Installing Python, Conda and Pip On Windows 2021

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Very quick and easy way to install Python, Conda and Pip on Windows in 2021 and be ready to use in command line without messing with PATH variables.
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To anyone watching the video (there are some questions down here regarding this). When he says "then in Power Shell we'll write..." (at 1:16), he means an "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" (do a search like for the "Anaconda prompt" earlier).


I need help my "Windows PowerShell" doesn't star with "(base) PS..." just "PS..."


Dude you're a goddamn rockstar. Are there any channels like yours that focus on data engineering/analysis? That teach as well as you?


por favor, com eu corrijo esse erro no pront de comando do anaconda?


C:\Users\edman>SET MSSdk=1

C:\Users\edman>SET "VS_VERSION=15.0"

C:\Users\edman>SET "VS_MAJOR=15"

C:\Users\edman>SET "VS_YEAR=2017"


C:\Users\edman>set "MSYS2_ENV_CONV_EXCL=CL"


C:\Users\edman>set "CXX=cl.exe"

C:\Users\edman>set "CC=cl.exe"

C:\Users\edman>set "VSINSTALLDIR="

C:\Users\edman>for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %i in (`vswhere.exe -nologo -products * -version [15.0, 16.0) -property installationPath`) do (set "VSINSTALLDIR=%i\" )

C:\Users\edman>if not exist "" (for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %i in (`vswhere.exe -nologo -products * -requires -property installationPath`) do (set "VSINSTALLDIR=%i\" ) )

C:\Users\edman>if not exist "" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\" )

C:\Users\edman>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" )

C:\Users\edman>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\" )

C:\Users\edman>if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\" (set "VSINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\" )

C:\Users\edman>IF NOT "" == "" (
set "INCLUDE=;"
set "LIB=;"

C:\Users\edman>call :GetWin10SdkDir

C:\Users\edman>call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 exit /B 1

C:\Users\edman>exit /B 0

C:\Users\edman>for /F %i in ('dir /ON /B "\include\10.*"') DO (SET WindowsSDKVer=%~i )
O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado.

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 (echo "Didn't find any windows 10 SDK. I'm not sure if things will work, but let's try..." ) else (echo Windows SDK version found as: "" )
Windows SDK version found as: ""

C:\Users\edman>IF "win-64" == "win-64" (
set "CMAKE_GEN=Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
set "BITS=64"
) else (
set "CMAKE_GEN=Visual Studio 15 2017"
set "BITS=32"

C:\Users\edman>pushd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\
O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado.

C:\Users\edman>CALL -vcvars_ver=14.16
O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado.


C:\Users\edman>IF "" == "" SET "CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

C:\Users\edman>call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKLM\SOFTWARE 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 call :GetWin10SdkDirHelper HKCU\SOFTWARE 1>nul 2>&1

C:\Users\edman>if errorlevel 1 exit /B 1

C:\Users\edman>exit /B 0

(base) C:\Users\edman>


hey sir i have a problem so basically i did everything exept paste that code u gave the web to cuz that app u are using i dont know what it is, do u mind telling me
