Reddit's Most Unsettling Stories.

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"What was the most unsettling experience of your life?"

These Reddit posts are taken from the AskReddit subreddit, when one user posed the question "In the spirit of Halloween - Paranormal or not, what is the scariest, creepiest or most unsettling experience of your life?" Today, we'll be looking at a few Reddit users responses to this question.


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Just realized I referred to the woman from the first story as a guy. Can’t believe I didn’t catch that in the editing 🤦🏻‍♂️


Breaking into a house for no other reason than to use the bathroom is an absolute power move.


I need to find a reason to say "I brought a machete and bag of goldfish"
that phrase alone has me cracking up


Being a ghost using all your power just to say “hi” to a grandkid you barely knew is the ultimate power move


"Nobody actually fears being alone; the real fear is that you're Not alone."
Woah, you are so right.


I’m from Edinburgh, Scotland and I can testify that the underground vaults are terrifying. When I was a kid I went on one of those tours and I felt someone pull the back of my ponytail really hard so much that it hurt and jerked my head all the way back. I turned around and there was no one behind me. I told my mum who was to the side of me thinking she was playing a joke. But she looked at me like I was playing a joke on her. Plus she would never have pulled my hair so bad it hurt.
If you’re ever there and go on one of those tours, don’t stand at the back.


The dude in the bathroom was probably a home invader. Maybe hiding there because he heard a commotion and decided to act as if he was supposed to be there, and bailed as soon as the guest left.


What i hate about your videos is i am always on edge for the "just kidding i made it up" because the stuff u write is scarily immersive


the night my grandmother died, my mom and my step father both woke up the next day and my mom told my stepdad about how around 4 in the morning she felt a tug on her hand. like a very distinct grab and tug on her arm. without prompting or barely any time to think my step dad says he had the exact same thing happen to him. it woke him up. death of a loved one is very spooky and intriguing. they have ways of letting us know they're gone, i swear.


This happened to my brother, not me.

One night after dark my brother, who was about 10-12 at the time, was letting our dog out the back door. As soon as he opened the door and looked outside, he immediately slammed the door and ran back inside. He was hysterical and completely freaking out. Our dog was also very shaken up by whatever was outside. It took a minute for my brother to even spit the words out because he was in shock at what he saw. He described seeing a creature that looked similar to a deer. He said that when he opened the door, it looked straight at him and then took off into the woods on two legs. I’ve asked him several times since this happened and he always says the same story. The creature was fairly close to the door and we also had a security light not far from the door as well so this creature was very visible. I will never forget how scared both my dog and my brother was that night.


Regarding the story about the backwards-footed woman in Pakistan, I remember being told by one of my college teachers (who immigrated from there in her 30s) that theirs is a very wary culture when it comes to spirits, their equivalent of witches, etc. Mostly because sightings were so common, especially in rural areas, that even urban kids like herself were incredibly afraid of them. She and the Filipina teacher who taught the same subject (Anthropology) got along incredibly well because of how both cultures regard the supernatural.

One thing she also told me was that such sightings could be attributed to the occurrence of incest in rural Pakistan, which is one of the highest in the world. If that's the case, I feel more pity and compassion than anything else for the affected. I don't know much about the complex intricacies of genetics, but it's likely not out of the theoretical question for a recessive gene to cause backwards feet & a hunched-over gait, let alone disordered hair growth.

Dunno about the eyes, though. The ringlets could be paint, but that's a huge guess. Either way, sad & scary situation for both the woman and Vokabulary.


For the first story; OP stated that she was a woman. Probably just a mistake on your part, but you said ‘he’ instead of ‘she’.


