Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 1 | Mohammed Hijab

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*Age of Aisha Part 1 | Mohammad Hijab*
0:00:00 Introduction
0:04:57 Responding to the Jews
0:12:58 Responding to the Christians
0:23:02 Responding to Atheists
0:27:30 Analyzing the Hadiths
0:32:23 Hadith of Aisha (RA) Playing With Dolls
0:42:26 Answering a Counter Question
0:44:24 Outro


Most of whom arguing did not watched it


Talmud says the minimum age to marry a girl is 3-year old while the Bible praises Moses for taking young unmarried women and children of Midian as properties for his army.

And they have the audacity to trash talk on the marriage of Aisha (ra)? It's not their eyes that are blind but their hearts.


I think a video on the concept of “cousin marriage” should be addressed. This is another objection non-muslims make against Islam to make it seem “backwards” and “primitive”.


Historical analysis of the novel:

1. Calculating the age of Lady Aisha in relation to her sister Asma bint Abi Bakr (also known as Asma with the Two Waistbands): All the aforementioned historical sources unanimously state that Asma was older than Aisha by 10 years. These sources also consistently report that Asma was born 27 years before the migration to Medina, which means she was 14 years old when the Prophet's mission began in the year 610 CE. This calculation is based on subtracting 13 years (the period of the Prophet's preaching in Mecca) from her age before the migration (27 - 13 = 14 years). Since all sources confirm that Asma was 10 years older than Aisha, it can be deduced that Aisha was 4 years old when the Prophet's mission began in Mecca. This means she was born 4 years prior to the commencement of the revelation, which was in the year 606 CE. Based on this simple calculation, it is evident that when the Prophet married Aisha in Mecca during the tenth year of his mission, she was 14 years old (4 + 10 = 14 years). In other words, Aisha was born in the year 606 CE, and she married the Prophet in the year 620 CE when she was 14 years old. As mentioned, the consummation of their marriage took place three years later, a few months towards the end of the first year of the migration, which was in the year 624 CE.

‎نقد الرواية تاريخيا:
‎1 - حساب عمر السيدة (عائشة) بالنسبة لعمر أختها (أسماء بنت أبى بكر-ذات النطاقين-): تقول كل المصادر التاريخية السابق ذكرها إن (أسماء) كانت تكبر (عائشة) بـ(10) سنوات, كما تروى ذات المصادر بلا اختلاف واحد بينها, أن (أسماء) ولدت قبل الهجرة للمدينة بـ (27) عاما, ما يعنى أن عمرها مع بدء البعثة النبوية عام (610م) كان (14) سنة, وذلك بإنقاص من عمرها قبل الهجرة (13) سنة وهى سنوات الدعوة النبوية فى مكة, لأن (27-13= 14سنة), وكما ذكرت جميع المصادر بلا اختلاف أنها أكبر من (عائشة) بـ (10) سنوات, إذن يتأكد بذلك أن سن (عائشة )كان (4) سنوات مع بدء البعثة النبوية فى مكة, أى أنها ولدت قبل بدء الوحى بـ (4) سنوات كاملات, وذلك عام (606م), ومؤدى ذلك بحسبة بسيطة أن الرسول عندما نكحها فى مكة فى العام العاشر من بدء البعثة النبوية كان عمرها (14) سنة, لأن (4+10=14 سنة), أو بمعنى آخر أن (عائشة) ولدت عام (606م), وتزوجت النبى (620م), وهى فى عمر (14) سنة وأنه كما ذُكر بنى بها-دخل بها- بعد (3) سنوات وبضعة أشهر» أى فى نهاية السنة الأولى من الهجرة وبداية الثانية، عام (624م), فيصبح عمرها آنذاك (14+3+1= 18سنة كاملة), وهى السن الحقيقية التى تزوج فيها النبى الكريم (عائشة).


Is he the same guy who said that Islam does NOT prohibit marrying prepubertal baby girls ?


Very creepy to hear a group of young men openly talking about the appropriateness of having sex with children and trying to make it normal.its grooming, its evil, I petty your sisters and daughters. Shame on you all


Would you give your 6 or 9 year old daughter to a man who is in his 60s? Would you be ok with the idea of this man having intercourse with a 9 year old? Even if it was a common at the time to force girls who were around 12-14 to marry (often older) men, why didn't Islam forbid this, since the purpose of Islam was to make people better? I don't think that it's ever okay for a child to marry, and it's even worse if it's with a much older man. Based on this, we shouldn't criticise men who are marrying little girls in many countries to this day. If religion allowed it then, why not allow it now. This is really scary. I don't think that atheists/agnostics are necessarily "better" than Muslims, but I think the majority wouldn't let their 9 year old get married and engage in things that she doesn't have the maturity to even understand or consent to. Those who allow it are sick, it doesn't matter if they are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist etc.


Honestly don't care what her Age was, be it 9 when the marriage was consummated, be it 17-18, the fact was it was an Arabian culture and spread across all tribes and religions back then. Even his detractors, his critiques, the worst of the lot didn't raise an issue about this.

Anyhow, still looking ahead to watch your video, to be more aware to be more thankful and appreciative of your effort. May God increase you in knowledge and manners.


Why does it take so long to say she was 6.

