Java IQ #11 - Sum of digits in a number #javafullstackdevelopercourse #javainterviewquestions

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To find the sum of the digits in a number in Java, you can use a simple loop to repeatedly extract the last digit of the number and add it to a sum.

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Here are the high level steps

1. The sumOfDigits method takes an integer number as input.
2. It initializes a sum variable to 0.
3. It uses a while loop to repeatedly:
4. Extract the last digit of number using number % 10.
5. Add the extracted digit to sum.
6. Remove the last digit from number using integer division number / 10.
7. The loop continues until number becomes 0.
8. The method returns the computed sum.

#Java #Programming #SumOfDigits #NumberManipulation #Algorithms #BeginnerJava #Coding #Loops #IntegerOperations #JavaMethods #javafullstackdevelopercourse
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