The story at 19:50 really hit me at home, I had a similar experience almost. My dad died a year ago (Nov. 30th 2021, he was only 43). A lot of stuff happened after and my grandpa (70, paternal) suffered a stress induced heart attack. He needed a triple bypass and I was so scared because my dad died after his bypass at the hospital. To make a long story short, I woke up in the middle of the night with no prompt and my eyes still closed. It felt like I was on the phone and I heard my dad say clear as day "Don't worry, ill take care of grandpa". I immediately fell back asleep and I remember it still clear as day as if it was a real phone call. The voice was so clear. Like that poster said, it mustve taken alot of power to convey a message and I'm grateful that I got it. Also, my grandpa is doing great. He's still weak from surgery (he's about 4-5 months post-op and he also had a gallbladder removal in between). Like i said in the beginning, that story pulled my heart a little. Thanks for reading my comment if ya did. Feels good to share lol 😌


In high school, my best friend lost their little brother in a car accident. Literally the same day he passed, he came to me in a dream, telling me to relax and let everyone know that he was OK. I was walking in a giant shroud of beautiful, deep, purple and pink clouds, and he just appeared to me and told me to let everyone know that he was OK. It was one of the most vivid, and, unbelievable dreams I’ve ever had. To this day, I don’t know if it was just a coincidence or if it really was him reaching out to me from the afterlife. I guess I will find the answer eventually. But for now, I can definitely relate to that story. Yes, that story triggered the memory of that actually happening to me so I’m thankful to have heard it because it was definitely one of the craziest things that ever happened to me.


The story of the woman knocking on the door “trying to get help” reminds me of what happened to my mom in 2002-03 when I was a baby.
She was tricked by a woman who said her car had broken down on the highway (just a bit from our house) and that she had a child in the car. Just after getting off our property she heard screaming and barking as her 2 huge German Shepard’s chased 3 men out of the back door.

I can’t imagine the feelings going through her that day.


This was recently a few months ago, my pitbull had died from 8-9 weeks old from a heart attack because of hookworms.I truly do remember on August 6, 2022 I had a dream that he had been alive the whole time.Since I’m a Buddhist and I strongly believe in recantation, this was an amazing experience.A few weeks later my aunt gifted my family with a new pitbull and he is the apple of my eye.


_"One day my friend and I decided to go camping at a hot spring that was closed due to a recent fire. It was about 8 p.m. We stripped completely naked; I brought a machete and a bag of Goldfish...."_

I have so many questions...


My cousin disappeared (without a doubt she was murdered by her husband over custody of the kids) when her sister in law was pregnant and expecting a girl. She always said if she had more kids, she would name a girl Crystal. When the baby was born, they named her Crystal in honor of my missing cousin. Easter was a few months later and we always went to my Granny's house for holidays. A picture was taken in the living room of baby Crystal. This was in the 80's so film had to be sent out for developing. When the pictures came back, in the tv behind baby Crystal was my cousin's face. The tv was off and there were no family photos in the room.


I have a similar story to the guy who had a visit in his dreams from his friend who passed. For me... it was my little sister. I had a weird dream where she was in the hospital, and our whole family was there. I talked to her after she woke up from a coma, but I couldn't hear anybody else in the family, even though they were clearly talking, conversations on mute happening all around me. My sister told me she was sorry, and that she promised me she was okay. I told her I loved her, and she said she loved me. I woke up in tears, but didn't talk to my wife about it, because she always thought my dreams were weird. I shrugged it off as just another weird dream, and went to work.

I got the call at work. My baby sister was in a coma from an apparent heroin overdose. I was there for what felt like days, but it was only hours. The same exact events of my dream took place, conversations all around, and it felt like they were all on mute. The only difference is the only thing that truly matters. Instead of my sister waking up and telling me she was okay... I just cried. And screamed. I begged her to wake up... she never did. We made "the decision" the next day. Saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

In about 2 weeks, on January 10th, it will be 4 years since I last saw my baby sister. This was not an easy thing to type. I miss her so much.


The amount of times I've seen stories of people who escaped terrible tragedies, such as plane crashes, due to weird feelings, sudden illness or creepy stalkers really makes me wonder if there's some sort of guardian angel looking out for them.
