Do you have a Masculine or Feminine face? Facial Gender & How it impacts our style.

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What is the difference between masculine vs feminine facial traits? In this video we talk about the various components that impact facial gender and how we can use these traits in catering our unique style!


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Grace Kelly had a square jawline, but the face overall was so pretty and feminine that you never call her manly. By the way, your haircolor is beautiful today!


I have a masculine face. People regularly assume I'm a man. When I was asking for help at a cosmetics store, I was asked what club I performed at. She thought I was a drag queen.

When I'm recognized as a woman I'm assumed to be this strong, athletic and dominant woman. That just isn't me. I wished we lived in a world where people didn't judge and make assumptions based on looks.


A lot of those celebrities have had surgery to strengthen the look of the jaw. Not to mention the cheek implants and or fillers. Most of the people we see on the red carpet have had cosmetic surgery now.


Tilda Swinton and Kate Blanchett both have sharp, masculine leaning faces but also their softer coloring and ethereal, otherworldly essence balances it out. They were both cast as powerful, beautiful Queens who are mythical beings.


I am on the more masculine side and I like it. I like that I can pull off tailored and minimal looks easily.


I like when guys have a fair amount of feminine features to their face (which guys would probably consider an insult). Like Cillian Murphy, Elijah Wood, Lee Jong-Suk. Also, strong contrast between skin, hair, and eyes.


Love your content!❤️💖💋
My features are really feminine-
and as I child I hated wearing girly clothes- but I really look better in them - I’ve embraced it these days. But with bright colours and sparkle!!💖


I feel like makeup choices are very connected to personal color theory. Dua Lipa and Jennifer Connelly look better in “bold makeup” because the bold makeup in question is black or very dark eyeshadow and eyeliner, which is contrasted against their skin tone. I think the reason they tend to look good in dark colored makeup is because the dark contrast matches the contrast from their dark hair or dark eyes.

The examples given of celebrities who looked bad in “bold looks only looked bad because the makeup is darker than any feature of their face or hair so there is no harmony. Some of them could probably pull off the same boldness of makeup but with different, brighter colors. Also, some makeup artists actually use bold eye makeup on people with more prominent noses to draw attention away from the nose.


I love playing into my more masculine or feminine features depending on my mood! I have what I would describe as an androgynous face naturally with a mix of both masculine and feminine features. I have recently gone back to shaving my head (because hair annoys me lol) and I love being able to rock that one day with intense high contrast makeup, then throw on a long wig and do soft glam the next. It’s really freeing to just kinda ignore the gender expectations placed on me as a cis woman, and just do whatever I feel like day to day.


Side note: you look great in this video. I don't know if you change anything but keep doing it. You looked off into the distance in one shot and I just thought the lighting and side profile really brought out your beauty.


The timing of this video is crazy. Just yesterday I was stopped on the street by someone telling me I look exactly like Dakota Fanning. So I guess I know my answer to this one 😂. I’ve been trying to figure out her Kibbe type and essence so I can help narrow down my own!


That's why knowing your Kibbie Type is so important! It can help you determine what styles of makeup and fashion make you shine.

Thank you for this video! It was really informational!


As someone with a lot of masculine lines in my face, the makeup tip was so helpful! I look good with smokey makeup, but there’s a line where it starts to look theatrical if the smokiness is blended up too high close to the eyebrow


I wish people didn't buy into the extent of this masculine and feminine thing. Masculine men are gentle, feminine women are strong. If you're female and have a "square jaw" think of what the men in her family have and vice versa.


Good analysis! It helps me understand why I lean masculine in my dressing.


I've always wanted to look "handsome" but my face has an overall soft impression.
I didn't look good every time I tried to look masculine and my friends always said "it doesn't harmonize with your energy" and explained I was a very feminine person inside out that I had to pursue that direction if I wanted to look good.
When I watched your video explaining why Cara Delevingne (and other celebrities) having feminine features makes them look beautiful doing androgynous looks, I was mind blown!
I have so much insecurity about my face, but I'm trying to figure out how I can do my makeup/styling so I can present myself who I am through fashion! Thank you Jenn ♥️
(Sorry about my English, I hope it made sense)


This is a great video! It helps me contextualize my face


brilliant video! my favorite type of videos with all the examples and details you provide so someone with zero observation skill like me can understand 😂


Idk where i lean in the masc. Vs fem features but i know tiny/dainty jewelry looks too small and delicate for me (even thought i am petite) i can work with small pieces but anything to small or delicate looks off. Where as sharper medium sized pieces look more harmonious to my eyes lol


Out of topic but I think you look better with your makeup and hair here in your recent vids. I like it! It suits you.
