John Piper - What's One Thing You'd Change About Calvin?

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Tells you what really was in Calvin's heart, why do you guys uphold this man so much, uphold Jesus!


"God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality,  he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil,  there will be wrath and anger." - Romans 2:6-8

"Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned." - John 5:28-29


Servetus was the only one ever that Calvin was sideling involved with. However, it was not the 21st.cent. It was the 16th. On 4 April 1553 Servetus was arrested by Roman Catholic authorities, and imprisoned in Vienne. He escaped from prison three days later. On 17 June, he was convicted of heresy, and sentenced to be burned with his books. However, he escaped. Meaning to flee to Italy, Servetus inexplicably stopped in Geneva, where Calvin and his Reformers had denounced him. On 13 August, he attended a sermon by Calvin at Geneva. He was arrested after the service and again imprisoned. Nicholas de la Fontaine played the more active role in Servetus's prosecution and the listing of points that condemned him. Calvin could not have stopped it. He tried to change burning to beheading but they would not listen to him. Calvin, for the record, showed more pastoral concern for Servetus than anyone else connected with the episode. If it would have entirely depended on Calvin, Servetus would not have been executed, It was the City council that pushed his execution. At his trial, Servetus was condemned on two counts, for spreading and preaching Nontrinitarianism, specifically, Modalistic Monarchianism, or Sabellianism. and Servetus had said, about infant baptism "It is an invention of the devil, an infernal falsity at these days a serious heresy.

As Servetus was not a citizen of Geneva, and legally could at worst be banished, the government, in an attempt to find some plausible excuse to disregard this legal reality, had consulted other Swiss Reformed cantons (Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schaffhausen). We have to place all this in the 1400 - 1500 and not in the 20th. Century.
Besides the Catholic church, there were only the Waldensians founded by Peter Waldo in Lyon around 1173 In 1520 they joined the reformation with William Farel who became good friends with Calvin. Calvin wrote commentaries on the whole Bible except Revelations. This while no complete commentaries were available. What was available was mostly short portions and spiritual.


thanks john i want to fully fledge my heart into christ again through calvinism but this stain on his life has made me really weary.


he has no forgiveness if he didnt repent. he gets no passes nor exception b/c he called himself GOD's elect and chosen


You shall know them by their fruits... Calvin, not a good tree...


Also his persecution of the Anabaptists


Servetus??? How about Martyr's Mirror???
