Every T'au Empire Unit - Strengths and Weaknesses for the Tau in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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Let's talk through the units of the Tau Codex in Warhammer 40K 10th edition...

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0:00 Intro
1:22 Infantry Units
8:44 Vehicle Battlesuits
19:39 Other Vehicles
31:10 Characters
43:35 Kroot Units
57:09 Forge World Units
1:02:12 Outro
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CORRECTION - sorry Broadsides are T6, not T8 as I said! Thanks for pointing that out.


Some are Tau units are good, some are great. So the object is to chose for the great or good.


Sure, the Vehicle Keyword means Crisis suits need to go around terrain, theoretically, but I think it's worth mentioning that pretty much everything in T'au (except Fire Warriors or Kroot) does have Fly, so there's options going around that Terrain.


A small correction on the Broadside Battlesuit. It is T6, not T8, making it quite vulnerable to Plasma weaponry and even mass bolter fire.
Also, a thing to consider, if you take 2 of them in a unit, you have at least 16 wounds, meaning more VP potential for the opponent.

The Stormsurge is not a Battlesuit, so it wont benefit from Battlesuit keyword things(Retaliation Cadre). If you are using it in Kauyon, you can use it as an Observer, then use the Coordinate to Engage stratagem to give it +1 BS, allowing it to split fire without taking the massive accuracy penalty(the penalty is only for units that are Guided). If done during Kauyon, you even get sustained Hits 1(2 vs your spotted target).
Similar is true for the Ta'unar.

The Sky Ray Gunship is another unit that kind of shines in Kauyon. Because it keeps the same damage output throughout(unlike the Hammerhead), it really shines when it starts to get Sustained Hit 1 or 2. Being able to act as decent Observer with the Markerlight keyword means it is a great candidate for Coordinate to Engage(+1 BS and ignores Cover if the unit has the Markerlight keyword, when shooting at the Spotted target).


So, since the folks at GW took the time to lump the Votann into the Xenos camp, and not the Imperium list, where their forces might've done mercenary work for the Guard, or Sisters, it's too bad they didn't leave open a path for allied Demiurg to field with the Tau. I'm not even saying Tau need the help, but one of the big lore bits for them is their Federation of other Xenos clients, and while we get two of them, this very video sort of spells out how meh either the Vespids, or even the Kroot, can be, so it's too bad it's not an option here to let some Votann team up with the Tau, or maybe even vice versa, since the Votann line is still a bit light, and does have its own shortcomings.


Random comment that it took me *faaar* too long to realise that Tau are the 40k analogy to the *Lizardmen* from Fantasy, with their caste system and direction from above etc.


Re: Crisis Suits - they have fly and can fly over terrain. Starscythe flamers make great guiding units since they don't need to be guided. Put a Marker Drone on them.


You know considering the meta rn is basically 12" of Death it's pretty hilarious that the T'au of all people were having an upper Mid win rate.


always great to see a video on Tau,

Broadsides are T6 not T8.

i do love my Kroot, enjoy playing them and they are rather durable with their detachment, stealth, scout and FNP from flesh shaper.


Man would i love to have T8 on my broadsides but unfortunatly its still T6😢


The stormsurge ignores hit modifiers so the split fire penalty does not apply


I'm a new Tau player, got a squad of Stealth suits, a Commander battlesuit, a squad of Crisis battlesuits and a Broadside. What 1 unit should I add to this army?


The massive nerfs to Kroot almost 1 month after the Codex dropped was lame


Rampagers are very underrated they should be an 8/10 even outside the Hunting pack. I use them in Retaliation and they are extremely effective right up there with Broadsides, Sunforge units in effectiveness. Heroic Intervention means they deal out a massive amount of mortal wounds before combat starts. Rapid Ingress or reserves is a major problem for an opponent.

Lance/Sustain + high volume of Mortals wounds means they do have high damage output on targets with high saves and high toughness. My Rampagers have killed Mortarion and C'tan on charge.


Last time I was this early my wife said “was that it?”


If you think Ghostkeels have low damage output, try taking a couple escorted by Shadowsun using the Fusion Collider. In RetCadre of course.


Worth a mention, Broadsides are only T6, not T8


Firesight really depends on your opponent, I have played him in my list against necrons to pick off characters that give 5+ feel no pain buffs, make sure he's placed at height to gain plunging fire for +1 AP and he does quite well! Softens up a unit of wraiths for the breachers to swoop in


What part of the Ethereal let’s them generate command points when in reserves? I’ve tried looking and I can’t find the ruling for that anywhere, but it sounds like something that would actually make me want to take them in my games a lot more


I have found a strike team plus tidewall shield thing impenetrable in casual games. It's not particularly good for defense as opposed to zoning. You can completely block off areas depending on map layouts.

My friends and I have fun with it. Don't use it in tournaments 😅
