5 Levels of Major Arpeggios

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(Arpeggio - The sounding of the tones of a chord in rapid succession rather than simultaneously.) I remember the first time I recall “noticing” arpeggios and being completely fascinated! The song was, "House of the Rising Sun", by The Animals and ever since hearing them, I was hooked!

The 2nd time I really perked up my ears when I heard arpeggios was while listening to the incomparable, Yngwie Malmsteen in the early 80s…but instead of arpeggiating "cowboy chords" like in House of the Rising Sun, this cat was “sweep-picking” arpeggios in the higher register at blazingly fast speeds that absolutely blew my mind! Sweep-picking is when several notes are picked down or up in a sweeping motion (unlike alternate picking). If you are in my 365 Guitar Plan, there is no doubt you have come across these.

In either case, arpeggios are the musicians’ secret weapon because every note you play in an arpeggio sounds great because you're actually playing the notes of the chord. They are also amazing for building dexterity/speed and for knowing all of the "sweet notes" on the guitar neck.

In today's video I will walk you through five levels of sweep-picking arpeggios similar to my second encounter from above. I start you off easy and get more complex through the levels. I've included tablature and will walk you through this super powerful and effective concept that you can use often in soloing and creating other guitar parts.

I promise you’re going to love this one, as it's one of my favorites for many reasons!



00:00 Introduction
00:22 Whole Enchilada
00:52 Level 1
02:37 Level 2
03:31 Level 3
04:06 Level 4
05:26 Level 5
07:16 Spinning Enchilada
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