5 Things That Ruin Ground RB [War Thunder Tank Rant]

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The german word 'Verschlimmbesserung' basically describes an intended change for the better with the actual result being a change for the worse.
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Cas and helicopters made it tough but what ruined it for me was drones


The small >2sqkm maps above 9.0 are so frustrating.


After drones got introduced, WT GRB only goes up to BR 8.3 for me. After that the game is just too infuriating for me.


For me one of the biggest things ruining Ground RB was the addition of mandatory ready racks in the turrets of most heavy tanks, like the German Tiger II H and American T29 and T34. This addition completely ruins the survivability of heavy tanks, by forcing players to keep ammo in the turret whereas previously it could be removed by taking fewer shells.


Another especially infuriating manifestation of the sound system issues is the fact, that not just tanks, but also planes are sometimes completely silent or have sound coming from the wrong direction. You can spawn in an SPAA and not hear a plane until 20mm cannon rounds start peppering your turret crew, or hear a plane coming from a completely wrong direction and by the time you notice it's too late and your gunner has been sniped by a .50 cal.


Top Tier Russia 50-60% win rate. Any other nation top tier 30-40% win rate. Irl Russia win rate 20%


As an old player too i totally agree with everything you said. Personally, i have the feeling that it really started to go down when the Ka-50 came out. Since then, it's a shitshow of bad decisions, bullshit changes, and premium spam everywhere for everyone, i still remember "there will never be any premium top tier vehicle" yeah right.
I never really believed in the "russian bias", yeah they've always been strong but not that much i tought, but now, that's really insane, they just dont care anymore, they dont even try to hide it lol.
I've always enjoyed top tier, but now i dont really do, too much BS here and there, constantly annoyed or killed by some random things that should not happen/be there.
I prefer to play around 5.7 with my Ersatz M10 tbh.


Gaigin is so far doing a great job of driving veteran players away in my opinion. I've literally stopped playing ground forces because of the helicopters and drones. Naval is almost as bad because the map rotation literally does not work. I've had almost entire sessions of multiple hours of just one or two naps over and over. Drones were a solution to a non-existent problem.

Personally I'd much rather see a couple of updates where they are nothing but new maps, new modes, actual fixes for gameplay, etc. Is love to see much bigger maps for naval, night maps that searchlights on ships can be used or illumination via starshell.


The grind has been effectively doubled making people flock to premiums for any hope to research vehicles. Add to that the fact that premiums are usually lower in BR than they have any right to be and you have premium spam. Talismans have become less and less viable due to SL gains being in the trash (SL modifiers don't rise after 5.3 in BR or so but costs of new vehicles do). Drones should've never been implemented. Attack drones are there only for revenge kills which doesn't translate for a fun experience for either team. Scout drones allow to shoot through forests without thermals, ULQ or hacks. Overall, toxic game by toxic developers.


How about turret desync, ghost shells, Russian helis/jets having questionable damage models, Russian ammunation not detonating a lot of the times


The issues with sound are getting ridiculous. The APDS nerf is awful. The (lack of) map rotation is getting worse. The almost constant uptiers recently has been terrible.


I barely touch anything above 7.3-7.7 beacuse I die to planes/helicopters more than to actual tanks. There is next to zero counterplay available vs helicopter oneclicking you from 10 km away.


good summary, if I were to add anything it would be the recent SACLOS SAM nerf, completely nullifying capacities of most SAMs at both short and very long ranges, except for the Pantsir of course....


I've been playing since 2014. The biggest thing for me is the economy. If I play my T54 line up I'm looking at a 19k sl repair cost for three T54s. That's assuming I even get a kill which sometimes I don't. The repair costs ruin the game and I end up just playing low tier instead because of it


I live in 5.7, I thrive in 5.7. 5.7 is love, 5.7 is life. Even when I started playing years ago top tier which was still I think around 9.0 and above was a bit iffy to play. I'm a super WWII Armoured History lover so I'm very happy with how the game was from then to now but with the addition of more modern vehicles in the lower tiers it's a bit of a immersion breaker but I get what I can take from a Free to Play game.


Maybe an unpopular oppinion but most of the larger maps are terrible. You either snipe from spawn to spawn or you survive the drive to a more protected area (I am looking at you European Province and Fields of Poland) and then you have a city fight again.
On the other hand you have Red Desert where you can play most ranges because there is cover all over the map.
To be honest I have no idea how to fix it but just making the maps huge and flat is not really the way to go. The it will be like those massive maps in ARB where you fly for 2-3 buisness days just to die in a furrball.


I am glad war thunder is wrecking their game. They are too stubborn and arrogant to fix problems so I say let them destroy their game,


Believe me not, Verschlimmbesserung is old russian way of doing things.


In modern tanks we should play bigger maps. HEATFS should not be a stock shell but rather weak APFSDS (so for USSR 3BM22 stock, 3BM42 1st unlock shell) rangefinding without a laser rangefinder more realiable up to longer ranges as well, and kills should be worth more as well as assists but you should also get a slow income for game duration. So for a 25min game, u should get an X RP for every minute played. This way longer maps with less intense fighting can be profitable while still giving motive for players to keep playing long into the battle.


2:45 yeah, I was playing in my CV90105 and a BMP-2M sneaked up on me from behind, like he was driving RIGHT BEHIND ME AND I DIDNT HEAR ANYTHING! I dont know what they did to the sound but i hope they fix this soon
