Timelapse Baby Bunnies Growing | Rabbit Babies Day In 21 Days

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This video will walk you through caring for baby bunnies from birth through week 3. If you have any questions on baby rabbit care please leave it below.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 547
Battle Ground, WA 98604

About Us:
We are a homeschool and homesteading family of 6 that farms our 1 acre permaculture organic acre in WA State. We are currently building off grid on our new 20 acre homestead in North Idaho. We garden, seed save, raise meat rabbits, raise chickens, process our own meat, save our own seed, can, bake, and do just about everything that we can ourselves to achieve a self sufficient and debt free life for our family.
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Wow they grow as fast as quail 😮
Excellent video you are fantastic at explaining everything! 👍


Love all the information you give and easy to understand.
Thank you for sharing and God bless.


I really love how you reply on most, if not all, the comments. Like, no other YouTuber I know spends time replying 😊😀


Like I said in your previous video, this series is helping me a lot, I should have babies any day now!


Thanks, my daughter loved the cuteness overload with the kits and does. Even though she knows they are for meat. Cute little deliciousness fuzzball packets.


I am just preparing to raise rabbits - saw your video. Cage has hardware cloth for bottom. I was told this would hurt their feet


how long can you breed back your rabbits mine doe rabbits had one kit and she was feeding her baby and she drang her baby inher water bowl please reply back please


It’s April, 2020 and the world is changing. I’m a public high school teacher who has to adapt teaching online from home. I have one acre in a neighborhood a mile from our school. It’s a dream come true to be able to micro homestead while earning a living as an educator. Believe me, my own kids are getting QUITE the education learning how to care for our chickens and soon to be rabbitry. Thank you for teaching me. ❤️😇🤠


Really sad knowing their fate.
I'm a vegetarian but I believe people who eat meat are best to do it this way. You keep them healthy and in a clean environment (although I would suggest putting something on parts of the wire bottom to try and avoid some health problems and make the bunny more comfortable)
But buying from a supermarket people dont view meat as an animal that once lived and breathed but just as meat and would be squeamish of the animals death and wouldnt want to know anything about its death or where it came from (even though they eat it??)
Doing it this way you know where your meat comes from and that it was ethical and humane.
Although I would personally provide a bigger cage with less of that metal bottom but I get your trying to save time and money.
Cute little bunnies too! Idk how you bring yourself to do it though 😳


When I was a kid I would hold them each to imprint. Later I could call them to me. This vid makes me want Rabs again. Better not show my wife, she'll say they are CUTE.


We love rabbit here at our homestead. I love that we can produce healthy lean meat for our family and they can experience the good and bad of live and the challenges of raising food. The joys of baby bunnies they can love and cuddle, the daily and weekly chores that get boring and we'd love to skip but can't, and the hardest day when we process our animals and my children think on the costs of eating meat instead of just buying it from a store. Circle of life people, carnivores ripe them open and they die from their wounds, we spend time and money making sure it's quick and quiet. Commercial farming is hard on the environment but people producing just enough food for themselves and their community is the way if the future.


its OK for them to kill rabbits for food it is farm life if you don t like it why watch it if it makes you upset


Thanks for all your helpful videos! Our family has been so grateful for the info. We had our first litter today...8 kits! Our second doe is nesting and should have her litter tomorrow...


Thank you for sharing your wealth of information. Great things to learn for people considering rabbits as a meat source on their homestead. Keep up the great work.


Love the tutorial and in real time makes a difference.


Question: I notice that you're raising Rex. Any particular reason you chose Rex as opposed to NZ's, Californians, or Satins?


I will, never, ever let my rabbits live on a metal wire floor....


i use olive oil if rabbit got scabies and it works, better than expensive antibiotics which can upset rabbit stomach if they lick it.


Springy little blighters!! So cute but you just know they will be so yummy too!!
I suppose nurturing these bunnies is no different to nurturing potatoes.
Only difference being that when you peel the rabbits they'll be dead.
What with potatoes trying to still grow and sprout up until the moment they are sliced up and dropped in boiling water.
Makes you realise how evil and murderous vegetarians are. Just saying.
Can't wait for the next episode, so glad I found you guys, a real inspiration, thank you!


Literally makes me so sad because they are so cute 😭 but I understand you have to eat
