Bach Johannes Passion St John Passion BWV 245 John Eliot Gardiner

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Johann Sebastian Bach
Johannes-Passion BWV 245 (St John Passion)
English Baroque Soloists & Monteverdi Choir
Sir John Eliot Gardiner, conductor
Mark Padmore, tenor, Evangelist; Peter Harvey, bass, Christus; Katherine Fuge, soprano; Robin Blaze, counter-tenor; Nicholas Mulroy, tenor; Jeremy Budd, tenor; Matthew Brook bass
****TRACKS :
1:03 Lord our Master (Choral) (Coro: Herr, unser Herrscher, essen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist!)
11:00 O great Love (Choral) (O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße)
12:57 May Your will be done, Lord God (Choral) (Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich)
14:32 To free me for the bonds of my sin (Von den Stricken meiner Sünden)
18:59 I too follow You with eager steps (Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten)
25:30 Who would strike You like that, my Saviour (Choral) (Wer hat dich so geschlagen, meine Retter)
29:40 O my trubled mind (Ach, mein Sinn)
32:03 Without thinking Peter denies his God (Choral) (Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück)
40:46 O mighty King, Great for ever (Choral) (Ach großer König, groß zu allen Zeiten)
44:55 Consider, my soul, with anxious deligth (Betrachte, meine Seel, mit ängstlichem Vergnügen)
47:30 See how His back, steaked with blood, resembles the Heavens (Sehen Sie, wie sein Rücken, mit Blut teaked, ähnelt den Himmel)
1:02:47 Your captivity, Son of God, brings us our liberty (Choral) (Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn muß uns die Freiheit kommen)
1:07:42 Hurry, your tormented souls (Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen)
1:14:01 May You Name and Cross be engraved on my hearth (Choral) (Können Sie den Namen und Kreuz graviert werden in meines Herzens Grunde)
1:18:48 He considerd everything in His last hour (Choral) (Er nahm alles wohl in acht In der letzten Stunde)
1:21:02 It is finished (Es ist vollbracht!)
1:27:13 Dearest Saviour, let me ask You (Mein teurer Heiland, laß dich fragen)
1:32:41 Let your tears honour our God (Zerfleiße, mein Herze, in Fluten der Zähren Dem Höchsten zu Ehren!)
1:41:38 Hepl us, Christ, Son of God, through Your bitter suffering (Choral) (O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn, Durch dein bitter Leiden)
1:45:08 Rest in peace, Sacred Body (Choral) (Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine)
1:52:09 Lord send Your Angels in my last hour (Choral) (Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein Am letzten End)
Рекомендации по теме

When I feel all hope is lost for humanity this piece makes me think we might have a chance.


Gardiner never disappoints, to understate the matter. Utterly superb. And his singers speak an excellent German.


J S Bach is one sinner man in Christ i would have liked to meet;
Something in his work and I'm every time all in it. ❤ Oh how beautiful/blessd this production; God is so felt in this! Thanks, folks!


Time Stamps for movements

Part 1
1. Chorus- 00:00:00
2. Recitative (John 18, 1-8)- 08:21
3. Chorale- 10:59
4. Recitative (John 18, 9-11)- 11:46
5. Chorale- 12:55
6. Recitative (John 18, 12-14)- 13:46
7. Aria (Counter-Tenor)- 14:33
8. Recitative (John 18, 15)- 18:44
9. Aria (Soprano)- 18:58
10. Recitative (John 18, 15-23)- 22:20
11. Chorale- 25:30
12. Recitative (John 18, 24-28)- 27:22
13. Aria (Tenor)- 29:38
14. Chorale- 32:04

Part 2
15. Chorale- 35:24
16. Recitative (John 18, 28-30)- 36:33
17. Chorale- 40:45
18. Recitative (John 18, 37-40), (John 19, 1)- 42:11
19. Arioso (Bass)- 44:56
20. Aria (Tenor)- 47:30
21. Recitative (John 19, 2-12)- 56:38
22. Central Chorale- 01:02:47
23. Recitative (John 19, 12-17)- 01:03:40
24. Aria (Bass)- 01:07:43
25. Recitative (19, 18-22)- 01:11:45
26. Chorale- 01:14:03
27. Recitative (John 19, 23-27)- 01:15:02
28. Chorale- 01:18:47
29. Recitative (John 19, 28-30)- 01:19:54
30. Aria (Counter-Tenor)- 01:21:26
31. Recitative (John 19, 30)- 01:26:27- Death of Jesus
32. Aria (Bass)- with Chorale placed over- 01:27:12
33. Recitative (From Gospel of Matthew)- 01:31:18
34. Arioso (Tenor)- 01:31:45
35. Final Aria (Soprano)- 01:32:40
36. Recitative (John 19, 31-37)- 01:39:29
37. Chorale- 01:41:38
38. Final Recitative (John 19, 38-42)- 01:42:59
39. Final Chorus- 01:45:07
40. Final Chorale- 01:52:08


I think half of the views of this video are mine! This recording is in every way sublime! It is pure joy for me. I often find myself laughing with joy or moved to tears as I listen to this. There are so many moments that are exquisitely done. I love everything about his recording… too many things to mention. It is good for the soul!


Je suis fier - et, malheureusement un peu triste - d'être le premier (?) francophone à témoigner de mon admiration pour cet enregistrement et pour la puissance du génie de Bach


Bach m a donné dieu lorsque j avais huit ans Bach c est la ferveur Merci pour cette magistrale interpretation


Maestro Gardiner-praechtig! Neben dem Gardiner gibt es keine Gleiche. Absolut Perfektion! Frohe Ostern alle!


JS Bach - The first writer of film scores - Ahead of his time - as always.


I love it all, but especially just that opening chorus--the words are triumphant, yet the music is dark and harrowing. St. John used spiritual paradoxes, e.g., the light shining in the darkness (i.e., normally, light can't shine IN the darkness without the darkness dissipating...hence John was declaring a spiritual mystery here). The theological statement I think Bach was making here in line with St. John, namely of Christ Crucified presented as simultaneously both Humiliated Victim and Exalted just blows me away.


I was there for this wonderful 2008 Proms performance, including the pre-concert interview with Gardiner and Mark Padmore. It has been great to experience it all again, 14 years later. I don't understand the complaints about the tempo being too fast. And the soloists all performed with feeling and excellence, not least the Evangelist, Mark Padmore. Thank you for posting this.


That introduction! For me, that is the Holy Spirit hovering over the creation, then hovering over Mary. Bach…one of the evidences that God exists!


Applaudo all’evangelista!
La protagonista del questo brano è lui che contiene una a cantare!


Grand Merci, pour cette version très inspirée, à Mr Gardiner et tous ces magnifiques musiciens, ils sont vraiment les meilleurs !
Touchés pat la Grâce.

Lumineuses Fêtes de Pâques à tous !


I have shivers and chills listening and reading the text and the sublime voices
and feeling the suffering of Jesus .
Thank you for sharing with us this marvellous recording🙏


Everyone wonderful, the Evangelist super-wonderful.


The Agony and the Ecstasy : - if you didn't feel it you never even heard it.


I attended a performance of this this evening at my university by English Touring Opera, my university chamber choir, Steel city chamber choir, and a childrens choir. Absolutely brilliant. Everyone performed flawlessly. Loved the cello and archlute.


Finally a performance which isn't slow as molasses to open.


thanks for your share of this interpretation by maestro Gardiner
