What's It Really Like to Be a CIA Operative

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Ric Prado, a 24-year veteran of the CIA, loves James Bond movies, but the missions depicted in these films are far from the real deal.

In this episode, Ric breaks down what a typical day looks like for a CIA operative working in a foreign country and how operatives maintain their cover during their mission.

#cia #covertoperations #blackops

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Ric is a true hero. His book is a fantastic read, highly recommended.


This Chanel is so underrated!! Great content!!


I got the chills thinking Im sure some of those people were murdered in horrible ways. It's not a star for those who died in their sleep


when you know so much about history and x files, stuff suddenly starts to make connections to one another. hiding is a cowards move, freedom of information is a funny move, when people realize how animal robot they are even with their creative ideas, they might start to understand when the connection to the future happened. I like star wars and pineal glands, ever seen a lightsaber duel in real time? Its fast, but I guess with a sandevistan your perceptions can be slowed down almost like the judge dredd queen thing, of probable hell and the device that can make duels go real slow. You can even see the milisecond movements of the others sabers, making it like a dance to regular people but just practice and counter moves. Red vs blue keeps everyone happy and adventurous, we are all aboard snowpiercer and apocalypse piercer space is cold, dark, lonely and awful. Stick your arm out and the cold is freezing. the snowpiercer masonic reference is what this train really is, a solar system. They do say order out of chaos, and lately a lot of people have been fighting over petty issues like a sin wave of massive proportions. It takes america 7 red lines of war of wrath to understand how petty issues are in truth. Can't have a heaven if everyone is fighting and envious, deserving of places and such. Bigger houses and greed in a sense, the looming wind of death making them do all the things they would have done before they die or died. As a civilization, can you all lead yourselves out of CE in conjecture and opinien? Also it was funny, living like gods and they started eating burgers. You all do know reality rules right? In a comp sim, delineate the information of CE and realize it leads to death. Everything starts to piece together in the forever young classic, when jeff gets old and hell hath no fury like women scorned about age. I mean, promises are fickle, can only try your best by conjecturing and theorizing. I would even say, movie doppelgangers tell a tale about the death code of the universe needing to compensate for the life and death birth. Some walk into the sun, like on a silver screen. Some do the opposite and learn from the lives of regular people. I'm a maze runner, wikd looking for the death cure, a flare that makes you hateful and violent and pressing electrical buttons, or tazing for example. Lots of privilege bananas in wahmen. sounds like a gatekeeprs game.


i wonder if some embassy workers are assigned to act suspicious while in reality doing nothing. a red herring basically.


I have been supporting the CIA since 01


zelo pravilno je, da delate od 9.00am do 5 pm. tako so delavci bolj naspani in lahko delajo lazje.. se strinjam s to uro..


All the best to the legal team suing Mike Pompeo and the CIA on behalf of Julian Assange.


Popular Mechanics, what's it like to schill for the government? How about investigating COVID, honestly?


agenti cia morajo biti dobro naspani.. morajo biti, ,svezi,,sele takrat so popolnoma pripravljeni.. tudi jaz potrebujem ogromno spanja.. mimo tega je ze, ko sem bla 24 ur na razpolago..in to leta in leta..


This place is late to prepare the resident viewers. It needs instead choices for the pop word.
Especially since it's so misunderstood as a one thing placement. Mixed Lettuce salads go here, with ranch or thousand Island dressing. Even better in a pita. That's corporate POP style of in a garden of eating, or at the heart of the ADA & FDA: the best family style food treats made of fusion of cultures presented here.

I'd avoid cold then hot. They give teeth hairline cracks then they have to heal. It's a headache.

Pop food is the ideal.


What he leaves out is case officer's often back stab each others assets if they get jelous the other handles more important figures. I ve seen case officers lack common sense, failed to verify an asset for counterintelligence threats, abuse titles, positions and authorities. I ve seen case officers hold their assets up on a pedestal only to find they were being fed misinformation or unreliable information. I ve seen 5 members of the same family coming to different case officers posing as being non affiliated with each other passing information that collabores each story all because they were making good money. I ve seen assets invited to CIA HQs for lunch only to learn their asset was working for a foreign intel service that was a threat to the U.S. . I ve seen case officers foul up investigations that they reported only to discover child porn by a repeat offender was involved. I ve seen many case officers with egos that got in the way of duty or cloud their judgement. I ve seen civilians, employees, contractors and hostages killed because case officers did not have their shit together when they knee jerked to an operation. Zero Dark 30 is a poor example of Agency operations. Keep in mind that movie was financed in part by the CIA to boost its failing recruitment efforts.


You were invited for two reasons by friend or foe.


Don't believe the hype. Not true. Gordon....stick to acting and keep your beliefs to yourself.


Why show James Bond in the thumbnail he isn’t CIA.
