How Paquito healed my life 🥹

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Pacquito understood the assignment... figure out how to keep mama home 24/7 😊 BRAVO PRIMO 😜🩷🩶


Cats are soulmates, period. I hope Andrea & Paquito have a long successful life ahead of them.


I've been a cat mom all my life, since a that I am older I can not live without them, its so hard for me to get through a day, around humans who are rude, disrespectful, angry at the world, road rage, etc...all I want is my cats..there bond with them is unexplainable...just saying..💚..


Totally identify with your story. Back in 2016 when I was suffering from chronic depression and feeling lost, I adopted a cat who gave me exactly what you said, a sense of purpose. My cat gave me a reason to come home everyday, something to look forward to, unconditional love, laughter, and so much joy; he literally healed me and took me out of my darkness. Animals are incredible & we are so blessed to have them. I wish more people took a chance on adopting pets. They just bring so much joy to our lives. Congrats on hitting a million followers 😊. May you & Paquito have a long happy healthy life together, and of course, full of endless cuddles❤.


I love my cat, but I'm jealous of how Paquito loves you.


I miss my cat Fluff, he was a black fluffy cat with yellow eyes. I was 5 when he strayed into our yard. I was 23 when he passed. I'm now 64 and still miss him and those beautiful cuddles, that unconditional love. I've had a dream of seeing him again in heaven, can't wait.


I’m so happy for both you and Paquito. Finding each other was a blessing for not just yourself but for Paquito as well. You bring joy to each other and to us your loyal followers. I wish you both the best and may your journey continue to flourish. 🥰


Selected souls love cats, and to share their contact when your heart and your heart's cat are together, creates an special and magical energy, that makes the world better. My tuxedo kitty, with golden eyes Esmirna, is the best what happened to me for years.


Mira, you simply had me at "Paquito", okay. I sincerely wish you and Paquito continued love and success in your life and channel.


When by best friend passed away, I of course adopted her cat. I had never had a cat so at first I kind of treated her like a dog, but soon she taught me to be in “cat mode” she has been more supportive than anything for many years, and I absolutely adore her and can’t imagine life without her, she’s 19 and needs extra care, I am so grateful that I was able to get to become best friends with a cat, there’s nothing like it 😢


My Michito changed my life after my mother passed, he is my healer and my therapy i love him so much I feel I gave birth to him. He is the love of my life.


I found your videos because I sort of had an opposite experience. I had a roommate who had 3 cats live with me for a few years and I went from being afraid of cats to understanding the different way they communicate (it turns out dogs are just good at communicating with us in our preferred ways, cats need you to get on their level a bit more) to finally really bonding and loving them! Unfortunately that roommate experienced serious health issues and had to move back home with family to make sure she had someone nearby whenever needed and I was genuinely shocked at how depressed I became when everyone left! I hadn't realized just how much love those critters gave me and how much distracting busywork tending to their needs actually kept me from ruminating on negative thoughts! The cat I had bonded the closest with looks a lot like Paco so finding your videos caused a beautifully sad outflow of clogged emotions in me, and in the end reminded me what was missing in my life! Now I have started to clean up my depression nest of a home, started caring for myself more, because I want to have a safe home for a cat (or 2!) when I'm ready to adopt which should be soon! You can't buy happiness but you can adopt an animal and that's pretty close!


So excited for you and Paquito! Cuddle cats are everything. He looks like my beloved Owl, who cuddled with me every night for almost 17 years. My 9 year old rescue kitty Butters and I will be following your journey, your relationship warms my heart and brings wholesome joy into the world for so many people, thank you for sharing!!


My cat Lily saved my life too—she is and was the Great Love Of My Life. She left this life 1/12/13—forever alive in my 💜. So glad you have Paquito in your life and share with all of us!


Always had cats in my life! They are amazing!🎉🎉


I got a cat when I was 13 and she helped me through being bullied, depression, I had chest surgery in 2008 for cancer and as I recuperated, she would lay in bed with me against my chest and purr. I read a few years ago that the purr operates at a decibel level that has been scientifically proven to mend bones and connective tissue…cats are the greatest.


Glad Paquito healed you❤ I totally get it.


Andrea estoy muy feliz por ti. Los gatos son maravillosos ojalá más gente lo entendiera. Estoy enamorada de Paquito es un hermoso gatito. Me alegro mucho de que hayas descubierto el mundo de los gatos ahora jamás serás la misma. Bienvenida a nuestro mundo felino.


The two of you are amazing, thank you for sharing!!


You saved each other how beautiful❤❤❤❤
