Should you just use Elementor Free and Not Elementor Pro?

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Can you get away with building a website with Elementor Free and not Elementor Pro? Will there be any repercussions or potential problems later on?

Should you just use Elementor Free and Not Elementor Pro?

Indeed we're affiliated to them, but it helps to pay for resources to keep creating ace content for you :)

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Music used:
Track: Will You Be Mine (Remix)
Music provided by Audio Library Plus

-- Of course, we're affiliated to them, but it helps to pay for resources to keep creating ace content for you :)

PPPS: We only build with Elementor Pro
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I keep hearing from developers that have clients who ‘refuse’ to pay for Pro and often they end up bloating the site without the same care that I’ve mentioned.


100% Example - About 14 months ago quoted on a website for small - medium size business. For type of site I have BASE setup which includes Elementor PRO and 5 other plugins for backups, speed, security etc. They are non-negotiable, cause I have learned from experience exactly what you said - They are on phone constantly complaining.
Anyway, I didn't get the job. 6 weeks ago ago, same company phoned me up and asked if I could help them out as web site was very slow (scored 28 on Pagespeed Insights) and parts in pages weren't working properly. Over and above that he wasn't getting much traffic - Turned out NONE of the pages were being indexed). They agreed to pay me to have a look and make
Looked at site - the guy who did it for them, had used Elementor BASIC, and CHARGED the company for 3 - that's right THREE - Elementor PACK addons. Of those they were using 8 of the individual elements from TWO of those suites. Bought individually the Suites for single web site would have cost in region of €190 - the comany had been shown this and were talked into doing it because the guy who designed it would only charge them €80. But of course the guy who built it probably had multiple site licences.
BTW - ALL of the available individual addons for each of the suites were all turned on - I wonder why the site was slow.
Site also on a €3 a month hosting company which company were getting charged €10 a month - and again guy who built it probably had put all his sites on same shared hosting with multiple Domains. (I had quoted €15 a month for Cloudways hosting with his email coming from Hostarmada)
One of the suites had expired - turned out the guy had stopped buying his multi domain licence for the suite, used it on the companys web site, which of coursse was not working properly AND had not been able to update.
ALL of the individual plugins used from the two extra suites bought, would have been covered by Elementor Pro.
Long story cut short - quoted the guy to move domain to Cloudways, setup his email, use Elementor Pro (which he had to pay for), replaced all parts other suites had been doing with Elements from PRO. Without even doing speed tweaks etc the speed of site was 74. After doing my usual speed tweaks now scoring 91 on mobile and 100 on desktop). All poages now indexed and all rising in google with two pages already on page 1.
Company admitted they had gone with other guys over me cause "they made it look like I was getting better value for money and had promised them the earth" compared to what I had shown them.


Nice "Rant", I couldn't have said it better, just loved it 🥰


The customer needs just needs to understand, that you can't make money, run a business with success, if you don't invest into it. So invest to re-invest, right? And if you see it this way, $49 annually is like slightly over $4 a month. And this isn't expensive ...


Thank you for this insightful video. You've changed my mind on the topic. I think a lot of us who started software engineering back in the 1980s contributed to a backlash against closed source, proprietary software, which was basically the only model in those days (copy-protected floppy disks, anyone?). This led to an almost religious belief in inherent "righteousness" of open source software. I know I have been guilty of this. I'm starting move now from a "software just wants to be free" dogma towards what I now realize is a more realistic TANSTAAFL view of the world ("There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"). Elementor (the company) can't be expected to expend the effort to maintain a free version of their software with all the advanced features of Pro and not be compensated.


You speak very wise words, spot on unfortunately their are many people think that they can get away with it.

For heaven sake it’s your business shop window to the world first impression last👍


Ok then. This was surprisingly persuasive


100% agree. I've been paying the old price of elementor $199 a year of 999 installs just for myself. I probably seem mad, but I see it as an investment in myself and when I feel confident I can charge for client work. In you're opinion is it wrong to allow a client to use my license?


Thanks, I will keep this link and pass it out. I can't do any better than that.


If a client isn't ready to invest $2500, I don't even bother. They can go hire someone cheaper and get a shitty return on investment.


I totally agree (said the person that uses elementor free on her own website xD) But for our clients and for another project of mine that I take it more seriously, always Pro!


Love this message! Love the Where's Waldo look too... HAHA - It was almost distracting except for the fact that the message was so awesome and on point. I've got to send folks to this video and tell them - come back to me once you've watched this and we'll talk.


Imagine I have a buisness, I use Socials to get people to know me, and I only need a site just because it is more "professional" to have one, and it should work for people to download stuff (like files from a digital course).
All my "visual needs" are fulfilled with free Social pages like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. I don't need my website to "do well" on web researches, is just a "shooping windows" from where I actually sell services and provide free tools to my alumns, nothing more.
Why should I use Elementor Pro over the Free version when I don't care for any of that SEO stuff?
In this situation do you still suggest Elementor Pro?


I need to make 1 website for my e-commerce business. I refuse to use shopify and other sites to have control over me and charge for ever small feature to add. I am also not making multiple websites, just multiple pages, blog, contact us, etc, but do love the features on elementor pro & plug-ins.

If I essentially never update anything, would my website be fine when elementor pro expire? Just like a smartphone or computer (technically).

Until the point I want to change the overall full look and feel for my own website, then I would have to get a new license?

I just see the sense of oaying subscriptions fees when my focus is selling not web development. Why else would i need pro EVERY year as a business owner? In which scenario pro would make sense to have for me?


LOL, you spoke my heart out. I got such clients in Greece. They have so much of big boards and formalities but don't have money to even invest $50 a year. And they want ACF integration with Elementor. Suckers!


You are very good as well into marketing. You are right, even I dint think to argue against You hahah


Imran, thank you for another great tut.
Although, I see this as more of a Disclaimer Link to be sent to a client — you have stated the obvious points, that most of us know, but are too shy/afraid/not confident enough to articulate to clients.
The next client who wants to get the one-off deal on a website creation with no interest on Maintenance Plan/SEO/etc — will get this video link from me.

You've just saved me (us) the time and effort explaining the basics to a Client, who wants (and has every right to) get everything done now and see how it goes.


Wow you were talking to me. Thank you for making my decision clear.


Why should I spend pay if I can use CSS/HTML/JavaScript myself. I just use WordPress because the project is quicker that Nodejs base frameworks but to pay on front end UX is never be an option to an Nodejs base Frontend Developers. My skill is not sufficient yet for back end to this is temporary to me.


I refuse to pay for perpetual licenses.
