Reacting to Fortnite's STORYLINE Explained by Top5Gaming

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Today we're reacting to Fortnite's Updated Storyline explained by Top5Gaming!

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🎥 Directed, Thumbnail by: JackZenn:

Produced by: James

Edit by: Stonix

Hey everyone it’s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another Reaction video! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible. Hope you enjoy!

#fortnite #sypherpk #reaction
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T5G might be the only one that pays attention to the storyline and makes it a lot interesting


I changed what was originally written so you don’t know what was originally written 😁


After chapter 3, it is basically that the map we have in chapter 4 was built out of different time periods from different realities all jumbled up. The Paradigm manages to still exist out in space as she watches all of the map piece together. This new map has a clear storage unit for the zero point, and it is clear that the majority of the map is medieval and old, not counting the modern towns and such in the green biomes. All of the main structures are old... except for the ones in the polar areas. The bastion and its sister buildings are all the Seven architecture... from the past. There are a group of 6 (I believe) statues that all resemble a female warrior. This warrior is who the Foundation references as "her" in the flipped event, and is the origin of the seven and its duties/ ideas. Then, all of the castle architecture belongs to the order... yes... the imagined order's origins. That is why the knight in shining armor, Geno, (a.k.a a snapshot of the Ageless) rules over these parts. Last hint that this island is the origin of both the seven and the IO is how there are 7 rocks around the zero point that have symbols that match up with the rocks around the center of the Sanctuary from chapter 3. Chapter 4 season 2 lore is tough right now other than how Evie's reality has been brought into the map and it is in serious trouble, as the peace syndicate is about to face a kymera looking hacker named Triarch Nox who has deleted all of the peace syndicates valuable files. Seems like Evie needs to get NordVPN...😂 the zero point also has caused several earthquakes and cracks to form throughout season 2


I don’t think anyone would understand the storyline without T5G


12:56 actually, during the event you see the imagined and gunnar (as a placeholder for geno) fall into the zeropoint in the background. but it would just seem like debris during the event.


Funny how SypherPK is laughing and enjoying all this and he himself is stuck in Fortnite


I say the way we ended up rebooting kevin was the way we somehow wave our hands over our teammates and heal them enough to get them back on their feet, it’s still a mystery how that works though..


The final Fortnite update should be where you can play any season and chapter you want to with the same graphics from that season


The reason the zero point sent distress signals was because its energy from the collider. The zero point had to use a backup storage thing which was the reality tree and when the herald chromed it the zero point lost that storage of energy which is why the island exploded and it went dormant. But my question is, who is running the loop since the io is kinda in its early stage and the seven is gone?


One thing that’s really interesting to me is that Jones is immortal.
Really sad to think about it since he outlived his family.
Also with the Midas teasers every time, makes me think of the variants of him because does that mean he is alive? Since those are snapshots of him and it means he’s leaving and getting out of the islands loop, right?
I don’t know that’s just been my theory since getting into Fortnite’s storyline

I’ve been loving the story though, it is confusing but I’m a Five Nights at Freddy’s fan so it’s not really, and not surprising to me haha


Who else love when sypherpk makes long form videos


i love both of you guys. amazing edits, grinding to get content out, never stops. ✊


top tier content like always sypher, keep up the good work


Sypher is the only youtuber that wont pause every 10 seconds to say something pointless


you keep evolving as our favorite fortnite content creator! keep it up


Love this.... just makes us know how much Sypher doesn't know about the game he devotes himself to. 😂😂😂😂


12:55 yes there was actually a small in game teaser where in the background of the event collision we saw 2 black shadow figures falling into the zero point


Love your video, Sypher, and keep up the great work


Great video Sypher you keep pumping them out like babies


Hey Sypher, T5G posed a new one updating pretty much everything so if you want to know the rest its on their channel right now :]
