They Will Forever Regret This TikTok Prank..

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Today we are covering two people Facing 10 years prison for a TikTok Prank

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Imagine carrying a child for nine months, then raising that child for 18 years just for them to become an Internet prankster.


Did he tell the judge that it was "just a prank, bro"? Legally, if you say it's just a prank, you can't be convicted.


Some seniors in my sister's class decided their prank would be to steal some animals from a local farm and sneak them in the school overnight to put them in the courtyard. One of those animals was a newborn lamb and it died. The seniors involved got charged with all kinds of things as adults: vandalism, breaking and entering, felonious property theft, multiple counts of animal abuse (which is a felony in my state), etc. I think the farmer was able to tack on emotional distress for when he foumd his animals missing. Needless to say, they found out.


Whenever a Social Media "Prankster" goes to prison, an Angel gets its wings.


I graduated HS about a decade ago, but I will never forget the senior who thought it would be funny to spray pepper spray in the ventilation system. That was quite a day...


"How much spray did they use!?" exact thoughts


i go to this school, it’s kinda cool seeing you talk about this situation. those kids are felons now, and the school paid like 100 grand on testing to see if there was any gas. as you mentioned it gave everyone including the teachers headaches, people claimed others were vomiting which idk if that’s true but i wouldnt doubt it. it smelled like pure rotten eggs throughout the school. in certain places of the school it smelled worse than others (the fine arts hallway for example smelled the worst in my opinion) and was definitely an interesting experience lol


So you asked about why do it if there are cameras.

After working in IT at a school I can tell you they just totally don’t think about it. I had a student lie and say another student shoved them and broke their arm. I saw the footage and gave to the admins and it showed the student tripping and falling… and no one was around them when it happens.

As a bonus, the student blamed was half way across campus skipping along all smiles to their next class. Felt so great to protect that kid who didn’t deserve to be framed like that.

At 18, the forethought and remembering just isn’t there. But I can say that for a lot of people who have been adults for decades


Maybe the first time could be considered a juvenile prank, but doing it the second time is more malicious. They then knew that people were getting sick and going to the hospital. They can't claim ignorance of the seriousness of what they're doing anymore. That's malicious intent at that point. Can't be overlooked.


I believe wholeheartedly that public pranks need to be outlawed.

Edit: I understand some people think I'm being sensitive. However, when pranks cause a mass disturbance, shutdown buildings, put people in the hospital, or outright kill people. That's where i think a line needs to be drawn. This trend of pranks are a complete 180 than when i was in school over 10 years ago.


I remember the days when I put the fake dog poo prank out and my mom found it and thought it was the cat, and was upset because I put it in their bedroom! THAT is a prank!! The crap these kids are doing today is out of control, hurting people, and ridiculous!! They need to define what is actually considered a prank and make it illegal for this other crazy behavior!


They’ll almost certainly get either a shit-load of community service or some kind of deferred adjudication. The courts don’t like saddling first-timers with life-ruining charges, especially when the offenders are young and stupid. Hopefully whatever their punishment is, it scares them enough to stop being public nuisances. I can’t imagine how making your classmates ill equates to a funny prank, but I’ve never been big on fart jokes, so maybe it’s just me. I’m getting to the “you kids get off of my lawn!” stage in life, so it could very well be me, lol (but I suspect it’s not, at least in this case!).


I'll never get why people do the dumbest shit for tiktok clout. Is it worth getting 10 years of prison for like a couple of minutes of fame?? People like him and Mizzy never think through anything, do they?


Damn, this reminds me of a situation that happened when I was still in highschool. Two dudes got this great idea of spreying pepper spray into the vents, so the school had to be evacuated, bc you know, pepper spray in classrooms. A lot of crying, headaches, and general chaos. I don't think they got in too much of a trouble, but hey, the law is different here


They sell fart spray at Spencer's and when I worked there we always gave a warning that spraying it in the mall would get you banned by security (because it would) 😅


It reminds of how like 20 years ago some kids got hospitalized because of stink bombs that were added as a bonus to the most recent issue of Donald Duck magazine. I don't remember much, but to the very next issue was added a letter/apology regarding this accident. It was a seperate small sheet of paper like a document that comes out of an average printer, but my guess is that at the time of the incident the next issue was already prepared and ready to be send to printing and the publisher had to act fast.


That happened to me once, but after an investigation, I was cleard of all charges. Just had to provide my taco bell receipt.


If anyone has never been in the vicinity of even a "normal" amount of fart spray or a stinkbomb then you have NO clue just how rank & noxious they are. They're unbearable & they linger forEVER.


This is one of those classic cases where a criminal returns to the scene of their crime to admire or recreate; only to get caught that time around. What a rookie.


I sprayed stuff like that in a hallway at work once. I had to go confess because they thought a sewer line busted and was going to call maintenance to tear up the floor. We all had a good laugh. I only sprayed 4-5 sprays. It stunk pretty bad.
