Country Dance Tutorial - combine the Tunnel & Egg Beater Swing Dancing Moves -Intermediate level

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These are a couple of really fun swing dance moves that you can combine together to step up your game a bit. If you don't know these swing dance moves, learn them separately at the links above, then come back to this tutorial to learn how to put them together.
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I'm curious as to why there aren't any comments... maybe it's because you're both doing so well! I appreciate the modesty btw. That's hard to find in the country swing world.


Oh my word! I just saw this. It reminds me so much of what we called "the double pretzel" back in my "disco days". A little different, but I'd not seen anything close to the moves we made back then. ( And no, I never did the pointy thing that people associate with that era, lol, nor did I see anyone else do that.) There were other moves that, put together, made it feel magical! I wish I could share with you how amazing it felt!


Just found you guys, this is awesome!!
