Do Premature Babies have complications later in life? - Dr. Himani Sharma of Cloudnine Hospitals

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Generally the earlier the baby is born, the higher is the risk of complications. That means in layman language, those babies who are born before 32 weeks of pregnancy, they have chance of developing complications more there are short term complications that might be aberrant during pregnancy and they can be handled very well in a tertiary care setup with the proper NICU care. But there are long term complications that are apparent only after the baby is discharged. The most common of one of the problem is cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy involves the brain of the baby. There is a permanent injury to the brain of the baby. The baby can manifest with abnormal muscle movements what abnormal postures the other problem can be with hearing. It is seen that hearing loss is very common due to the premature delivery because of the improper development of the hearing system of the baby. Some babies can also present with vision problems this happens because of the retinopathies of the prematurity. Retina is a very important part of the eye of any individual. Because of the prematurity of that retina, sometimes there are chances of premature separation of retina, which is known as retinal detachment. That sudden loss of vision in the babies. Most important thing that parents have to keep track is the impaired learning in these babies and the delayed development of milestone. So this is commonly seen and they might require certain amount of care to handle these difficulties. Other problem with decreased immunity is their immunity is not fully developed as a full term infants. So definitely chances of getting opportunistic infections like asthma or because of decreased immunity, more chances of infections are there. Then feeding problems, sudden infant death syndrome has been seen in these babies. So parents have to be counseled regarding the long term complications in these babies.
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I'm 35 and was born 3 months early at 1 lb. 7oz. Haven't had any physical problems, but in the past 10 years, I've had more anxiety than I can deal with and my heart rate skyrockets now and then. It also takes my heart awhile to recover after mild to moderate exercise, which I've heard can happen. But I'm also not as in shape as I should be. My advice to everyone is to exercise and look out for your heart health especially as you get older, and make your concerns clear to doctors. I'm not sure why preemie health as an adult is still so overlooked, but it's been a frustrating experience for me navigating the healthcare system and being looked at like I'm crazy for my concerns.


I am 27 years old.I was born at 25 weeks. I have a postgraduate degree and am working. I am very slim. My eye sight prescription is very high in one eye compared to the other. I was told at age 18 that I would develop early arthiritis very young but I am nearly 30 and no problems! :)


I was born 6 months at 1985... I grew up to be the strongest in my age in every year at school... I trained hard and was a great athlete... I developed rheumatoid arthritis at age 32... I can no longer run or jog... but I have 5 kids who are very healthy and all athletic, none of them were premature like me... I'm just enjoying my life now working to raise my kids, my oldest is now 16years old and my youngest is 7...


i’m approaching 20 and was born 3 months early. i weighed 1lb and 1oz and had to stay in the hospital for 3 months. i was very fortunate to only have some hearing and vision problems as well as exercise induced athsma. i just wish i was educated about having a weaker digestive system, because i fell into anorexia and bulimia at 16 and just last year developed such bad acid reflux that it affected my ability to swallow. i deal with problems that you usually only hear about in really dire cases of bulimia, simply because i didn’t know how sensitive my body would respond to what i was doing. again, i was lucky enough to get out basically unscathed at birth, so i often forget that i can’t do everything or perform like everyone around me. i’m now recovered, but i just want to remind other premies not to take their lack of health problems for granted. good health for people like us is a blessing.


I was born 10 weeks early in 1980, at 41 my health is fine but I find it nearly impossible to show and receive physical affection, I just hate being touched and have no issue being alone or spending time with myself.


I was a premature baby and I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar. My life at times have been hell for no reason. Fortunatley i'm on medications and things are lot brighter.


