The China's New Sixth Generation Super fighter jets VS The US 6th Generation Fighters

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The development of the sixth generation aircraft is the only opportunity to overtake the United States in corners, The development of future fighter jets will directly affect the national defense strategies and geopolitical patterns of various countries, so this competition has attracted much attention. This competition is not only a technical competition, but also reflects the competition of international military power. What is the 6th generation fighter jet? This is a topic often discussed by military fans.
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Next 5 years will know which is better. By then should have laser weapon also.


There will be no head to head battles as there hasn't been. Multipurpose aircraft are a part of integrated systems for both land, sea, air and intelligence. The seamless coming together will provide anti-access area denial. That in turn give the men and women involved flexibility for offensive as well as defensive operations. But, information side of 6th gen aircraft will outweigh and kinetic attacks it may engage in.


Your info is all wrong!!! The main concept of China's 6th gen is AI. Have U seen what the chief designer of the J20 said in a conference. China's 6th gen is 智能為皇 which means intelligence is King. MUM-T is just part of the capability of a 6th gen. U have confused the 5.5 gen double seat J20S which specializes in MUM-T with the 6th gen. J20S is just a transition to 6 gen and a platform to test some concepts of 6 gen fighter. The US still haven't defined what defines a 6th gen fighter while China has and already got some sub-systems developed. China will have a 6th gen faster than the US


Should be interesting to see how well China can do with their own 6th gen, without copying another airframe.


Who would win depends on what each country wants. If China is only seeking to defend and take back Taiwan, they don’t need aerial refueling unlike U.S. planes.


With due respect, both will be loosers; and COEXISTENCE MAY BE THE ONLY WAY! THANKS!
