10 Ways To Reduce Waste for Beginners | Money Saving Tips | Mindful & Minimal Living

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10 Ways To Reduce Waste for Beginners | Money Saving Tips | Mindful & Minimal Living
Live minimally and sustainably while reducing waste with these 10 simple tips. Zero waste life hacks can also help you save money while practicing mindful living while being a mindful consumer. 10 simple zero waste and reducing waste tips for beginners. Mindful & minimal living can work together to help you save money while reducing waste. These money-saving tips for beginners also help the environment while practicing sustainability. Minimalist, Simple living life hacks, save money and reduce waste.

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#ReduceWaste #Sustainable #MindfulConsumer #MindfulLiving #MinimalLiving #ZeroWaste

I’m a certified life coach who specializes in mindfulness, meditation, and intentional living. Head over to my website for more mindful living tips, guided meditations & minimalism blog.

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I hope you enjoy these money-saving tips! Reducing wastes helps our environment and your bank account.


I’m 73, but even at my age I’ve learned so much from your videos


My tips...Ditch the Keurig. Use a French press and recycle the coffee grounds in the garden. Use microfiber rags instead of paper towels. Don't buy single serving anything, like small yogurts- and recycle or reuse the larger containers that you do buy. I use quart size yogurt tubs to freeze broth, berries etc. Make your own beeswax wrap to use as plastic wrap. Recycle styrofoam packaging at the UPS store. No plastic water bottles. Don't use one use items, use metal straws, cloth napkins, real plates, etc.


I am 55 yrs. old and have never heard of a menstrual cup! Wow, the things you learn. Not that I need it anymore, but who knew a reduce waste/money saving video could be so enlightening!


I bought a bidet and made family cloths from old flannel sheets. I still use toilet paper for number 2 but I'm still saving on toilet paper. Helps save money because now I don't have to call the septic guy to pump it out as often.


I like that you talk about reducing waste instead of going zero waste! Zero waste can sound very intimidating and is very hard to do (my opinion :) ). Love ur channel! Very calming and practical.


I've had a good clear out in my bedroom it's nice now my bedside table is clear and clean


I also try to be more concious about my wastes. I have glass containers, my personal water bottle. If I have food wastes from peeling potatoes, bananas or cracking eggs, I scrap them not in a garbage bin, but on my garden beds to fertilize them. I'm happy to use our local products. Though I live in the North, we've got rich forests which supply us with mushrooms, berries, birch juice in spring, pine cones can be used like medicine and a lot of more.


Loved this list. I need to start using dish cloths instead of sponges, thanks for that tip. I love the connection you make between living simply and living with regard to the environment.


I have started using silicone bags for sandwiches and other items for lunches! I love this video! Thank you for sharing!


Hi dear. Feeling good to see your videos. My mom have taught me all these things from childhood. So it's really wonderful way to live a minimalist life. Keep it up👍 namaste from India🙏


Just listening to your calm, serene voice is so relaxing


For the first time in my life I love the suggestion of baking soda and coconut oil for deodorant and all over smell better stuff thanks for the suggestion!


At times it’s a bit difficult to hear you over the music ❤️


We recycle aluminum cans, glass jars, plastic. We save our scraps and coffee grounds and put in the garden. We could do better, but that’s a good start I think!


Thanks! I am doing my first steps in minimizing habits and your videos are great help!


you can also purchase reusable mesh bags for lose fruit or veggies; also beewax wraps to cover dishes with food to store, etc. using old clothes or towels cut up rather than paper towels; thrifting for home decor and furniture, etc. also rather than buying cheaply made furniture that may fall apart quickly and thrifted gives personality; reuse what you can; shop your home rather than continually buying; buy used books; share items with others rather than buying everything; so many ways to not only save our environment but also our money. Thanks


I'm using the coconut oil for my face feeling so good thanks


Buying raw milk from approved raw milk provider in reusable glass jars is always a big saver. It's a bit pricier, but even with three children I feel like they benefit from drinking it more and it saves our planet.


Very much a beginner I am so happy that I came across your channel, Connie. I began a minimalist life this year and am still a beginner but am enjoying the journey very much. I am anxious to enjoy your meditation and manifesting videosas well. Nice to meet you! Your newest subscriber, Shirley