And by the way, anachronism is ok to be applied to cultures or people, but not ok when we talk about prophet or God 4:35


Always excuses we know she was a minor please stop the excuses


You should put a link of yaqeeninstitute articlename --> The Age of Aisha (ra): Rejecting Historical Revisionism and Modernist Presumptions (by Asadullah Ali). Its clarifying, for anyone interested (or confused) in this topic, you can read it in 10 minutes.


She was one of the greatest blessings for this umma


Im an islamophobe & i want to thank mohijab for posting this video so that i can better formulate my arguments to win debates


Even if she was 13 or 16, why are you trying to justify 54 years old messenger of God marrying a 16 year old? Why didn’t Allah tell his prophet it was wrong, he should set an example and not use his position to have sex with a teenager. Didn’t Allah tell his prophet it was wrong to marry his son’s wife or rape the slave girl? Allah was giving the message for all times, Allah didn’t seem to know what was happening in the future. Please stop trying to defend the indefensible, no religion is perfect, no prophet is perfect, just take the best parts of Islam and stop trying to justify what is clearly wrong.


You see the issue with the defense argument of people saying “That’s just how things were done back in the day” means that Mohammed himself is just a regular flawed man, not to be revered as a prophet


There are many Hadith, in English, about Aisha's age they generally state as this Hadith does :

"It was narrated from 'Aishah that the Messenger of Allah married her when she was six years old, and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine."

Grade:    Sahih (Darussalam)       

Reference                : Sunan an-Nasa'i 3255

It is graded as Sahih by some, but that is wrong.

These Hadith were transmitted by Hishaam ibn Urwa or sometimes it's just stated Hishaam, one and the same person.

When Hishaam grew old his memory suffered very badly and it was then that he transmitted these Hadith. 

In the science of Hadith there are five conditions that must be met in order for a hadith to be graded as Sahih. One of the conditions is that the narrator have a high precision of memory.

Hishaam had a very bad memory and therefore doesn't meet the criteria in fact as his memory was very bad  the Hadith is Apocryphal, Daef or false.

There is a Hadith transmitted by Umaartubnu Ghazeyah but he is listed as being Daef and therefore the Hadith is Daef.

The Hadith such as these are Apocryphal, Daef or false and many people do not know.

Asma, Aisha's sister, was 10 years older than Aisha. Asma died in 73 AH at 100. Which makes Aisha around 17 at the time of Hijra to Medina. She was conducted to her husband, Peace be upon him in a later Shawwal making her 19 years and 10 months old.

In The Holy Qur'an Allah says


"...Marry who seem good to you from THE WOMEN...' 4:3 


Extra knowledge:

The fourth chapter, The Women, starts with

 "O' Mankind…" 4:1

and therefore the address is to Mankind.

In Hadith 10 from 40 Hadith an-Nawawi

It is noted that :

"Verily Allah commanded The Believers* because He commanded with it The Messengers and 

Allah said "O' The Messengers Eat from The Good and Act Righteously" 

and He said "O' Those who Believe* Eat from The Good which We provided you"..."

We note that Allah addresses The Messengers separately from The Believers* and this is true throughout the Qur'an.

Therefore, Allah begins Chapter 4 with :

"O' Mankind…" 4:1

and the address is to Mankind and excludes The Messenger, Muhammad, Peace be upon him. 

As the chapter continues it still addresses Mankind and says : 

"...Marry who seem good to you from THE WOMEN...' 4:3 

This address is part of the address to Mankind and not to The Messenger Muhammad, Peace be upon him, who is excluded from this address.

However, Further along in The Chapter, The Women, Allah says : 

"Allah wishes to make clear for you and guide you to The Practices of those from before you…" 4:26

In this verse which is still addressing Mankind Allah says He makes clear for you, Mankind,   and guides you, Mankind, to The Practices of those from before you, and The practices of those before you is to, as Allah says :

"...Marry who seem good to you from THE WOMEN...' 4:3

and those before you are The Prophets.

All The Prophets from before their practice was to marry Women NOT children exonerating them from any and all blame.

and Allah says :

"...Never will you find in The Practice of Allah A Changing…" 35:43 and there are other verses from elsewhere in The Quran.

And no changing in The Practice of Allah in respect to The messenger of Allah, Muhammad, Peace be upon him.

The Prophet Muhammad's practice was already in line with The Practice of The Prophets from before that he and they only married women and therefore it was not necessary to address him, Peace be upon him, when Allah began The Chapter, The Women, with " O' Mankind…".

Allah makes clear and guides Mankind to The Practice of those before us namely The Prophets and The Practice of Muhammad, Peace be upon him, in which there was no change in that practice from before to : 

"...Marry who seem good to you from THE WOMEN...' 4:3


There is more evidence but it would make this too long.


A person must be aqil and baligh, no custom can overrule that. And the person must consent and know what that involves. The hadith are questionable at best and go against the primacy of the rule. According to the Hanafi mazhab a female can make her own wedding contract and a child can't, so do with that what you will. Also, this hadith has been abused by people to abuse children. May Allah ta'ala protect us and let us understand rahmatalilaalameen and not pretend zulm is from rahma. Instead we should be more objective in our approach and start applying reason to analysis of hadith literature.


Like this guy, everytime I Listen to him the more convinced I am that Islam is a man made religion


Ayesha (رضی اللہ عنھا) herself was very happy with this marriage as is evidenced by the hundreds of teachings she later related after his (ﷺ) death.
