Last 4 Weeks of Internship 2 Level 1| Clinical Intern | Clinical Mental Health Counseling

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Dear Friends, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your amazing support and for being a part of my YouTube journey. Your engagement and feedback have been invaluable in shaping the content I create. If my videos have provided you with value and you feel inclined to contribute further, I am truly grateful for donations via my SUPER Thanks tool. Your support is what motivates me to continue delivering quality content. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. KD :)

If you have any questions DM me on Instagram @kdcounseling
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I'm just impressed with your work ethic Klaudia. I'm sure I will be thinking back on your journey 2 years from now when I'm doing my own internship. Thanks so much for continuing to share and update us all. Enjoy the vacay!


Hi Klaudia. I’m very happy I found your channel. I can honestly say you motivated me and encouraged me to pursue my dream. I finally enrolled and got accepted in a masters program clinical mental health counseling. I’m on my second semester now. Moving along slowly but surly . I Have my first residency in November. So your journey has really helped me to kinda have “blue print “ oh what to expect and how to navigate this journey. Thank you for sharing I know I’m not the only one who you inspired and helped, but I’m personally grateful. ❤


Hi Klaudia! I just wanted to say that I love watching your videos and always look forward to your updates. As I've been applying to grad programs your videos have been a great help. I just found out I got accepted into a marriage and family therapy masters program and I'm so excited! Thanks again, I'm cheering you on from afar!


🐬 i’ve really enjoyed watching your journey and i’m getting more and more excited for my own. i’m cheering for you, Klaudia!


Thanks Klaudia! Have an awesome time on your cruise! ❤


Best of luck!! You got this!! Congrats on the 1k!! 🐬
