Don Quixote | The Greatest Novel Ever Written

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About to read Don Quixote for a second time. It’s absolutely the greatest novel ever written. It haunts me like scripture does. Always new insights and levels to meaning.


Brazilian here. I laughed my head off throughout both books. I cried thinking about them afterwards. It is that good. It moved me even more than Hamlet


In the past few days I've watched several good videos about Don Quixote, but this one is the most heartfelt.


I am very glad that you liked it, I think it is the definitive novel for several reasons, even if you are crazy, you should not lose your dreams, even if the winds are adverse along the way. Honor, loyalty, bravery, words and love are part of the good men who walk the Welcome to Spain, I hope you travel the fields of La ....


I just finished Part2. What an amazing experience. I fully agree with you, . Probably the best book I've read so far.


Cervantes understood human psyche and emotions and phylosophy so well that it is relevant even to this date. I remember someone telling that Cervantes created idealism and realism and the same time even when the concepta werent invented.


That's a great way to put it, when you read a great book you feel like you should read everything.


I always thought part 2 was more enjoyable, reflective and far less meandering. It's where you truly get to understand the psychology of Don Quixote and how he changes.

You have wonderful reflection on the deeper aspects of the novels meanings! Thank you!


Totally agree with you, this is indeed the greatest novel ever written. I do think, though, that the second part of the novel from 1615 is quite a different beast - more philosophical, more profound, but yet for different reasons than in the first part, and nevertheless a great complement to it. Overall an incredibly profound work (despite what many people think or know about this work, not having read it), and a seminal cornerstone work of fiction that everyone ought to read.


Yes, I read it last year for the second time - the first time in high school. Almost 50 years difference. This time in Spanish, with occasional backup from the Grossman translation. Bon voyage - and you'd better NOT spend all your time reading Part 2 when you're visiting your girlfriend! What would Sancho say? 🤣


Just finished Don Quixote this morning for the first time . (Both parts ) .Incredible book . I’m going to have to read it again at some point in my life as it is so vast I feel like it needs to be read again . My favorite episode was in part 1 and the story of Anselmo and Lothario . That whole “story with a story “ was mesmerizing .
I also agree with your synopsis that the book makes you want to dream and find wonder in the world but also warns us of what happens when we stop wondering, stop dreaming . Incredible experience . Thanks for these videos that got me to read Don Quixote


Don Quixote
“Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.”


Gracias el Quijote es un gran libro muy divertido y muy erudito al mismo tiempo sin ser un plomazo aquí en España se dice que mucha gente tiene el libro pero poca gente lo ha leído y es una pena yo puedo corroborar que en mi círculo de amigos ni les va ni les viene cosa que no entiendo pero bueno así son las las cosas.

Thank you! I have really enjoyed your approach. I am glad you like the book as much as me. So fun to read, so funny and it makes you think. With some help of the experts on the book you learn all the sides as the book is pure erudition. Even if you dont take the bother reading it is a pleasure for the mind, it conforts you and


In Spain people think Sancho Panza is fat and is tiny because of the description of him in chapter 9, when the change of narrator happens and the narrator sees him in the cover of the book in Toledo, but the thing is that the narrator never describes him physically, only that he is coward and likes to eat and drink.


I love the word "enchantment" you use at the end of the video. There's indeed something like that in the reading of this book. In fact DQ and Sancho become true friends of the reader. It's not a book : both DQ and Sancho are alive ! You wait all day for the moment you'll join them again in their adventures and conversations.


Props for pronouncing Sancho PanZa!! Great video


I honestly didn't know that this was two books put together... If I'm honest the size of the novel always put me off. Now knowing it's two books I might give this a chance and buy it. Read book one then see where it goes from there.


Spaniard here, want to read the book with another layer of depth? Don Quijote isn't crazy, he is acting crazy, to get away with the things he does.


Have you ever thought about teaching English Literature? I think you would be really good at it.


Best book ever . I read it in Spanish and English . The Spanish one is better it has puns that are not translated a lot of times into English .
