How To Insert Signature Pages into a Junk Journal! Part 1! Paper Outpost!

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How To Insert Signature Pages into a Junk Journal! Paper Outpost! Part 1! Beginner tutorial, step by step instructions on inserting signatures and signature pages into a Junk JOurnal! Happy crafting! Big Hugs! Pam :)

Part 2 will be live Mon Oct 9, 2023

How to Make this cover:


FABRIC PACKS For Sale Plus TRIPLE BONUS! in my Etsy Shop for Junk Journals!
Triple Bonus Included!!
1. Authentic Handwritten Letter from the late 1800's to early 1900's ( approx 125 years old) ! :)
2. Vintage Newspaper Ads/Articles! :)
3. Vintage Postage Stamps! :)
Free Priority Mail Shipping!
Approximately 40+ pieces in each package!

FUNDLE! 😊 Grab a FUNDLE in my Etsy Shop!: 100 pieces of antique & vintage ephemera including old ledger pages, old checks & receipts, interesting books pages, hand-dyed papers, old postcards, tea cards, handwritten paper, & so much more! Wonderful to use in your junk journal creations! Free Priority Shipping in the USA! :) Limited supply! :)

No Printer? No Problem! :) I will print & mail 10 Digikits to you! That's 50 pages! Printed on Premium Lightweight Cardstock, one-sided! (Note: Signature Pages are printed on 20lb copy paper double-sided) Free Priority Shipping in the USA! :)
No need to buy the individual Digikit files :)

(These are affiliate links, I earn a small commission, you do not pay more for the items)

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- Free Monthly Digital Printable!
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- Free The Note From The Book Maker explaining what a junk journal is and how to use it!
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MY PODCAST!: The Paper Outpost Podcast! The Joy of Junk Journals! Free to Listen Anytime!
Every Tues & Thurs! Topics: Junk Journals, Paper Crafting, Life of a Crafter, Answering Crafty Questions! Come have a listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast or


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#junkjournalsignaturepages #howtoinsertsignatures #junkjournalsignatureideas #ideaswithbookpages
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Hi all! :) Part 2 will be live Mon Oct 9, 2023


such a great morning... recovering from surgery and am currently non weight bearing for 10 days, so just sit and watch Pam's videos.. great way to learn and fill in my long days.. just sad that I can not sit at my desk.. but its been fun to keep watching Pam and binge on her videos.. Thank you


Good morning, Pam! It's always nice to hear your cheerful voice! I'm so amazed at your skill in managing all those signatures to trim and keep them in place. You certainly seem to have hand strength today! Thanks for showing the process again. I never tire of seeing it and I learn so much! 😊


16:11 You can hear it too... when the new blade grabbes the paper better. This is so exciting... New signatures 😊😀💕


Happy crafting Pam, Sunny and everyone from Maryland today!


Happy crafting saturday from Stockholm! ☀️🍁 It is a happy day for me because I finally found a Crocodile big bite and a blunt big needle so when they arrive I can make my first junkjournal. ❤🙌🏼 So far just made some embellishments … which are so much fun, but I want a journal to put them in. Oh my has my space filled up quickly with supplies … I have just needed all the beautiful papers I have seen… 😅❤


Happy Saturday from British Columbia, Canada :)


Good Morning Pam and Sunny☕ Love liive love this journal!


I love this cover. I am not brave enough to cut all of my signatures at once, you are a master craftsman. I use a hand drill to make the holes in my cardboard spine insert and my signatures. One at a time, lol. I have learned so much from you. I love your videos.


The cover is so gorgeous, always good to see how you add pages the correct way to a journal. Some of my pages seem lose inside my journals.


Good morning Pam, Sunshine and all the Outposters. 🤗


Good Morning Sunshine and Pam. I hope everyone has a fabulous crafty weekend. Sending big hugs Sherry ❤ ❤❤


Good morning Pam! 💕 Always love refreshers in the basics as I sometimes get frantic and complicate the process by overthinking. Thank you! 👍 Started digging out things for a Hween 👻 journal yesterday. Should have started a month ago, but if there’s no mojo, there’s no making journals.🙄 56 degrees this morning! Woohoo! Seems we’re to expect a 2 whole days of fall temps. 😂 We’ll take what we can get. Everyone have a wonderful crafty weekend! ❤️


Good morning Miss Pam. The cover and pages of this journal are so beautiful and elegant! I wish that I had your hand strength!


Gorgeous book cover....I got a lot of lacy material and for the refresher tutorial


Good morning miss Pam, oh yes, Love that cover! Thanks for the video. It’s always great to watch you. Have a lovely weekend 🤗🌻


Das ist das beste Video des Tages. Genau so werde ich das auch machen. Danke für diese super Idee.🥰🥰💖💖👍👍👍


Thank you! I needed to watch this process again. You are excellent at explaining💕


Good morning everyone Pam and Sunshine also!! Have a very blessed day! Oh and to whom came up with the name "Outpostinus"? Simply amazin! Maybe we could add a new slogan to Pam's Outpost T-shirt shop!!well there's no "WE" But was just saying it would be cool to identify other members of the group! Lol Hey who knows maybe y'all will be comin through Nebraska wearing a shirt saying that! I'd be able to acknowledge other wonderful "OUTPOSTIAN'S"!! (Spell check needed!) 😅🤔👍


Hi Pam...thanks so much for being so thoughtful and patient in showing me how to do the hidden spine binding process again. I have so fun trouble with the binding...the actual sewing it guess I'm not strong enough? I can do the signatures, and covers with soft envelopes, and I can even punch the holes! But I just can't seem to be able to sew it all together! Do you PAM OR ANY FRIENDS HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS? I have worked very hard on a fabric soft cover junk journal as a gift! Now I dread what to do next! THANKS TO PAM AND/OR ANYONE WHO HELP! I'M sorry to be depressing but that's how I feel when I should just be proud of ALL 5HAT I'VE DONE!
