How To Stop Girls Ever Ignoring You Again (Being Ignored Sucks - This Is What To Do)

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Being ignored by someone sucks doesn't it? It may be that someone is ignoring your texts, she may be ignoring you by accident or it could well be that she's ignoring you on purpose. And today we're going to be discussing what to do when she ignores you, some handy tools to have at your disposal should this situation ever come about.

Feeling ignored by a girl is the absolute worst. Sometimes they do on accident but other times they mean to do it. And being ignored can leave you feeling confused insecure and uncertain, all in all not great. The good news is, yes there's good news, is that there are many things that you can do to stop girls from ignoring you ever again. And today you will find out what to do if she is ignoring you and how to tell for sure she is ignoring you but actually likes you as well, confusing. And by the end of this video you'll never need to ask yourself again "should I ignore her because she's ignoring me" because you'll simply never have this issue again so let's get down to business.

#Joyanima #Dating #Ignored

0:00 Intro
0:39 What to do when a girl ignores you
0:47 Figure out if she likes you
3:06 Go big or go home
4:18 Give her some space
5:09 Give another girl attention
6:13 Communication is key

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if a girl ignores you....leave her alone and find your self-respect to focus on yourself


Let's save everyone time and keep it very simple. If a girl ignores you then ignore her and move on to the next. No more games from girls. Go find a woman.


Best way to stop a girl from ignoring you is by ignoring her!


Life is too short to analyze these signs and waste time on nonsense, if they ignore - I carry on with my life and wish them all the best


If a girl ignores you do this: Keep walking.


I don't play these games. If they ignore, I leave.


Don't ignore her because she's ignoring you, ignore her because who cares if she's around at all...


Good god, why on earth would I ever do a big gesture for a girl who's ignoring me lmao. Reward her for treating me like I'm not worthy of her attention? I don't think so. Doing her favors when she doesn't deserve is just gonna make everything worse. She'll feel entitled thinking that you're low value and will just start ignoring you every time she wants something. Guys, if a girl is ignoring you that means she doesn't want to hear from you. Period. Why, doesn't matter. It could be anything. Just don't take it personal, accept it and move tf on. It's simple as that.


Guys, no DO NOT explain or tell a girl that you like her. Rookie mistake. Then there's no challenge or mystery for her. Game over.


As someone who's been ignored a lot, at this point if they want to talk, great. If not, there's a doorknob with their name on it. It is what it is.


I made it to the end. What you failed to say, is that in interest, it is always 50/50. Both men and women express interest and communication. Why should men chase women? They don't. But men can pursue women which is totally different. If she's not ready to meet you half way, forget her and move on to a more mature woman who doesn't play games. Men, get her to chase you, ask you for your telephone number, ask you out. Never accept anything less.


Well, then ignore her too. No need to get into the mess of playing games. It should be like 'if you don't like me I don't like you either'. Have some self-respect. Restrict her access to your world. Literally block her everywhere. Don't even look at her. Move on.


A wise man once said that ask a girl what she hates about her ex boyfriend and do those things to her. You won't be ignored. 😁


My crush ignored me for a few months and even after talking to her about it, she still acts the same way. She told me she was upset over something I did and I explained myself why I did it, thus both saying we're good after discussing it. It's just so frustrating how I'm always the one trying to fix things and initiating conversations...She used to do that too, but she stopped. We even went on a date once and she told her friend it was great, but a second date never happened. She was flakey, always coming up with an excuse and the last time I asked her out, she didn't even give me a reason as to why she couldn't make it, nor did I ask her for one. She said she was sorry, I told her that it's totally fine, then she said sorry again, like once wasn't enough. 5 weeks have passed since we had the talk where we confirmed to each other we're good and just a few days ago she tried grabbing my attention on discord with a bot command, but other than that she never talks to me in private anymore and I feel like she's just playing mind games at this point. I was stupid to fall in love with someone like her and I just wasted my time.


Women, by nature have hormones; hormones by nature cause cycles in metabolism, and mood swings. Women by nature have cycles and mood swings. Sometimes the best thing to do if you're being ignored by a woman is simply wait patiently until the mood swings back toward you again. Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can. Often found in in women, but essential if you're a man. And the "ignoring and mood swing cycle" will repeat itself, so don't be surprised when you see it again.


I don't want a fish.. I want a MERMAID! 🧜🏼‍♀️


if you're good looking you're in, if not you're ignored, thats the truth!


A girl will never ignored a man whom still owe her some money...


Anna, I took a break from social media for a while and your video is the first I have tried to listen to. I say tried, as it is obvious what to do. You don't need to hear a coach talk for 10 minutes. Always expect 50% contribution from a womna - nothing less. iIof it is less, then block her immediately. Quid pro quo - yes or no. It's as simple as that. Too many women have an unmerited sense of entitlement. Forget all of them and concentrate only in woman that really want to be with you are are interested to be with you. Men should never expect less. Men are getting "higher value" by the day, and you will soon realize that any woman who does not make you more alive, is too small for you.


This recently happened to me & it’s probably the coldest thing anyone has ever done to me. Long story short, met a girl at the gym in November. Things started off tremendously well, attraction & interest was there on both sides. Got her #, we went grocery shopping that night & I walked her home!

A couple of days later we hung out, which she herself initiated & was very much looking forward to.
The next day she texted me saying she’s afraid of falling for me & can’t do a close relationship (for various reasons). She said she’s gonna distance herself from me. She even went as far as not showing up at the gym anymore. She either started going at a different time or switched gyms altogether.

Over a week ago, we crossed the same street at the same time. I said hi to her & she IGNORED me. I’ve been hurt, confused & absolutely perplexed over this.
