The Dark Downfall of The Roloff Twins

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Exposing the Truth on The Roloff Twins, Zach and Jeremy Roloff.

What do you think of this #Roloff Fued? What side do you take?

Comment below! #LittlePeopleBigWorld
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I always enjoyed watching LPBW and watching the kids grow up. Every family has its drama. I hope the Roloff family reconciles and reunites.


I've had bad vibes about Audrey from the start. Nothing to back that, just a feeling.


Jeremy and audrey always acted like tbey were better than the others


I've always thought Jeremy felt asthough he was a little above his family. The older he got, the more I was put off by him.


Sibling grow apart as they start having families. My nephew sat in his brother room for weeks after he left to get married. Now 10 years later they go over to each other houses, and will go on vacations every few years. But everyday life gets into the way sometimes. The love is still there, and when they are needed they are there for the other. Life goes on, and it's always changing, but love stays, it's a little different.


Nicely done video. Thanks.

That "tv drama" paid Jeremy well. He seems a little arrogant. He didn't even want the farm before. He took off.

We're all speculating. Here's something a lawyer told us: assets belong to mom or dad, they can do anything they like with their estate, and, as much as people don't like it, it is not a legal requirement for there to be an exact split for the kids. I'm sure Matt and Amy will provide something for their kids. Matt should do what he wants.


Everything went down when Pops decided to have an affair with an employee


We live by Audrey. If you don't acknowledge her she will let you know. She needs to control everything. She doesn't want to be outshined by anyone, including her, pregnancies, the farm, bigger house, etc.


I think we forget that the twins also have a brother and sister. They're not alone ! It's rough for dad to be fair.


I'm nott surprised. I'm glad Jacob distanced himself from this show to maintain sanity. Its not good to air out everything on tv.


I just started watching the show so binge watched a lot. When they were younger I always thought this feels like the Zach show. It was always about him, and he always had an issue to whine about. Most of the issues were due to him being lazy and immature. Look at the several episodes of Zach trying to get a license, he didn’t even read the material and made a big deal about failing. They had to take him over and over and he still didn’t read the material, and even had lost the book. I didn’t even know Jeremy was testing for his. I feel like they all went way too far trying to make him happy because he was the little one. Jeremy always stepped aside and let it be about Zach. He also at the end of the day would do anything to help Zach. I felt bad for Jeremy because he was the most mature out of everyone. He was always working on things, and trying to fix people’s problems. His wife has definitely changed him. Zach was way too coddled and has always been immature and entitled.


I have never cared for the negative comments towards Jeremy and his family for many years now. I am sure it has been hurtful to Jeremy and his wonderful family. The fans have gone overboard with pitting one family against the other for years now. No wonder they have problems with each other. Some people are cruel and hurtful with their mean comments…. Both brothers are great husbands, great fathers and people should stop acting like the viewers need to choose a side, they are individuals that should receive individual respect….


Imagine growing up in front of a camera and your entire family’s personal issues on display for all to see. That would be difficult and I am not sure the money would be worth it.


Just one more casualty of a reality show. Take a survey and see how many families have fallen apart after being on TV ... They need to drop this show!


Zack stuck around the show and the farm. All the rest of the kids took off . Zack deserves it . The farm should be divided into 4 sections. One for each . They can all run the pumpkin season and split the money .


I can't stand Audrey and Jeremy. I love how they have this thing about how to make your marriage work. You tell us, kids. You need to be married for 20 or 30 years before you can advise on any such thing.


Actually, Zach has talked about taking over the farm for YEARS. Jeremy expressed disinterest.


Rivalry and jealousy is so petty and counterproductive. Living in the past gets you nowhere. You are lucky to have a family. Lots of people don’t. Count your blessings.


Ultimately, it's Matt's farm. As such he can do with it, as he wishes. It's absurd to expect things from our parents. I've always been self-sufficient & as a grown adult I have no business telling my parents what to do with their property or money. It's scary how the vultures start circling when you have money.


After years of watching I visited the farm during this year’s pumpkin season. It was only Jacob and his wife there working and I talked to Amy for a long time. I am disappointed that Zack and Tori said they hope their new house in WA is their last. I hope they patch things up and don’t give up this incredible property for their and their kid’s sake.
