Cutting Edge | Job Scams

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One of the largest universities bursting with students’ academics and hidden struggles behind its polished walls. Few people have been fired, and some resigned while others were arrested for selling jobs.

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Nothing New here!!! This has been happening for years!! And nothing is still not being done!!!!


Am 51 years old and I have never work my entire life because i refused to pay bribe or to buy job
I choose to suffer than to take my last money and gave it to a greedy someone whom i will not even report for stealing my money because i was so desperate for work that don't exist


The love of money has destroyed humanity 💔 😢 😪 😔 sad part black people are doing this to fellow black people


As a citizen of 🇿🇦 sitting on the sidelines i am only now starting to appreciate the investment of people who voted for the ANC.
At the end of the day you have to feed your family with what you bring home, and this is exactly what corruption tastes like, dripping with ANC sauce.
If you don't have the time to make an unbiased decision about who the best people are to lead the country then rather don't vote at all.
When you find corruption, report it immediately.
The leaders and responsible people at these institutions need to be fired and disgraced, sell their house and use the money to pay back the people.
Because when there are severe consequences for wrongful actions then things like this will not happen.


I lost 20K for helping my baby mama to get a job and at the end she didn’t even get a job 😢


What I think all the time is perhaps the tracking systems pick up the matric bachelor's passes first so those who got other ones are an after thought.So why not have an education system that takes the pass rate upto 50% in everything, let it be mandatory for every pupil, let them do home schooling using the internet for instance and plan some sports things so they can interact with each other


Stay home and stay safe people. There are no jobs


11:10, that person's voice is clear, from my perspective, SABC has failed dismally to protect that folk.


Just imagine being scammed an amount of R28.000😢😢😢i would die


Manje anizombophisa lowo mgulukudu we Voice Note ?


Samaritan elewa wakati wa kiherehere, na wakati wa kazi, yani huezi nyamaza


This story is just a tip of an iceberg, this kind of criminality is already happening in many industries in South Africa. For you to get a job you either pay or sell your body for sex or someone knows you in that place of work or sometimes its just your luck.


I myself I am a victim of job for scam myself.


Kukhohlakele kwasani emzansi kubolilephu kulelizwe


I don't understand why all those who are interviewed speak zulu and the whole program is also in zulu. where only zulus chosen by the Cutting Edge people or Wits is only full of zulu people???


Every were you go it's corruption... Especially for us on Truck industry we are doomed of corruption. You have to bribe someone or have connection to be a Truck driver 100% I bet that. Each and every truck driver will tell you that it's difficult to find job normal by trusting your code 14 only without connection or bribe.


I hear this young man. But children, and aged people don't get paid or it's not a salary. It is called a grant, a little support so that no child or older person will go to bed hungry, or be ragged. Poor ppl and workers getting less paid, get government houses for free. Those getting stress relief grants, are those who lost jobs during covid19 and jobless citizens it's not much, far from it . That's why it's not a pay. Yeah anyway I understand a Nigerian will say that because few Rands goes a long way in any African country.

This is SA taxpayers money, which was meant for SACANS, but SA government saw need to help others. I'm so sorry for other African citizens who are not looked after the same as SA nation, except for Botswana and Namibia .


Some of us don't even apply for jobs we actually meet the requirements because we know this stuff happens. I also remeber I applied for a job where I met the requirements but the person hiring question if I really do meet the requirements. Didn't get the job evem with 4 years experience.

If you don't pay or know someone you won't get the job. If you do get it your life will be hard cause of tribalism.


Ngathi bangaboshwa bonke banje yonke indawo mfethu


My Mother also paid R11 000 in Uj and i never got accepted
I then got accepted in TUT without paying any bribe but since i started my studies i havnet been eating or been able to buy cosmetics
My older brother didnt go to school because there was no money fr transport and school fees.
My Nsfas is on appeal so I'm hungry every day

Yohh guy South africa is corrupted
