Python Code Editor | GUI Project For Beginners | Part 2 of 2

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This is a step by step tutorial of Python Code Editor which is build using python tkinter.
It is similar to VS code editor or PyCharm.
With the help of this application you will be able to write your code and run your code at same place.

Watch how to download and install Python :

Watch how to download and install PyCharm IDE :

Source Code:

Terms related to this video:
python gui projects
python gui programming
python tkinter
python tkinter tutorial
python tkinter gui tutorial
tkinter projects
python project for beginners
python project
python tkinter
python programming
graphic user interface
how to program a tkinter application
python file
gui program
create python gui
how to program python application
tkinter course
gui application
python ui
tkinter tutorial
graphical user interface
python gui
good tkinter application
gui software
coding lifestyle 4u
python code editor
python code editor using python tkinter


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I'll watch it soon and give feedback accordingly.


There is an error in output screen .
Python was not found;run without argument to install from the microsoft store, or disable this shortcut from setting >manage app execution


How to color some words like def if elif else


In my case hot key (new file, open file, save, save as, exit) is not working. But in the file menu all working ok. What could be the problem and how to solve it?
