Never Bail On Him

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The guys who bail on their "friends" are guys who never saw you as actual friends in the 1st place.


It’s honestly sad when one guy stops showing up because he’s with his girl instead


Best advice ever I’m about to be 40 in a month had the same circle of friends since high school


We had one asshole in our friend group who would always vanish as soon as he got a girlfriend then come back when she dumped him. After the second time he pulled this we kicked him from the group, he never felt bad either saying getting laid was always a higher priority.


During my relationships I kept close with my friends (girls didn't like it of course) but once it ended having established friends to fall back on was huge


This is great an older dude I can remember so many times friends did this...I was even guilty at times. But those relationships always eventually end and then your left like a jerk crawling back to your boys


A friend of mine did that, and at some point he realized that his girl was toxic. She turned him against our crew many times, but we were there for him nevertheless . Lucky for him we opened his eyes and he walked away from her. She got worse, tried to use us to get him back by befriending US. It never worked. Serves her right.


Lost one of my best friends in college due to this exact thing. Bro was dating the most toxic, manipulative girl I’ve ever met and she hated all of the boys deep down. I’ll never forget one night she was drunk and she slapped the shit out of him in front of all of us in our apartment. He tried to kick her out and she wouldn’t fold. Things escalated and we had to help him out and constantly tell her to leave. She was in all our faces, yelling at us, just being an absolute psycho. After she left, we talked to him for HOURS and couldn’t stress enough how toxic she was and that he needs to break up with her. The next day, he went to her house “they talked” and apparently they “figured things out”. From that day forward, he never went out with us, never hung out with us and our friendship was never the same. Fast forward a year and a half and she broke up with him over text and he hasn’t spoken to us in almost a year.. sad shit man. Never turn your back on your boys for a chick


A staggering amount of dudes need to hear this... Hell, even in my own circle. Had a friend I knew since pre-k who started acting different when he met some girl. Stopped calling me, didn't wanna hand out, or rather I say, he wasn't allowed to hang out. So I just said screw it and cut him off. After a year she cheated on him and he wanted to hang out again, but I just kept blowing him off. I just tell him I'm busy or something, but in reality I just don't even wanna hang with him no more. I never once gave any of my friends the cold shoulder, and never once let a female dictate who I chill with


just to clarify, "if you get a girl"

but if you get a WIFE, true friends will have to understand that you prioritize yo family 😊


Between my faith, my wife, my kids and my job I don't have a whole lot of time for friends but I see what you're saying.


Our group had a friend, he did the same thing. Now he is a living joke ! Guys stopped helping him.


This only applies for the beginning of your relationship.. after a while your boys come second to your family/wife.


If I would have heard this man 15 years ago, I'd still have friends. 😢


My friend bail on me and all of his friends when he has a girlfriend. One day one of my friend told me that he knew about the girl and she used to had a couple of bf at the same time. I told this to my friend and we argued and fight. After that he never reached out and 2 years later he came to my shop looking crazy doesnt shave, wear stained clothes and apologized to me. He said that he proposed to her and she rejected it saying she want to focused with her career but he still date her and one day he caught his gf cheating on him. He's said he almost delete himself because he has no friends to talked and he doesnt want to tell his family about it. So never bail on your friend for a girl.


I had a girlfriend for 3 years. She hated that I would spend so much of my free time with my friends, friends I had more than a decade before I met her. She ended up cheating on me for a little homunculus of a man and we broke up. Guess what, I still had my friends. And these dudes would take a bullet for me, keep me accountable, and push me to be better. I see this as nothing but a win.


That sounds great for kids. Bro, eventually you find a wife and settle down. And under no circumstance is it normal to kick it with your homies more than spend time with your woman. It’s actually normal for young men to grow up, find a woman, dedicate a lot of his time and energy in that woman and then get married. Friends will still be there but if they get upset at you for that then they are children still


My homies bailed on me did me dirty n all the above. It doesn’t matter if u hangout wit them n u gotta girl. Shi I used hangout wit my homies all the time 24/7 a nigga hit them up n they turned out to be snakes


this happens all the time they start acting like little biches too


I bailed on my friends when I thought I found the one lol now I don't have friends or "the one" 😅 this guy's speaks facts wish I could go back in time
