What Are Piano Arpeggios + 5 Key Exercises

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Today we delve again on piano arpeggios (check out my previous tutorial on this in a past lesson video). I will be explaining in detail what piano arpeggios are and why they are a key essential part of a pianist's tool set.

Stick around until the end where I lay out 5 arpeggio exercises and demonstrate how to play them with finesse and with speed. Again, LIKE this video if it helps you with your arpeggio playing and do share it with another piano friend if you think it can help them as well. 🤓

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🕘 Timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:20 Arpeggios - Exactly What Are They?
1:15 Why are Arpeggios Important? 3 Reasons Why
3:15 Level 1
4:50 Level 2
5:52 Level 3
7:22 Level 4
8:20 Level 5


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🕘 Timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:20 Arpeggios - Exactly What Are They?
1:15 Why are Arpeggios Important? 3 Reasons Why
3:15 Level 1
4:50 Level 2
5:52 Level 3
7:22 Level 4
8:20 Level 5


I am 12 year old and been playing for 1 and a half years ive been watching your videos for motivation and being self taught and pretty secent now at playing


Please do a video on how to avoid tension while playing the piano. Cheers 😃


I cannot believe I made it this far without recognizing how fundamental these are to improvising and understanding melodies.


Yay, I requested arpeggios in his last video and he really read my comment. Thank you so much, I've been waiting for this.


Thanks 😊You are great a demystifying these beginner exercises and visually showing, at a slow 🧘🏽‍♀️enough pace, a way to progress, step by step ie learn to walk before you run stuff


Thank you very much, I am self-taugh and this video is incredibly helpful! You are the best teacher here on youtube!


I am learning on my own and wasn't really sure how to practice arpeggios. This really helped. Thanks.


We that are willing to learn are not Left alone through your lesson. If you can be helping beginners most of beginners will be interested in your channel. Thanks from Nigeria, I enjoy it.


Your tutorials are so beautifully explained that at my age of 51 I have inspired and started learning piano, man you are genius, wish I could play like you, Kudos...!


That was great and helpful to teach and illustrate about prepare and then only when you prepare play the notes


You are super good and clear. You are so candid on the four octave explanation."where was I" is so relatable. I really enjoy your lessons


Merci, a very timely video. I decided to get serious with my piano agenda, and this week I planned out the next 12 days of practice. One key a day.
I start out with modes, but do them in the order: Lydian, Ionian, Mixolidian, Dorian, Aeolian, (Harmonic and Melodic), Phrygian and Lochrian.
Then I'm doing arpeggios since I've tended to ignore them.
I'm practicing the Rule of the Octave which I do on the Tonic, the third and fifth in the key of the day, but I also do one in the Circle of Fifths.
I do the circle of fifths progression in the key of the day.
I finish with sightreading.
You are the inspiration for me to buy a piano last year at 65 yoa, and I'm forever grateful to you, Jason. Again, merci.


I will never get enough of this so informative lesson. That was very well thought of. Thank you so much.


Really good explanation on how to conceptualize a chord. Thanks.


Level 5 is so fun to play, but still challenging. Before this video came out, I was already practicing this movement by playing Moonlight sonata 3rd mvt's finale because of how gorgeous and dramatic it sounds


Your the reason why I started playing the piano. Great Content! ❤❤❤


So challenging!
That last tip on planning is great.
I have a LONG way to go but thank you for the valuable lesson!


Wow, this will shut me up for a goodly while! Am still getting to grips with the finger independence exercise (tiny bit of improvement) & the 3 strikes per note exercise (no improvement yet)!
This seems meaty. I love arpeggios (ever since The Aristocats) ❤


Great video. Learning is high on the level. Definitely gives me new approaches to improving my fingering. Sorry, I’m a beginner. 60 years I’ve tortured trying to play, never understanding “circle of 5s” open my eyes, now i have so many scales.. doing scales never left Cmaj. Taking it to the next level, the fingering changes. Omg. Doing multiple octaves…absolutely, but it all comes to your hands on the piano linking to something between the ears. I’ve seen several of your videos, and felt inspired to hit the piano, but now i have something new to try. The next step is to watch your video again to get the fingering, documented… so i can refer while at the piano. Ie quick study guide lol. Through repetition I’ll get it. Thanks. do more vids lol.
