6 Truths Empaths Need to Realize About Narcissists

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In this video, we're going to explore 6 truths empaths need to realize about narcissists.

As empaths, we are often affected by narcissists. These truths will help us to understand why we are so vulnerable to narcissistic abuse, and help us to begin to heal.

If you're an empath and you've been hurting as a result of dealing with a narcissist, don't hesitate to share this video with a friend. It might just help them to understand you better and help you to heal.

Script Writer: Daila Ayala
Script Editor:Denise Ding
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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Have you ever been in love with a narcissist?


It's not just narcissists. Being an empath is a curse most days. All the people I try to help and are always there for are so rarely there for me when I need it most.


The biggest problem is empaths can only learn this genuinely when it's too late.


It is heart crushing when you realize you were only a tool to be used. The love & intimacy seemed so real.


"A karmic lesson of exactly what love is not" "Love does not involve abuse". So simple so true.


It hurts even more when the narcissists are actually your parents :(


Once, a nascissist told me i was being selfish for setting boundaries and putting my healthcare first, can you believe it?? Thanks for the helpful video!


“The truth is that no matter how nice the narcissist was… at the beginning of the relationship or even after a fight. They never loved their partner”
This phrase felt like a jar of cold water, and has made me finally get my ex out of my head.
I can’t explain well enough how grateful I am to you


My narcissistic father disowned me a week ago for trying to put down boundaries with him. Then, he belittled me and said he’d want something to do with “the daughter he loves, with her own thoughts and feelings” as long as I A) don’t respect my boundaries I need with him and B) don’t prioritize my freedom and relationship with my fiancé. He talked down to me as if I was a child when I’m a grown-ass woman. I could NOT believe what I was reading. Oh yeah, did I mention that he turned HIS disowning me into ME walking away from the family…. Right.


I blocked my narcissist in August 2021 and that was the best decision that I ever made! I am sending light, love, peace and harmony to anyone who is attempting to get out of that situation because it definitely is a challenge. 🙏🏽


So sad to see so many people relating to having an experience like this with a narcissist. It’s important to avoid these warning signs. It’s never worth it 😢


"This isn't a single accident. This is conscious repeated garbage behavior over time." Yup 💯 save yourselves empaths! No narcissist is ever worth losing your time or energy over


The last one was the one that had me like the avatar, hyperventilating and clutching my heart, when the realization hit me like a bulldozer and I finally broke things off with my fianceé.

It took years of trying to figure him out, trying to understand him, trying to appease, support, be patient, be loving. And trying to communicate ‘why’, ‘how’ and the ways he was hurting me emotionally, spiritually, and financially until it clicked. Right when the rollercoaster was going to start again.

‘This isn't the behavior of someone in love with me. This is the behavior of someone that loved using me. And in that case...hes never been in love with me to begin with.’


Sometimes all you need to do is say it respectfully. You do not owe kindness to those who intentionally harmed you. Do not throw pearls to swine.


1). Narcissists will never fullfill the covert contract 1:01
2). You can't save someone who doesn't want it 2:37
3). Emotions can't replace your brain 3:57
4). Narcissists are disordered and morally bankrupt 5:22
5). It's all a fantasy it's not real 6:59
6). Abuse means genuine love was never part of the picture 7:51

Hope this helps you out. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


I was infatuated with a narcissist about seven years ago and I had not been in a relationship before so I had no idea what a normal relationship looked like. She made my life hell, playing with my emotions, leaving me out in the cold and then hooking me back in when her supply was low. It took me a whole year and a half and an internet article to realise just exactly what she was and to get the hell out of there. Ended up cutting all contact with her and my life has much improved since then.


I’m an empath AND autistic. It’s a double whammy for me. Sadly this video made me realize I am the lamb that gets trapped with predators. And I think it’s because I have a challenging time recognizing what’s real and what isn’t 😪.. lessons to be learned. Going to practice this now!


Just broke off a terrible relationship with a narcissist. A lot of this was true :") He was manipulative and made me feel bad for him, so I felt guilty and stayed. It was so draining. Never let me question him, and expected me to listen to him all the time, no matter what. Trying to pressure me into the grossest things, for money. I finally got out. I feel a lot better now :")


The hardest pill for me to swallow was that with narcissists, abuse means they never truly loved you. It's true though, as soon as I called my stepmother out for being unfair, she left us, blamed us, and went onto another relationship a couple months later. She is truly morally bankrupt and I have no respect for the woman whatsoever. I'm also tired of letting her continue to dictate my life long after she's been gone.


I needed this. My mother is a narcissistic and it’s been a long journey of not wanting to cut ties with her but yet it draining me entirely.
