Все публикации

Mind-Boggling 'Corkscrew Megaliths' In Italy?

Alien Fossils In Underground Ruin?

Builders of Peru Found Inside Cave?

Undeniable Proof Egyptians Didn't Build The Pyramids?

Ancient Stone-Cutting Machines?

Astonishing Discovery In The Bosnian Pyramid?

Who Built Erbil Citadel?

Lost City of Atlantis Found?

Ancient Alien Ruin Exposed?

Second Sphinx Revealed In Egypt?

1000 Mile-Long Ruin Exposed?

Great Pyramids Impossible Origin?

Mayan Ancient Alien Contact Exposed?

Mind-Blowing Hidden Human Origins?

Alien Creature Captured On Venus? 🛰

Ancient Super-Civilization Found In The Amazon? 🌴

Impossible Peruvian Ruins Mystery Marathon

Ancient Egypt’s Most Amazing Mysteries

Nimrod's Fortress ~ Impossible Alter To The Watchers?

Worlds Most Astonishing Ancient Pillars?

The Mystery of The Green Stone of Hattasu

Two-Million Year-Old Nampa Doll Found In Idaho?

Mind-Blowing Lost City Found In Peru?

Lost Ancient City Found Under Lake Titicaca?