Alternative Career Paths for Lawyers: 4 Things You Need To Know

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Are you a lawyer who wants to identify an alternative career path? If you hate being a lawyer, or are just wondering what you can do with your law degree besides being a lawyer, this video shares four essential things that you need to know if you're trying to find a non-legal job so that you can leave the law.

When you're contemplating quitting law, it can be hard to know where to start. If you want to use your J.D. to find a non-legal job, keep the things in this video in mind to ensure that you have the most success identifying a second career!

00:00 Intro
00:11 Who am I and what's this channel about?
00:31 How I've learned about these 4 essentials for lawyers who want to change careers
01:07 You are qualified (no, really)
02:08 Why you should stop focusing on your skills
03:03 Why it's not just about your career
04:23 Figuring out the perfect next step
05:23 A great next step for you




New videos every Thursday to help lawyers who want to identify an alternative career and leave the law! Feel free to leave a comment with any questions you have about transitioning out of legal practice or what you can do with your J.D.

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I practiced for 11 years. I have wanted to quit since 2018. I finally quit in june 2021. Not sure what to do yet, but I feel like I am still decompressing. Thank you for this video!


I just came in from my car crying in the driveway like Kristen Stewart crying at the wheel in that clip... I'm a 34 yr old male in the UK and I've done planning law in private practice for 10 years. I'm done. I. AM. DONE. I don't know what I am going to do, but this video (which is the first thing that came up in a frantic Google search) could be the first step in the next chapter of my career. I'll listen to the podcast. Thank you!


You put tears in my eyes and a big smile on my face when you talked about getting past the mindset of not feeling qualified and focusing on what you like.
I'm in the period of coming to terms with ending my career in solo practice, while actively exploring different industries for career options. Traditional practitioners in my professional network didn't have the vision to give out this type of perspective as I was struggling with the anxiety that comes along with a career change.
Knowing that I'm sharing similar struggles with other lawyers(former?) helps me shake off the feeling of "being in the wrong".
Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your message. I'm definitely going to listen to your podcast as well.
Much love.


I appreciate this video and Ms. Cottrell's positive, encouraging demeanor


I'm watching this video having recently graduated with a law degree. I took a trip abroad before I return to pass the bar, but now...I am having doubts. Being a lawyer is all I have ever wanted. I never considered anything else - until now and so, I feel a bit lost. Thank you for laying things out so well. Hopefully, I will follow the correct path for me (once I find it lol).


I have a sense of what I like doing and what I don't like doing. I know my strengths and weaknesses. I just don't know what sorts of jobs are out there where I can draw on more of my strengths and do fulfilling work. And to be honest, financial stability is a concern. I can't afford to take too much of a paycut by rebooting my career. I just feel lost.


Love this, Sarah! Looking forward to seeing more!


Your message is so valuable, thank you for speaking up


I wish I could escape this bloody madness. I'm slowly moving away, but it just seems like I'm trapped! Law can be soul crushing--if you let it.


Nice work!! Keep them coming! Just subscribed :)
