How to Improve Your Excel Skills with ChatGPT

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🤔 Can you skyrocket your productivity with ChatGPT? See what happens when I copy & paste YOUR complex Excel questions from YouTube into ChatGPT. Do you think it will give you the right answer? Let's find out what Chat GPT is capable of. Can it properly solve complex Microsoft Excel spreadsheet problems?

What is Chatgpt? Chat GPT, the new, viral AI chatbot by OpenAI is a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate natural language text. You’ll learn how to use it for Excel formulas and how to even make it write VBA code for your Excel macros.
I'll also show you how to use ChatGPT and how you can modify your questions to get better answers.

00:00 How to Use ChatGPT with Excel
00:52 Write Excel Formula with ChatGPT
05:06 Data Validation
08:42 Nested IF Formulas with ChatGPT
12:42 Writing VBA Code
17:14 Wrap Up

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I actually had ChatGPT write a complex VBA script for Excel. Worked like a charm. The trick is to know how to explain the code you want in detail. It took 10 mins to write the explanation. It saved me a couple of hours of coding. It commented the code every step of the way. It’s a game changer, for sure!


I've used it a few times now and find it's great to learn about new functions and solution options. It worked most of the time but where it really shines is that the chat has context, so you can point out errors, refine the question or the target and develop a solution interactively. With Google searches or a reference guide it would be back to square 1 basically every step of the way.


I cannot put into words how great you are at teaching! Always well thought out and concise in your presentation. Topics are always relative and interesting. Thanks as always! Funny too, as a pilot, I understand all of that "Free Pilot" stuff. As if you made this video for me. haha.


When it comes to excel, you are my ChatGPT. 🙂


For the third question regarding visibility, you can use the IFS function rather than the Nested IF function and it's a bit cleaner and easier to read. Using the Alt+Enter for each argument, you can enter this:
AND(A2>=3000, B2<5), "VFR",
AND(A2>=1000, A2<3000, B2>=3, B2<5), "MVFR",
AND(A2<500, B2<1), "LIFR",
AND(A2<1000, B2<3), "IFR",
TRUE, "Unknown")
Note that for the last "Value if False" parameter that you'd get with the Nested IF function where you try to get "Unknown", there isn't a "Value if False" parameter in the IFS function.
But you can still get there: All you have to do is enter "TRUE, "Unknown")" as the last pair of Logical Test and Value if True parameters. That way when none of the other arguments are True, you can specify whatever you want for the last "Value if True"...


With ChatGPT you must keep in the back of your mind that the "results" are "suggestions" NOT facts. The results are somewhere between learning and teaching -- and better than nothing! Great video Leila!


I love the way you wrapped up the video. The younger generation will need to find ways to leverage AI to bring value to their employer. There will be new and better opportunities.


This is a very thoughtful use of ChatGPT. I expect that many people who are computer literate, but not programming savvy to use ChatGPT to up their skillset.


Hi Leila! Thank you for this great video. I've done most your courses and they're fantastic! It'd be nice to have one on "Solving complex problems with ChatGPT (Excel, PowerB.I., etc)", as well as the integration of Python in Excel. In short, how to use all these tools to boost our value!


I used ChatAI the other day to create a script in Google Sheets that would automatically copy data in rows from spreadsheet one to another file (spreadsheet two) whenever data in a column of a row of spreadsheet one was marked as TRUE. It took some tweaking, some follow up questions, and watching a few videos to better understand java script, but I was eventually able to get it to work. Overall, it saved me a lot of time had I tried to start from scratch with no prior scripting experience, and made me more intrigued to expand my knowledge/use of scripts.


This video is pure genius. It's great to see how experts in their field use ChatGPT. Now my question is, can ChatCPT become a part of your workflow? I'd like to see more videos like this.


That was an awesome take on using Chat GPT. I went ahead and used it to confirm an issue that I had with Crystal Reports and it helped clarify a couple of assumptions that I had and directed me where to look so they are now no longer assumptions. I wouldn't take it for face value, but defiantly a good tool, at least while it is free to use.


It made me a whole new script for my homepage. And announced an issue I hadn't addressed! I had actually given up to fix it. I"m so happy now!


This was one of the first uses of ChatGPT I tried using since its public launch. It works really well for both Excel and Google Sheets.


I've been using it for some time, not just with programming but all sorts of other stuff. One thing I learned is that when it gives you a solution that doesn't work just tell it so and it will often figure out what is wrong and arrive at the correct result. It even apologizes for the mistake! Sometimes it takes a few back and forth to arrive at the working solution and sometimes it just cannot figure it out.
It has saved me hours of time of googling, asking on forums and so on. It also never berates me for asking a stupid question 🙂


Hello Leila. I will defintively use Chat GTP in my couses. Start with simple questions. The focus will be more on reading and ajusting code. This is really exiting!


This is Brilliant i am Estatic about this development and it has already started adding value to my workflow.


One of those moments that you remember years later as the moment you experienced something truly amazing.


ChatGPT seems to be the hot topic 🔥 Nice video!


Thank You Leila! As always, you look great and you are very competent. I learned a lot from you.
