[34] Homemade 10nF capacitor

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DEMO/GEEK: In this video, I try to answer the question... "Can we them make capacitors by using erasers?"
Capacitors are devices that store energy and then discharge it very quickly. They have lots of uses in electronics, like filtering, timing and decoupling. The unit of measurement is farad (F), but commonly we use uF, pF and nF in our circuits.
The capacitance value is influenced by the distance between the plates, the area of the plates and the dielectric material used. In this video we used paper as our dielectric, but lots of different materials can be used.
Capacitors are devices that store energy and then discharge it very quickly. They have lots of uses in electronics, like filtering, timing and decoupling. The unit of measurement is farad (F), but commonly we use uF, pF and nF in our circuits.
The capacitance value is influenced by the distance between the plates, the area of the plates and the dielectric material used. In this video we used paper as our dielectric, but lots of different materials can be used.
[34] Homemade 10nF capacitor
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