My 6 Favorite Cuts Of Cheap Fatty Beef Will Save You Money

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Anthony Stine
PO Box 3048
Shawnee, OK

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When my neighbor found out I'm carnivore she exclaimed, "How can you afford all that meat?" I said, "Well, I'm not spending $4 on potato chips!" She asked where I was finding $4 chips that they're $6 now. See, that's how I afford meat, I'm spending $0 on junk food! Great video!


This is my favourite ritual. I buy a bunch of marrow bones and roast them for an hour. Then I put them in the pressure cooker covered in water and some salt for 3 hours. I reduce the stock to about a third. Then I brown some ox cheeks and put them in the slow cooker with the beef stock for 6 hours until meltingly tender. I eat an ox cheek with a cup of bone broth on the side. It takes all day but I usually get six portions out of it. It's so delicious, I'm totally addicted.


I do bbq beef ribs at least once a month all year round.
Lost 60lbs on KETO in 6 months and have maintained for 2 years now. Love fatty meat!


When our home went carnivore our monthly food budget dropped by 25% and we eat ribeye, NY Strip 2-3 times a week, people don't realize how much garbage they buy that isn't meat.


My dad was a butcher from their family meat shop to wholesale processing. His favorite cut was the 7 bone chuck roast and the one I could afford once a week in my young adulthood. The stores now process the bones out, very disappointing. I sear the chuck roast on both sides in bacon grease or butter, pepper corns, rosemary, salt and pepper. After 5 min each side I add 1/2 c red wine to deglaze the pan then 1 cup water and simmer in low for 2 hours. Melts in your mouth good


I like your no-nonsense approach to this, and I agree with your cheap choices.


My fave cuts of beef are ribeye, sirloin, short rib and rump. I am also very fond of the heart and eat it regularly - I fry it diced til the fat goes crispy and then mix in some seasoning and a little water, then once that's heated through I stir in soft goat's cheese to make a sort of stroganoff. It's delicious! I also love lamb ribs and sliced lamb hearts done in the airfryer - I never get tired of those!


It's easier to get the Marrow out of the short cut ribs and is Just poke it through. Super nutritious also.


i eat lots of ground beef, on sale ribeyes, and reverse seared chuck roast cut into steaks.


These are all great recommendations. I have to say that Chuck roast is one of my very favorites. I literally crave it sometimes. Just pat dry, add salt and pepper and sear in an oven proof deep skillet, both sides, in a small amount of olive oil. Then, add beef broth half way up roast, cover with lid or heavy foil and place in preheated 300 degree oven for 2.5 to 3 hours. Fantastic!


Good suggestions. I don't eat a carnivore diet but I do eat a low carb diet(around 12 carbs per day) so the bulk of my meals is meat or seafood three times a day. Year 30 now. You mentioned salt and if you're not aware when eating a low carb or zero carb diet you need to increase your salt intake. I've had to limit water intake along with increased salt to maintain healthy sodium levels. I would not be worried about adding salt to a zero carb diet. Now one thing you didn't mention. My wife and I are in our 70's and even some more expensive cuts of meat can be very cheap depending on the amount you fix. I normally cook meats or seafoods figuring on 4 to 6 ozs. each portion. Today I bought two t-bone steaks(you'd like, nice fat) for $12. One steak will provide dinner for both my wife and I so that's $6 for a t-bone. Boneless chicken breasts around $2 for two servings for us. I figure normally that meats cost us between 2 and $6 per meal for the both of us. If you don't like hamburger it's likely because you're cooking all the fat out of it to get it done. Try making hamburger steaks by frying slightly and then simmering in beef broth until done(I add mushrooms and onions, lots of worch. sauce, salt and pepper). I normally eat eggs and pork for my breakfast so that supplies much of my needed fat intake. The rest I get throughout the day.


Brookshire’s Brothers grocery in Texas has an almost continuous meat sale of select beef. But one get one for a penny. It makes ribeye steaks about $6.00 per lb.


Love the brisket..cut into steaks and put it on my ninja grill. 6-8 mins am done..season it salt n the mood I may add crushed coriander seeds and some cayenne chilli and am it


Winco has a pretty good price on beef too. I like to get beef heart and sometimes find ones with a good big of fat also. They're cheaper than ground beef usually under 3 dollars a pound.


Shank steaks are my favorite! ❤️ $4 a pound with a bone, marrow, lots of fat and collagen. I put 4 in a crock pot on high for 4 hours. Divine! And the least amount of work of all the beef that I make. Plus, I can save the bones for bone broth. Win!


Perfect timing, I was just looking for alternatives.


Great video....yes, I'd love to eat ribeye everyday but can't afford to now that has is so expensive.


I do kirkland 75/25 frozen ground beef from Costco. I wont buy any other kind, even if it's grassfed & the same price. I am so used to the fat content that any other version is a turn off. I load the air fryer with four patties at a time & sometimes top it with an egg or slice of cheese.


Well fancy ‘meating’ you here, Anthony! I have been considering carnivore for a while now but was a little hesitant about believing it was a good thing because, ya know, not everyone on YouTube is trustworthy. I had no idea you were carnivore nor did I know you had this channel! I was pleasantly surprised when your video popped up on my feed and now I feel a little more confident about trying to go carnivore. I regularly watch Dr. Berry, Dr. Boz and several other YouTubers who I kinda trust. Now I will add you to the list. Food for the body and the soul all from the same trusted source…YOU! Thanks for both of your channels!


The problem I had with Keto was snacks. And then I found pork rinds!
