A Shocking Truth About Europe and India (Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson & Ken Ham)

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India and Europe, two very separate civilizations...right? When the East India Company arrived on the shores of India in 1600, two ancient civilizations met for the first time in thousands of years. Or so we’ve thought. Genetics reveals a much more recent connection between the Indian subcontinent and Europe. Tune in to uncover the shocking link!

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This series is both fascinating and extremely frustrating. The frustration comes in where I'm finding that the episodes are basically half recaps of the prior episodes. I'm trying to watch the series as it's 2 years old, and I'm trying to watch the videos one after the other sequentially. But I'm getting to a point in the seventh episode I've got a fast forward through half of it to get to the new stuff. I realize you can't fix the old episodes but I hope you take this into effect with new material you might publish.


Ken said incorrectly, "according to the Bible, Noah's Flood was about 4300 years ago." To be more biblically accurate, the Flood was 7011 years ago (in 4990 BC). Ken, please abandon Bishop Ussher's incorrect geological dates and stop using them in your publications. They are wrong. The simple pamphlet titled "The Biblical Calendar of History" works through the Genesis calendar and immediately dispels Ussher's erroneous dating of the Genesis patriarchs. These were not father/son timelines, as Ussher thought, but a calendar of lifespans used as calendar references. Thus, to reference a point in history, the ancients could say, "in the 355 year of Methuselah, such and such happened, " which is not unlike our saying, "in the 1492 year of our Lord."

So, the Bible gives exact dates for significant events that Answers in Genesis should know, teach, and be the authority on rather than holding and spreading misinformation. Please, do a little research and become informed.


This all makes much more sense than what we have been told by mainstream.


had mine done and no asian or african in my dna. im ethnic german


Stop stop stop starting all over again please !


If someone wanted to contribute to the DNA testing and direct it to you, how would they do that. I've no interest in supplying DNA to ancestry or the rest of the nonsense, but would love to be included in this project


God bless your ministry AIG and thank you for your truth!


It's a good thing they put the Finish in the tree. Otherwise, it wouldn't be Finished. :-)


Paul talked about going to Spain well over 500 years ago.


Sometimes the comments left here are confusing..
someone from Answers in Genesis should read them & point out potential errors
to other readers & make corrections...if possible..
we would be unable to correct all of them on our own..without the help of
the staff of Answers in Genesis..thank you.


Make a movie out of this, this teasing long draw out repeating can drive one to Never watch another one of these videos !


Is the sample size large enough to ensure you have an accurate result for a date 500 years ago?


My father found his 10th cousin in Germany. Our family name ancestral home is there and there are various locations there named after us.


Hey I'm from Barbados...we pronounce it Bar-Bay-Dose lol not Bar-Bay-Daws


But how is this relevant to your argument? It matters more to people who still think for themselves, who say with a Russian author: "I agree with no man's opinions. I have some of my own." People with BRAINS.


O these jesuits are going to love that you said that about degrading from fallen Adam


Interesting... You guys should also run control tests on a few other species. So you can compare their y-chromosome results with people. Perhaps in the same general areas of people being tested.


Classic exponential distribution in your charts.


Your findings are compelling, it’s exactly in theory to what the Bible teaches, your time lines are wrong (table of nations) although your length of acceleration is correct, (6 day creation of ‘man’s home’ and approximately 6000 year from 2 til now) you can’t just throw out written history archeological excavations or and especially Biblical history, historically NAMED empires did exist and the time lines, (from the rise til the fall )are recorded history! There is a lot to square here, but genetic expressions are bake in by God and have nothing to do with race but time in clan dictated by environmental conditions that includes 3 1/2 dimensions and time in grade(locality coupled with innovation)


You should read the Mahavamsa. It’s the chronicle of Sri Lanka. We have a written history of more than 2500 years. It states that the sinhalese descended from the aryan clan from nothern India. The Aryans migrated from the Indus valley north towards the Ural mountains and got divided, some went to Europe the others came south to north India and then to Sri Lanka. North Indians and the Sinhalese have a lot in common and the south Indians are a different race known as Dravidians or Tamils. That too explains how Europeans and some South Asians are related. We’ve also intermingled with the Tamils quite a lot for ages.
