Explaining American Pie - Finally

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Don McLean's iconic hit American Pie has left people wondering what it was about for nearly half a century. In this video I offer what I think is a very plausible interpretation of the lyrics.

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Absolutely love this video. When you hear American Pie you know you aren't hearing just any jingle. It's complex and vague. It touches something deep inside you. After hearing your take I'm convinced that the song was reflecting on the culture. All of the pop and religious references touch us because it is our culture.


Dig it. Been looking for years for someone to make more sense of this. Your theory hits the nail on the head


Ahh yes. That was when radio stations were able to play songs that lasted longer than 3 1/2 - 4 minutes. Good song, and a very good, reasonable interpretation, Rod. I mean, exegesis is your forte. Context, context, context.


Try this.
The day the Music dies is of course the Plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, The big Bopper & Richie Valens Plane crash
His widowed Bride. Buddy’s wife had a miscarriage 6 months after the crash.
The Papers. Most young boys had a paper route. They delivered the bad News.
The Chorus. Drove a
Chevy to the Levee. Refers to James Dean in Rebel without a cause & the Car Race scene.
The Good old Boys is Sinatra & his Rat Pack.
Rolling Stone refers to Howard Hughes & his habit of hitchhiking around the USA dressed like a Bum & being, on more than one occasion, being mistaken for Bob Dylan.
Tensions Boiling refers to the Watts Riots & the Shooting on the Berkely Campus Riots by a State Trooper.
The Jester, of course, refers to Bob Dylan who usurped Elvis Presley’s King of Rock & Roll while Elvis was in the Army.
Dylan borrowed a Coat from James Dean when he was presented to the Queen of England in London after the Command Performance.
Fallout Shelter refers to the Cold war era.
Eight Miles high & falling fast refers to Gary Powers’ U2 shot down over Russia. He was at about 45000 feet, or just over 8 miles.
The Courtroom was adjourned refers to the Judicial inquiry in the Assassination of JFK.
The Quartet played in the park refers to when the Beatles played at a Concert in the Park in New York.
The Players played for a forward pass. Refers to the rest of the Music industry struggling to get recognition while Elvis & Dylan were out of the scene for a while& groups like the Beach Boys & the Monkeys came onto the music scene.
The Devil/Satan is Allister Crowley an Occultist & was a influence at the time & is on the Cover of Sgt Peppers Album.


I was born in 1945, so this was my generation -- and the first time I heard "American Pie" I caught most of the references But growing up in the 1950 and 1960's did not at all give me a nostalgia for the time of segregation and self-righteousness. I wasn't a hippie -- I was too busy getting good grades in college art the time -- but I saw a kit of what they criticized in American culture was legitimate. My response was not to drop out but to fight like Hell for justice. Still here at 80-next-year, and still fighting for the values America praises, but seldom delivers.


Great summary! This is the detailed breakdown of this song that I’ve been searching for!


But let us not forgot the unambiguous parody cover "The Saga Begins" by Weird Al Yankovic. There's no mistaking the meaning of that song!
Another excellent video. Keep them coming!


I'm glad you said you are also a composer. I have had close to 100 songs published, a few dozen released by indie labels, and I've sold a few. I have a strong theory that the meanings of songs change over time, not just for the listener but for the composer. Stevie Wonder said this happened with him and "You Haven't Done Nothing, " and many other artists the same. I've heard McClean give this interview half a dozen times over the past four decades, and it changes. He's also not doing so well. He's affianced to a woman nearly 50 years his junior, and his political views have become more radical.


What's the significance of the Stars and Stripes on Don McLean's thumb on the album cover?
It's a reference to the nursery rhyme Little Jack Horner, who stuck out his thumb into a Christmas pie and pulled out a plum.
Don McLean stuck out his thumb into an American Pie and pulled out the Stars and Stripes.


To be honest, I'd never really put that much thought into it. But after watching your video, I listened to to song again, paying close attention to the words and nuances . I have to agree with your view of the meaning, it's really the only thing that makes sense. Great Video, God Bless!


I was in 5th grade when this came out. My friends and I memorized the words. We just thought it was cool. As I got older, I started to see the song as an anthem against the lie of the "American dream". Now I see it in the light of his Christianity.


“I went down to the sacred store where I heard the music play before but the man there said the music wouldn’t play”


I agree. Be blessed. I was young too abs a Jim Croce fan when he died


Buddy was rock and roll. You got it. Bingo he is lamenting the direction of America and rock and roll.


Oh yes Jim Croce was awesome my favorite was Lovers Cross😎🎤🎹🎸


I think you have great insight. I really appreciated your take!


I enjoyed and agreed with your take on American Pie.


Hmm....🤔 Very accurate 💯 sensible thoughts 🧠


I remember being so struck that Jim was gone that as a teenager it dawned on me that there cannot be any pattern or plan to what happens. Sometimes, and the day the music died qualifies as well, thinks are so shocking that you hopefully learn once and for all to live each day for now...neither the past nor the future exist - their realities are fantasized by us as having construct, but this second is all that matters. Also, no human being having lived. living or will live has any more knowledge of what comes in the next minutes ahead of you for a certainty...no one. So, stop elevating some monkeys to undeserved levels and live together as humans all stepping into darkness ...second by second...from birth to death.


Remember that the enemy was the minister of what? Music!!! He knows the extreme power of it to persuade the minds and hearts of especially younger people, who are so impressionable. It's one of his most powerful weapons! Buddy Holly's life was in a movie, he was obviously backslidden, or never saved, because he and his friends were definitely all about sex and rock n roll! I do remember American Pie, I was born in 1961, but never really cared to understand the lyrics, lol!
