The Real Story on Seismic Blasting in Our Oceans | Oceana

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The ocean is a world of sound. Seismic airgun testing, a method of searching for offshore oil and gas, threatens to turn that world upside down.

Seismic blasts can injure or kill marine life, threaten the health of regional fisheries, and risk the jobs of those who depend on the ocean for their livelihood. This month, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS) on seismic testing's potential expansion into the Mid and South Atlantic, and its recommendations will reach the White House. BOEM needs to consider the latest and best science on seismic, which exposes its many risks.

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Having worked in the offshore industry for American, British and Norwegian Seismic exploration I declare that I have a serious axe to grind because my health suffered; over vaccinated, not enough fresh fruit or vegetables, desalinated water, the most contaminated food on the planet (lots and lots of farmed salmon) working 12 hours a day 7 days a week with contaminated air conditioning so if I felt there was a problem with marine mammals I would not hesitate to stick the knife in. However I can honestly say that the procedures taken to protect mammalian marine life is very thorough with dedicated marine life observers onboard. Admittedly their presence is somewhat futile during hours of darkness. Before survey lines are started a soft start of the airguns are initiated with a gradual build up to full "Seismic Blast" as it seems to be called these days.
The real culprits of mass mammalian death are Navy vessels towing sonar arrays that blast out very strong pulses of energy between 100Khz and 500Khz for submarine detection exercises. The frequencies generated if tuned to the sweet spot of the dolphins or whales can effect their communication, navigation and fish finding capability. These marine mammals can also react by surfacing too quickly causing them to get the bends. When ever I hear stories of mass beaching of whales there is usually a naval exercise in the vicinity. I once worked on an environmental impact survey in the Red Sea and I was towing a small sonar fish pinging 100Khz pulses. One day I observed dolphin communication on the plotter in addition to returned signal of coral reef being mapped. Dolphins produce noise ranging 0.2 to 150 kHz. The dolphin attacked my towfish and knocked it askew!
I am against looking for Oil and Gas as I have done research into alternative fuels and come to the conclusion that the Big Oil lobby has been suppressing the benefits of hydrogen as a fuel for decades which is criminal I believe. Hydrogen beats battery powered electric vehicles like the Tesla hands down. Hydrogen can be produced from renewable sources such as wind, wave and solar energy. Hydrogen is a store of this collected energy. Cars when run on hydrogen emit only water as a waste product. Bringing Oxygen and Hydrogen together produces electricity, heat and water. Each house should have it's own Hydrogen producing system providing for heating, cooking and lighting in the home and providing fuel for transport also. But hey, that is way too much empowerment for the little people. We must be controlled by RFID chip implants and perhaps even assassinated by 5G the "kill grid"! Do your research on the last curve balls they are not out of the ball park.


Let's be honest only a revolution in thought can change Humanity


You should send this video to your Belize branch. The Belize government just notified them that they are allowing oil businesses to perform this activity in Belize waters.


“ We are making noise too and it’s loud”. So they’re just adding to the noise LOL



thanks for the great video!

I am currently making a video on Shells seismic blasting in front of the South African coast. I was wondering if I can utilise some of your footage for the story?

Thank you!


What ever benefits us in anyway we will find a way to use no matter the consequences


There are rules and regulations about blasting in the ocean..gun boats as they are referred to..may not shoot when whales or seals are closer than a 100 yards..each boat has sonar and has someone from the environmental group to keep boats in regulations..the artic ocean is very much different than the east coast and they havent found a way yet to blast safely so thats why its on hold...


I'm watching a series on Hulu called Siren(2018) season 2 the mermaids and sea creatures and animals are being forced to swim to shore (land) and I didn't know the oil company does that to oceans I heard about it when I was younger but didn't think it did much harm but even tho mermaids are extinct and have been for over a alot milleniums there r still sea creatures and animals living in the ocean and it's sad that they have to suffer just so we can get oil and gas like there's other places to get oil not just the ocean


It's impossible to explore for hydrocarbon without seismic surveying


Now now they're using or offshore wind farms. I may already knew this so it really pisses me off


Judging by how downplayed this is im guessing they're blasting everything in sight by now.


Rip 130 dolphins in Africa ! Countless whales beached in Georgia RIP September 2019


what about the mmos inside the vessels?


This must be stopped.  What are the best ways to be a part of the possibilities of resisting this?


If seismic blasting caused by human can killed a lot of marine creatures, then what about seismic blasting caused by an earthquake under the sea? Which one are the loudest and deadly?


And this is some of the pollution that people don't realise happens as a result of using fossil fuels to power transport


Does anyone knows what´s the equivalent exploasive load in TNT of one single air gun blast?


Those aren't airguns, those are shockwave guns. Calling them airguns downplays the severity of the damage and death it causes.


You guys should partner with WWF WCS the ocean Conservancy and 4ocean


Similar Blasting took place in the Porcupine off of Ireland's South-West coast last Summer 2016. This Blasting is to be repeated this coming Summer. Anecdotal reporting on the affects of this blasting tells us that movements of migratory fish stocks were most certainly impacted upon by the blasting as was the health and well-being of Whales, Sharks, Dolphin, Bluefin Tuna, Albacore Tuna and Swordfish. We believe that the female Prawn population on the Porcupine is in grave danger resulting from this blasting but unfortunately, trying to garner any interest in what is happening and about to be repeated this Summer appears beyond difficult and it appears to me that it will require the wiping out of the female breeding population of Prawn and/or the wiping out of any one or number of the migratory species I listed above before anyone decides that we should both protest and agitate against this form of Oil and Gas exploration Ireland's Licensing authorities in the Department of Natural Resources failed and continue to fail to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment and/or Habitats Directive Assessment on any one of the Seismic Blasting projects that have taken place and are due to take place. Blasting is now also licensed to take place this coming Summer in both the Porcupine AND the Celtic Sea, directly south of West County Cork. Any help or assistance that you in New Zealand can give to us here on Ireland's south-west coast will be greatly appreciated. Studies on the affects of Blasting on (particularly) migratory fish stocks, including those I listed earlier, and on Mackerel and Herring particularly breeding populations, will be very gratefully accepted.
