they built it all.


pounding those rocks and copper see how long that takes
I am a physically impossible


Thanks for the video, however, the load music over the dialog is very distracting.


I really enjoy your channel. But sometimes I cannot follow the narration. The music is too loud.


I’m glad you was there to explain what others couldn’t


This theory about academia hiding the truth has been amplified in so many ways, it's becoming a new religion online.


We keep studying lost civilizations of old. We ignore the reason for there extinction in present day civilizations going/headed to that loss. America leading the lost of society race.


My challenge to the premise of the video is that many people who doubt the mainstream media and mainstream history narrative via fight against it, except for the main idea of that narrative: that the Egyptian civilization started at a certain time in history.

Both alternative historians, as well as the mainstream all slavishly linked itself to a certain dating of the start of diagnostic Egypt.

Never does anyone step back and realize that perhaps that the records of diagnostic Egypt has been not only falsified by modern historians to perpetuate the myth of biblical history, but also grossly misinterpreted by the later Greek and Roman conquerors?

We don’t step back and look at how misleading a lot of things are with the chronology. We then get surprised at how things magically appeared in ancient Egypt only to never evolve get better. We then attribute it to the more saying a loss civilization to the most foolish and aliens did it.

If we operate under the position that we don’t know anything about this ancient civilization and what we have known will need to be questioned will get us back on the right path and avoid the group think and right fighting that both sides of this argument makes to itself not both realizing how wrong they both are


Skip the music, for God's sake!
Music for music sessions - speech for such sessions - not in the same time!


"What was done before will be done again"
