Why Does Voldemort Go to ALBANIA? - Harry Potter Theory

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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing why in Merlin’s Beard EVERYTHING in Harry Potter takes place in Albania.

Okay, so that’s a little bit of an over exaggeration because, of course, not EVERYTHING in the Harry Potter series happens there. The large majority of things actually take place in the United Kingdom, primarily London and the Scottish Highlands. However, there are a questionably large number of events that are set in the country of Albania, wouldn’t you say? In fact, the country seems to come up again and again, year after year as Harry uncovers more and more about Voldemort and his ambitions to live forever.

But why is that? Out of all the countries in the world, how is it that so many seemingly different events and individuals are all tied to Albania? Could there perhaps be a connection between all these unique instances and characters? I’m so glad you asked, because yes, I believe there is…



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Wikipedia: The name for Scotland in the Celtic languages is related to Albion: Alba in Scottish Gaelic, Albain in Irish, Nalbin in Manx and Alban in Welsh, Cornish and Breton. These names were later Latinised as Albania and Anglicised as Albany, which were once alternative names for Scotland.
The current country of Albania in Southeastern Europe was known as Illyria in Roman times. Likely in the early 11th century that was its name. Therefore the "forests of Albania" were more likely known (in Helena's time) as the highlands of Scotland today.
Remember how many times in the HP universe old names for things and places were used.
There is some thought that Helena Ravenclaw was some form of Royalty, who would have been schooled in Latin and used Roman references in court.


Fun fact at the time Helena hid the diadem in current day Albania, it was actually the Byzantine Empire.


The video could be extended to what brought Nagini there too. And Bertha Jorkins.


Good points I agree. What I wonder even more is- Why on earth when Albus knew about the speculation that Voldemort is in Albania he did nothing? Why not to track him down, lock him up in a magical container and send the container to space. Which means that if he found and locked Voldemort up Voldemort couldn't ever return story over with everyone alive.


I must be getting old I read Albania as Alabama. LOL


A have a theory that the reason he was in mainland Europe rather than in Britain was because he was tracking Nicholas Flamel. Flamel could have been traveling through Albania at the time and Voldemort was trying to get a hold of the Philosopher's Stone, ended up in the forests of Albania where he stumbled upon Nagini. That's around the time Quirell found him.


One has to ask "Why in Merlin's name would Helena Ravenclaw choose Albania and not, let's say, Poland?"


Albania was under the iron and totalitarian rule of Enver Hoxha by the time Voldemort visited it, maybe he sought inspiration (Soviets were softening up by this point)


My theory is it somehow has something to do with Harpo the foul (may have misspelt his name). At least why it's viewed as a place with dark magic. Given that he was Greek and made the first basilisk and horcrux it wouldn't be too farfetched to think he made it to Albania


Why does Voldemort go to Albania?Maybe he thought that Albania would make for a pretty lovely little vacation spot.


Because albania is the best country in the world ❤
Also large forests, beautiful nature in generall, very friendly people and very hood food, tge question should be why wouldn't anyons go there.
Also im definitely not biased in any way


My dyslexic self legit read that as Alabama 😂😂😂. I was like "idk why he'd go there. Maybe for bear and shotguns" 😂


[singing to the tune of "When the Saints Go Marching In"] Al-ban-ia! Al-ban-ia! You border on the A-dri-atic, your land is most-ly moun-tain-ous and your chief export is chrome!


JKR and Albania is like Shakespear and fair Verona?


Once great? Thats not wnat your mother said last night.

I had too


Ahhh... I think you're forgetting that the Dark Arts teacher role is cursed so that the subject is only taught for one year only. Therefore Professor Quirrel wouldn't have been going on a "world tour" to find out more about the subject he teaches (at least whilst not having ever taught it at Hogwarts)... So if he wasn't doing it because he was the already Professor of the Dark Arts at Hogwarts... Then why was he there?


Well Albania at one time was a sparcely populated country. So if you needed a place to hide you were less likely to run into people!


People forget that Rowling studied Albanian history well. Voldemort escaped to Albania in 1981, then under the lunatic dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, who isolated Albania from the rest of the world.


Right, so not a theory - just stating established facts that happen in the books. Am I the only person disappointed that you didn’t mention the relatively popular theory that the Albania mentioned in the books is actually Scotland?


Europe has Castle Houska with own gate to Hell, Something terrible in Tsarichina, House of Faust where lived Kelley and John Dee and communicated with some foreign inteligence, Superweird Dangerous Forest Hoia Bacu, magical places of Cekts, Roman, Slavs, Germanic and Greek people and they go to Albania
