Can Javier Milei Save Argentina’s Economy?

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Argentina, has elected Javier Milei, an "anarcho-capitalist" who aims to cut government spending and dollarise the economy. This video explores Argentina's unique economic and political landscape, the recent election, and the feasibility of Milei's plans.

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0:00 Intro
1:35 Context
4:26 Milei’s election
6:43 Will Dollarisation work?
8:43 Sponsor
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I often feel like political coverage of Latin and South American countries tends to focus a bit too much on the presidents. It's easy to forget that these countries have very American-style political systems, in which the Congress has a lot of power and can oppose, slow-walk, or even impeach the president. I feel like in recent years, tensions between presidents and congresses who hate each other has become a pronounced theme of Latin and South American politics, and it's why no matter how wild and flamboyant the president is, or how extreme right or left he is, the big problems never seem to get resolved because there is no broad public consensus regarding what should be done.


A small correction. That video wasn’t his victory speech, bu tone of his rallies. In the actual speech he was quite calm.


If nothing else, its a good case study for the rest of the world. Good luck Argentina


"The central bank is the worst thing in the universe" that actually cracked me up 🤣


I guess it's not that surprising that the response to an ideology as odd as peronism would be equally odd


He didn't dance on stage on his victory speech. He had a very serious and measured attitude


It's easier said than done. Let's see what he can actually DO. Hope the best for Argentina. The people who get hurt from massive inflation are mostly from the bottom and working class


"Economists sometimes say there are four types of economies. Developed, Underdeveloped, Japan and Argentina"

Now I want to know why Japan is singled out here.


Honestly they’ve tried and failed for so long at this point that they might as well try with Milei, if nothing else it could be a good case study for this mix of conservative and economically libertarian policies. (edited/fixed from just “Libertarian” since it isn’t totally accurate.)


When talking about dollarization, you should have brought up El Salvador and Ecuador, both of which have already dollarized their economies.


Moral of the story:

Don't spend money you don't have.
Don't borrow money you can't pay back.
Don't pay bacl debts with more debt.


I cant say I agree politically but this will be an interesting case to follow none the less. I wish him the best of luck, he might need it.


You forgot to mention that peron was also a military general, came to power as Vicepresident and minister as part of a coup, and was the light and argentinian version of Franco and Mussolini. His economic policies can be resumed with one word: corporativism.
Also you forgot to even mention the Kirchners, who have dominated politics in Argentina since 2003 and have aligned the nation with Venezuela, and Cuba in the regional level and China, Russia and even Iran on the global scale. The ex-president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is convicted for several corruption scandals and she's the vice president of the Alberto Fernandez's current government.


I live in Argentina, and I just want to say that Milei didn't start hearing voices as you suggested in the video. There were loud noices in the studio when he was talking.
Also his opponent (Sergio Massa) used state money for a fear campaign where you could, for example, see videos of children using guns to shoot other children and then you would read "with Milei this could happen". People from the government went to different schools and universities, saying that from now on, you could pay with your organs and suggested selling the eyes because they are very valuable. And they did much more, including spending millions of pesos in Google ads with lies. Peronistas will do anything (possibly even selling their own mothers) to stay in power.


Honestly, if this guy succeeds, I'll have to meet those dogs.


I'm argentinian and I've been following this channel for years. Almost everything said here is correct, maybe with the exception of some minor details. Something important that everyone should know is that Milei is not a politician. He's an economist and had been working on that all his life. A couple of years ago he started giving interviews taking about economy and two years ago he was elected for "Congress". His opponent's campaign had at least 10 times more money spent on it and still he got elected with a 12% advantage. It would be interesting that you research on the details of this campaign and you would be horrified. Thanks for the quality content guys and mi best wishes to my fellow Argentinians in this new adventure, far far from the left


Argentina needs to remove the ability of elected officials to effect central bank policy, that's a big issue here. Most developed countries have central banks far enough removed from the political system that they don't deal with the pressures of every day politics and thus can make independent decisions for the good of the economy, even if they're not desirable for the incumbents


Why is nobody discussing this talking about the congressional election? Argentina has a similar separation of powers as the united states and Javier's party does not have a majority in either congressional house. There's no doubt that his more radical policies will never become laws.


some may say this is the biggist social experiment since the collapse of the USSR

tbh this is some peak essay material for any social/economics subject students that is having a hard time trying to pump out some work


As an argentina i really apreciate the care and work you put into this topic even if some details are off.