I was 3ibs when I was born premature in 1982, I was so small my Polaroid pic in my incubator was put up on the maternity Hospital’s wall, the doctors gave me a 50-50 chance of survival, physically I was born with big eyes so I’ve had the cruel mocking of being called frog eyes all of my life, and one eye seems higher than the other, especially when I look in the mirror, I have been told I look retarded, I am short sighted and have astigmatism and I have been socially shunned ostracised not taken seriously and cruelly the butt of jokes about my appearance from school, from family members and from the work place which have all contributed to my crippling anxiety and depression I deal with today which I’m on medication for, I don’t fit in I don’t have friends, I feel different I look different, I didn’t ask to be born this way why is the world so cruel to me when I fought so hard for my life as newborn if I knew then how my life would be I wouldn’t have bothered


I was born at 24 weeks gestation 50 years ago. I have no long term complications, graduated from college, had two full term daughters and now a beautiful granddaughter. I do suffer from anxiety, depression and have an autoimmune disease called ankylosing spondylitis. Even in my bad days I am so grateful for the life I have had.


I was born in March, year 2000. Birth date was supposed to be May 12th of that uear, so I was 2 months early. 1 lbs, 2 ounces, was then brought up to 2 lbs and 5 ounces sfter steroids were taken by my mother. Had some breathing problems at birth, but now.. I struggle with anxiety and depression and I hardly have any friends really. I’m age 23 now, and it’s also really hard to find love. I also find it very hard with interacting with others cause I am heavily introverted. I’m extremely emotional as well and do flip flop between moods


Mine was born at 35 weeks and spent one week in the NICU. She was a nice size and breathing on her own soon after. I know she was not born as early as some of these babies, but the docs really did a great job getting me that far when my first came so early she did not make it... She grew up beautifully and was a lot smarter than I ever was. It never affected her and her she caught up with her milestones as an infant quickly


I was 1 pound 10 ounces and I have trouble exercising every time I do my bones crack.Im 17 18 in September and I'm 97 pounds height 4'9 and am skinny I feel very insecure sometimes but am hoping I gain weight


I was also born premature now 31 yrs no health problems


i'm a few days less than 27 weeks born child, and i'm doing perfectly fine (which was surprising for the doctors cause i had also undergone surgeries, including an eye surgery due to which there was a possibility of me becoming permanantly blind, but it was successful), except i have childhood trauma bc of my abusive father who's the reason why my mom had three miscarriages and my premature delivery bc she got brutally beaten up, otherwise, i'm perfectly fine, hats off to my mom, my god, a strong woman


I was born 24 weeks, went through Heart surgery and outgrew chronic lung disease. Im 17 now and i only have minor issues such as adhd, depression, anxiety, myopia, and a heart murmur lol. Im lucky to be walking around and breathing on my own, or even here at all.


I am 15years i have and eye, at times hearing, weak, lack of concentration, stammering problems


I was 1 ib 6oz and diagnosed as non viable but this one doctor, Dr. king rushed in as my dad was about to beat that doctor to death after I was born and being told his son is not viable and they won't try to do anything fix me, but he saved my life that day and I hope that he had the most amazing life he could ever have. I wish I could have met him. Nevertheless I'm 20 now going on 21 in February and I have some issues with my Achilles tendons being too tight which caused me to walk on the front of my feet until I was 17 then started stretching. I've had a long hard life so far according to my parents although I wouldn't wish for that to have ever been different, I've moved at least 16 times or so but landed on the virgin islands cooking at a artisan taco restaurant and I have all that to thank Mr. king for


I was born in 7 and half months i'm now 17 years old still i'm skinny
And i feel insecure about except this everything is normal


I am 42 yrs old healthy and fine ...
Only problem is hearing- sensory...


I was born at 6 months. Meaning I was born 3 + months earlier in Europe in 1969
I spent long time in an incubator.
Midwife mishandled me because she thought I was dead, compressed my hearing nerves and marked her fingertips on my scalp.
I had several issues and health scares during the time in the incubator.
Then I had hyperjoint mobility, and hearing loss. My IQ is quite high, above 140. I am fluent like totally trilingual in 3 languages and fluent in 4.
I have several degrees, certifications etc.
however, my mother and her family never loved me, hugged me or cared about me beyond the minimum necessary.
My mother never bounded with me and there was a huge difference between me and my brother.


I was born at 7 months, and i am VERY skinny and quite weak
