It's Baby Bunny Time!!! Preparing for and Caring for Baby Bunnies

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As part of an in-depth teaching series about raising meat rabbits, Sarah discusses how to prepare for baby bunnies and how to care for them.

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Living Traditions Homestead is all about living a simple and sustainable way of life. We believe the world has gotten too “busy” and that people are missing out on many of the true blessings this world has to offer. We started as a small urban homestead in Gilbert, AZ and after the city grew up around us, decided it was time leave corporate America and take a big leap of faith by moving our family to the Missouri Ozarks.

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Still taking care of rabbits here in the Philippines, since I learned from your earlier videos 2 years ago. We harvest for meat and also turn rabbit poo into compost for the garden. Thanks a bundle!


I remember when I was a youngster living on a small farm, my dad encouraged me to raise rabbits. It was enjoyable time for me when I was just a kid. Now I'm in my 60's my kids are adults and I'm a Papaw now and I'm thinking about raising rabbits again.
I've been watching your videos and enjoy what you're doing, it brings back fond memories when I was younger.
Keep up the good work and God bless you and your family 👪


Hello Sarah, Great video as always. One thing I do when it's very cold is use a seedling heat mat under my nesting box. A heat mat does not get to hot so it's just keeps the nest box warm on the bottom.


Had a litter of Flemish Giants this week. She delivered 12 kits. 9 surviving. Perfect timing Sarah! Thanks for your teaching. God bless!


Thank you Sarah. I was raised on a farm and my dad grew meat rabbits a lot of my life a lot of the stuff I remembered and a lot I forgot. Your videos are very informative very to the point you do make the ups and downs known which is good for people I believe they should know there are those possibilities. Just thank you for all you do and you're good instructions


I raised and showed many different breeds of rabbits for over 10 years. Just a tip if you have a doe that is questionable about whether she’ll deal with you handling her babies well. Take the nest box completely out of the cage and, before you put the nest box back in, put a dab of vanilla extract on her nose. It won’t hurt her at all and it keeps her from smelling your scent in the box until it’s gone. I have used it for does I’ve bought that we’re already bred and didn’t have enough time to get used to me before kindling. A bit more info… usually, a doe will eat her kits when she feels threatened. It could be a predator hanging around the cages, a dog, or even a buck rabbit being close. I was told early on by a few long term breeders that you don’t want a doe with babies sharing a cage wall with a buck. There’s another reason for that as well. They have been known to breed through the cage wire. Very good informative video though!!


Hi From Southeast Tx, I enjoyed ALL of y’all’s videos 😁. When we separate does from bunnies we take half the litter then one more every other day to help dry the doe up. I have had does die from taking bunnies to fast. Rabbits can’t take pain so if they get engorged ( pain) hope this helps someone. Thanks for all the learning tools Big hugs


I love this series. Sarah is such a wonderful teacher. Love you guys!!


We have 2 litters due next week and we are fervently praying over this. We haven't had a successful litter since that nasty rabbit virus came through last summer. 😪 had to start over. But, Lord willing we will have some babies next week! Thanks for your info and videos they're encouraging and SO helpful


Being a 28 yr military veteran, I have been considering raising chickens and rabbits for multiple reasons. I'm a avid fisherman and hunter so this falls right in line with me being comfortable harvesting. I plan on starting simple and keeping it as manageable as possible. So low maintenance is key for my time and lifestyle. Watching your videos has given me the simple right information. Thank you. I just have to build the shelter, cages and nest boxes before getting any meat rabbits.


I had a giant Flemish rabbit growing up and she was the most gentle, sweetest rabbit I ever had as a pet..


I am about ready to start raising meat rabbits. You’re series on raising rabbits has been so very informative. Some of the things you advise not to do I probably would have done being new to the experience. I live in the central valley of California and the summers here are simply insane. I now know why my neighbors rabbits all died last year, “summer too hot”. Thank you.


This morning my momma started having So excited she waited to long to pull hair and fixing the nesting box. She's a new momma


I had to share!!!! We have 2 mommas and they both had their babies today. One had her at about 9 am and had 2. The other had hers tonight about 6 pm and she had 5!! We got to watch both. Both 1st time mommas and they did it perfectly. Just like they watched your videos!! Thank you so much for all your advice.


HI Sarah! A really good friend of the family raises show rabbits and she was having an issue with a couple of the Doe's going cannibal after giving birth. One of the breeders said that If you feed them something high protein, like meat, after they give birth it will prevent that. She started doing that as a preventative with all her does after they gave birth and never had the issue again.


Y'all are the real teachers of America 🇺🇸
Thank you


Hi Sarah, I watched your video this morning before I went to work. I can hardly wait till October when I retire and start raising rabbits, chickens and a garden. I'm so looking forward to it. I shared this video with a group that I just joined called "Backyard Meat Rabbits". When I got home at the end of the day I looked at my group and so many people were raving about the YouTube videos you and Kevin make. And how everything that y'all do is so informative. Thank y'all for making these videos. I love the way you you guys share information about everything to do with homesteading. You've got a lot of people who really love you guys! Keep doing what you do. We love you guys!


Love when you have baby bunnys to share with us.


Bunnies are so cute. Even though I don’t raise rabbits, I enjoy learning all about them.


I handle my babies every single day. My babies by the time they are weaned know my voice and coming running to the door of the grow out cage for treats (grass, dandelions, leaves etc) and ear scratches.
