Bill Maher BREAKS DOWN After Jordan Peterson SHREDS Him On His OWN SHOW

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In this explosive video, Jordan Peterson shuts down Bill Maher during one of Maher’s most unhinged rants to date. Bill Maher goes off on a tirade about societal issues, but Jordan Peterson isn't having any of it. As Maher continues to make bold, ungrounded claims, Peterson calmly picks apart every argument with his usual intellectual precision. The exchange leaves Bill Maher visibly frustrated as Jordan Peterson refuses to back down, offering a reality check that cuts through Maher's emotional ranting.

Jordan Peterson's approach here shows exactly why he’s such a formidable thinker, and Bill Maher’s reaction speaks volumes about how his unchecked views fall flat in the face of logic. The confrontation is a must-watch for anyone interested in seeing Jordan Peterson skillfully dissect Bill Maher’s unhinged rhetoric. Both men are known for their strong opinions, but this time, it's clear that Peterson holds the upper hand in this intense exchange
#billmaher #patrickbetdavid #joerogan
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It's very immature to think that marriages don't take work. Actually this is WHY children are SUPPOSED to be in the context of a marriage. If you don't want kids, don't get married. If you want kids, MARRY your partner and WORK TOGETHER to bring forth the new generations.


If you did a demographic analysis of any subject. You will always have a tier with one group on top and one on bottom. It doesn’t indicate a reason. Yes it could but every entity would display a majority and minority. Too many factors and race is the least indicative one.


The only equity I care about is in my home.


Does he really think medicine is the only place that DEI is dangerous. If that works there, it really works everywhere. About relationships, he describes ONE aspect of a relationship, sex. Sex is great and keeping that alive and well is important. I am almost 50. I was not the most tame person in life, but I matured eventually. Punk rock never leaves, but it gets to be too much work at some point. THE MOST important part of the relationship is friendship. Your partner should be the best friend you have ever had. My wife and I have not slowed in the slightest, maybe because she's just as messed up as me, who knows. We are BEST FRIENDS, and I STILL would do anything to keep her safe and laughing. That is the aim, not just the best sex, although that is absolutely fun.


Weird Al Yankovic was given accordion lessons at the age of seven. We love Weird Al, and I wouldn't want a world where we couldn't have Weird Al, but -- do we really want everyone taking accordion lessons by the age of seven?


I just can’t take Peterson seriously after becoming Shapiro’s and Isrl’s lapdog


Every relationship takes work man. If you love her, you will, and if she loves you, she will. The work is fulfilling and most rewarding when it’s a two way street.


Bill suffers from myopia. I'm 73 years old, my battles are fought, I have enough stuff, and I am upper-middle-class and better off than 95% of my peers. Goofing with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren is a joy beyond Bill's comprehension. I would argue Bill is not as smart as he claims to be.


DEI = Didn't Earn It.
Abolish DEI immediately for patently obvious reasons.


"its awesome not being stupid." -Bill Maher.


As far as you saying putting in work to form a connection and practice sounding miserable... It can be. With the wrong person. It can also be very satisfying. Any long term relationship or marriage is going to take a lot of patience and learning. You'll change over time, your wife will. And you'll have to put in work at home some days to keep the person you love happy and hopefully they'll do the same. The best things in life will require work. Of course theres plenty of scenarios where it's not worth the stress or its just straight up detrimental for all involved.


The problem with relationships is that it's supposed to be 100 % to 100 % not 50/50. Modernity has inheritantly made women more selfish and men less purposeful.


Some people make a career out of being broke


Regarding Peterson's remark to Maher: context. Out of compassion for Maher Jordan spoke. If asked directly Peterson would freely impart the richness of life within a marriage and the blessings of having children. My advice to you is to regard God and His design for a smarter, more fulfilling life. Men really are leaders and women are no less important in our role(s). The Bible is 100% true, revealed as you go. Norm MacDonald said that when he read the Bible he recognized that it is God's Word, that the voice belongs to our Creator. It's the authority of that voice that guides us, lovingly, through this life. The goal? Seeking then finding the personal relationship with God that we are created to have and being born in this time this means that we have the advantage of having a responsive Savior with Jesus. You can know Him, hear from Him here. I didn't know that until I encountered Him, spiritually discerned Him at the appropriate moment, decided by Him based on the readiness of my heart, I guess, is the right way to say it. As for this comment, Justin, once truth is read or heard it is available to the Holy Spirit whenever the heart is ready. Have a great week!


Where in the video does Bill break down? The headline is misleading and a total click bait.


There are circumstances under which I support TEMPORARY assistance for folks in need that aren’t disabled in some way. Very temporary!


Show me “equity” in professional sports….until then, it’s hypocrisy. The NFL has created more millionaires than any company/employer. “Equity” is hyperbole- performance will always be foremost.


Interrupting the video to ask for a sub doesn't make me want to.


A lot of guys are marrying a girl to keep another guy from clapping it
