56. Defect 5 - Angular Routing Problem: New Page Showing Below Old Page

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Angular routing problem: new page showing below old page.
In this session, we will fix one defect related to Angular routing new page showing below old page.

here're links to other related sessions.

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Wow I’m loving this tutorial series. Just a suggestion could you do add a comments section under each product?


Hi Varad, first of all many thanks for the great tutorial. I've completed your entire series, and I have a few requests for you. Could you please create additional tutorials by breaking down the microservices for authentication and orders? It would also be helpful if you could produce videos about dockerizing this series and covering topics like form validation.



Eagerly waiting for more such projects like Banking Application etc...

But have one suggestion, please try to cover the projects ASAP and make a playlist of it or make a full / large length video of it just like u made for JWT Authentication & for its frontend using Angular 1 year ago.



Hey Great video, just wondering if I could email you as I'm having issue with my code? The email link in your bio doesn't link to an actual email but instead the gmail website


I have a problem in routing
I have a sign up page and when i press sign up button it has to go to the login page
but it is not redirecting it there, the url is changing in the session though
do you happen to know the fix for this?


one more bug i identify where.. when we(admin) delete the product it was deleted but ui was not refreshed we forcefully refresh it it'll show cant handle over there plz help


Thanks for the video, pls can you help with the source code as we are learning too
