The Cure! E-bike Insurance

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A short ride to a convenience store brought on fears of having my bike stolen. My fear made me realize that with that fear, my bike was simply a joy-riding machine. I couldn't stop at a restaurant or go shopping using my bike as transportation -- not practical. The cure was ebike insurance which I explain in this video.

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I'm glad I live in an area where I don't have to worry about that I don't lock my house I leave the keys in the ignition of my truck but you never know😊 I usually park at where I can see it out the window and I travel pretty light and I don't carry a lock and cable with me and I don't wear a helmet or reflective clothing and I don't have flashing lights on my bike I travel pretty light just a cell phone and a 44 Magnum😊


Great you helped to answer a question I had. We purchased 2 Mokwheel. It's big investment and ongoing cost but fun


Great information. Glad to listen to this because e bikes are so much fun we forget about the bad that can happen. Two years ago I was at Daytona Beach and witnessed an ebiker run the handle bars of the bike into her stomach. The medics got her off the beach. Hope she got better and had insurance.


Hi Barry, I thought I would give you the latest. I unboxed the new bike from Rad and it works! I have to say the bike is everything I had hoped it would be re motor strength, riding position, and the comfortable way you can more around on it. Very easy on the back too and North Americans could learn a lot from these Dutch-style commuter/cruisers. Fortunately Montreal takes winter biking seriously and the main bikeways in the city--all of them physically divided from cars--are kept clear and salt & peppered all winter long. Not sure if the tires on this bike will be up to deep winter (I doubt it) but I have the trusty regular bike ready with studded snow tires for when it becomes Antarctic-like out there.

This bike is superb, perfect for a large guy.




Good information… but to add to your experience with the insurance providers I myself called one ( forgot its name ) but I was told by them if the bike shows that if the factory settings for the speedometer was removed and it shows someone is going faster than that during an accident…. They would not cover the bike … many people do this to increase the speeds on their bike …. This particular company charger $ 20 a monthly … so it would be wise to ask about this stipulation while on one’s search for a provider. Also it was a month to month policy on your card and if you decide to cancel they want it in WRITING


I got a policy through my auto insurance company and I believe it is a stacked insurance policy with my car, that affords me uninsured motorist coverage, liability insurance in case I hit someone, theft and damage is covered too. Since the bike does up to 28 mph, they basically insure it as a motorcycle. I don’t recall if I opted for medical coverage or not. The reason I opted for this was I was commuting to work two days a week at the time. Despite all this I still feel very hesitant to leave the bike locked anywhere. Cost was similar to quote I got from Velo.


Liability is my biggest worry! Home nor auto applies. Reading the sample, Not clear that they cover locked to an immovable object in an open area as opposed to a garage, work, etc? And with what "qualifying" lock?


Hi Barry, I am sure you remember the travails of your Canuck friend who had a dud RadCity 5 delivered in August so I won't repeat the ups and downs (mostly) of the saga. However today I am told they are shipping me a replacement new bike and I will box up the old bike and send it back To Rad Vancouver. I may get some eBike riding in this year before the blizzards yet!



I saw a new U type bike lock the other day that has a steel core covered by thick aluminum so it is too thick to cut quickly even with an angle grinder and takes a very long time, several batteries and cutting discs to defeat. Most bike locks can be cut so quickly they have little value, even many very expensive locks. Research any locks being considered to see how resistant they are. Alarms may be helpful also if you are nearby. Ebike security is a real problem. I commuted by ebike for years but was fortunate I could take the bike indoors on both ends of the trips.


Lol, very funny video intro. Hey, you should also look into a bike alarm and ultraviolet pen. The alarm I got is both cheap and highly rated on Amazon. It has a wireless remote you attach to your Keychain to arm and disarm the alarm.

The ultraviolet pen was to write my name on my bike in a couple areas. It would be invisible to a criminal and anyone else for that matter unless you have the proper light to see the ink. I was reading that law enforcement would be able to see it with their equipment. (I think it's just an ultraviolet light that's needed.) So this is a neat trick to help verify the bike is yours if it's stolen.

I'll have to send you the name of the products I'm talking about👍 I'm sure there are other good products as well but that's just what I got started with.

I have the same lock BTW. it's very sturdy but bikes are too easy to steal to only take 1 precaution.


Bike insurance can be a good thing..I have it. Shop around: there are differences in coverage and cost. Like most insurance it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. 👍


Best case if bike is stolen during year 2 of insurance: $200 premium x the number of years has been renewed (2x $200= $400) plus $200 deductible plus sales tax (assume $150) on purchase of replacement bike plus cost of any upgrades loss, lock loss, helmet loss etc. ? appears to approach $1000 loss even with insurance.


don, t lock your bike like this go to 1:35 for reference always secure both wheels and frame to insure pay-out for stolen bike's and always report theft to the police as soon as possible to avoid problems with insurance. don't forget gold or diamond bicycle protection at minimum. the odds of theft are low.


And re your video, excellent information. I think you have to know in advance that an eBike like this is essentially for rides where it is not out of your sight for more than 5 mins. I have the same lock you have and here's a video showing how it can be cut off in 28 seconds:

So the advantage of this lock is that it rules out all thieves cruising around who don't have an angle grinder handy in their baggy overalls. Locks buy you time, that's all. So it becomes a psychology game in using a top notch lock like this, in the right location--very busy public space, plus being able to check on it visually from inside the store you are at at least every 5 mins or so. An angle grinder makes a hell of a racket and attention-grabbing sparks and in a savvy city like mine you are going to get people reacting to the thief in your favour.... out in the sticks forget it. But choosing the right place, even a desperate thief with a cordless angle grinder, will really have to make some sort of *leap of faith* to attempt it. But as times get more difficult you can expect ever more desperate thieves willing to go all-in on your expensive bike.

I have not seen all your videos so I do not know if you have covered bike alarms--Abus makes a very good one as one might expect. This features an *intelligent* system that will just emit warning beeps for minor disturbances and will only really go off with sustained vibrations/disturbance. The thing here, again, is that while you shop you are sure to remain with earshot of the alarm--that and regular visuals on the bike will radically lower the odds. But in any case, the bike is basically for journeying around on trips. Stops to shop have to be carefully chosen and controlled as per the above.

I use my maximum ABUS lock on my regular bike--it may be old but it is very well equipped with the gear on it and thieves can price every component on your bike in their heads. I won't even leave this bike for more than 30-40 minutes locked up with the ABUS + two other cable locks.



ebikes should be registered and insured
